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web3.js 1.2.5

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@nivida nivida released this 27 Jan 08:38
· 1017 commits to 1.x since this release

This release does add the requestAccounts, getPendingTransactions, and getProof JSON-RPC method. By side of it does it improve the returned Error object on the failure of a transaction and provides the possibility to activate the revert instruction handling with the newly added handleRevert module option.


  • eth_requestAccounts as requestAccounts added to web3-eth package (#3219)
  • sha3Raw and soliditySha3Raw added to web3-utils package (#3226)
  • eth_getProof as getProof added to web3-eth package (#3220)
  • BN and BigNumber objects are now supported by the abi.encodeParameter(s) method (#3238)
  • getPendingTransactions added to web3-eth package (#3239)
  • Revert instruction handling added which can get activated with the handleRevert module property (#3248)
  • The receipt does now exist as property on the error object for transaction related errors (#3259)
  • internalType added to AbiInput TS interface in web3-utils (#3279)
  • Agent option added to the HttpProvider options (#2980)


  • eth-lib dependency updated (0.2.7 => ^0.2.8) (#3242)


  • Fix crash when decoding events with identical signatures, differently indexed args (#3272)
  • Fix user supplied callback not fired in eth.accounts.signTransaction (#3283)
  • Fix minified bundle (#3256)
  • defaultBlock property handling fixed (#3247)
  • clearSubscriptions does no longer throw an error if no running subscriptions do exist (#3246)
  • callback type definition for Accounts.signTransaction fixed (#3280)
  • Fix export bloom functions on the index.js
  • Prefer receipt status to code availability on contract deployment (#3298)