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X: WebCrumbs vs.

WebCrumbs Community edited this page Oct 11, 2023 · 1 revision

Alright, let's switch gears and discuss is a newer player in the CMS space, offering real-time content collaboration and a customizable content studio. It's designed to be flexible and can fit a variety of workflows, including those of developers, content editors, and marketers.

Unlike WebCrumbs, which is firmly anchored in React, is more agnostic about front-end technologies. Its primary focus is on the back-end content repository, providing robust APIs to fetch content to any front-end. This makes it highly versatile but also means it doesn't specialize in a particular front-end framework.

WebCrumbs aims to fill a different niche. Built on React, it's a decoupled CMS designed to blend the best of both monolithic and headless systems. It's developer-friendly, enabling plugin development in various JavaScript frameworks, such as Angular, Vue, and Svelte. This makes WebCrumbs a more specialized option for those deeply invested in the React ecosystem.

In a nutshell, offers a broad, flexible solution for content management and real-time collaboration. WebCrumbs targets a more specific audience by offering a React-centric, decoupled CMS with the ability to expand through community-driven plugins.

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