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FAQ: Is Open Source communism?

WebCrumbs Community edited this page Oct 11, 2023 · 4 revisions

At least Microsoft would say so in the 1990s when competing with Linux


(If you find it funny, here's a list of other interesting theories.)

But no, mates. Open Source is not communism

Open-source software can help protect against monopolies. For example, the rise of GNU/Linux, an open-source computer operating system, helped prevent Microsoft from being considered a monopolist.[9] Microsoft considered Linux to be their main competitor during the 1990s.[9] Many computer makers offer Linux or Windows for their users, and a large percentage of mobile phone and tablet operating systems are Android, which is a Linux variant. Not only are monopolies affected, but several other businesses with strongholds are affected. Microsoft Office has open-source competitors such as LibreOffice. (Wikipedia, Open-Source Economics)

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