Ansible playbooks to automate various deployment routines [not only] on AWS
Case 1: Create a boto.cfg file in /etc folder, [sudo nano /etc/boto.cfg] , and copy-paste your AWS creds in it.
The boto.cfg file will be like this: [Credentials] AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = 'blablabla223%$%$%$%4%545' AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = 'blublublu223%$%$%$%4%545'
This setup concerns you if you want all the users in the machine to access the creds. Like a QA or Staging server.
Case 2: Create a file in the home folder [~/.boto] of a specific user that you want only him to have access to the creds. Copy-paste the AWS creds as stated above.
Official AWS docs here:
Run each playbook from the command line (Linux) like this:
ansible-playbook "-e 'VAR1=[value1] VAR2=[value2]'" [playbook-name].yml