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X: WebCrumbs vs. Squarespace

WebCrumbs Community edited this page Oct 11, 2023 · 1 revision

Let's talk about Squarespace now. Squarespace is a unique player in the CMS world; it's a SaaS-based platform designed for individuals and small businesses who want to create beautiful websites without the hassle of coding. It's not headless, and it's not really designed for heavy-duty customization. Squarespace comes with built-in templates and a drag-and-drop editor, making it incredibly user-friendly but less flexible for developers who want total control.

WebCrumbs aims for a different audience. Built on React, it's a decoupled CMS designed to offer the flexibility of both monolithic and headless systems. Unlike Squarespace, WebCrumbs allows for custom plugin development in various JavaScript frameworks such as Angular, Vue, or Svelte. This could attract a diverse developer community. Plus, its user-friendly design intends to make it accessible to non-developers as well.

To sum it up, Squarespace is geared towards those who want a beautiful, functional website without the coding hassle. WebCrumbs, on the other hand, aims to serve a broader audience by combining ease of use with the flexibility to go under the hood and tweak things.

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