Welcome to my repo for the Makers Academy weekend challenge 1:1!
My task was to create an emulation of an airport environment, in which planes can take off and land. To do this, I needed to implement guard classes to defend against the appropriate edge case, e.g planes are only able to take off from their current airport, etc.
Object-Oriented Design (OOD) & Test-Driven Development (TDD).
- Clone this repository, and change into the correct directory.
$ git https://github.com/kaaristrack/airport_challenge
$ cd airport_challenge
- Open in IRB or PRY.
$ pry
> require './file_collective.rb'
- Create a new airport.
$ pry
> airport = Airport.new
- Populate your new airport with a plane object.
> plane = Plane.new
> airport.landing(plane)
=> #<Airport:0x00007ffc10079a18 @airport_hangar=[], @capacity=5, @taxied_planes=0, @weather=#<Weather:0x00007ffc100799c8>>
- Marvel at the automatically updating capacity!