npm install @webdeveric/craco-plugin --save
const { createCracoPlugin } = require('@webdeveric/craco-plugin');
const myCracoPlugin = createCracoPlugin({
// Used in verbose logging.
name: 'My Plugin',
* Provide default values for all of your options.
getOptions(options, context) {
return {
// Default option values go here.
// Tou can use `context.env` to conditionally set values based on the NODE_ENV.
* These arrays should contain functions that modify the provided configuration object.
* At lease one of the arrays should be provided.
* You can directly modify the `config` or you can return a new object.
* The return value of this function will be the `config` parameter for
* the next function in this array. If you don't return a value, this
* `config` object will be used for the next function's `config` parameter.
* Each function can take 4 parameters
* - config (one of: cracoConfig, webpackConfig, devServerConfig, jestConfig)
* - pluginOptions
* - context
* - cracoConfig
craco = [
(config, pluginOptions, context, cracoConfig) => config,
webpack = [
(webpackConfig, pluginOptions, context, cracoConfig) => webpackConfig,
devServer = [
(devServerConfig, pluginOptions, context, cracoConfig) => devServerConfig,
jest = [
(jestConfig, pluginOptions, context, cracoConfig) => jestConfig,