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The code implements the SuperBigFLICA approach published in the following paper:

Gong, W., Bai, S., Zheng, Y. Q., Smith, S. M., & Beckmann, C. F. (2022). Supervised phenotype discovery from multimodal brain imaging. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 42(3), 834-849.

In python, install pytorch first (, and then please use the following two functions to perform the analysis:

pred_valid, best_model, loss_all_test, best_corr, final_model = SupervisedFLICA(x_train = Data_train, y_train = y_train, x_test = Data_valid, y_test = y_valid,
                                                              dropout=0.2, device = 'cpu',auto_weight = [1,1,1,1], lambdas = [relative_weight, relative_weight, 1-relative_weight, 1-relative_weight], nlat= nIC ,lr=lr, random_seed = 555, maxiter=50, batch_size=512, init_method = 'random')
lat_train,lat_test, spatial_loadings, modality_weights, prediction_weights, pred_train, pred_test = get_model_param(x_train = Data_train, x_test = Data_test, y_train=y_train, best_model = best_model)

Please divide your data into train, validation, and test sets.

1. The first function "SupervisedFLICA" trains the model, and then use a validation set to perform the model selection.
x_train: a list, each element is a subject-by-feature matrix of an imaging modality (without NaN), training set.
x_test: a list, each element is a subject-by-feature matrix of an imaging modality (without NaN), validation set.
y_train: a matrix, each is subject-by-nIDP (could contain NaN in it), training set nIDP.
y_test: a matrix, each is subject-by-nIDP (could contain NaN in it), test set nIDP.
relative_weight: a weight that balances the imaging reconstuction loss and nIDP prediction loss, you can specify it in (0,1). The smaller the relative_weight, the larger the imaging reconstuction loss.
nlat: the number of components (i.e., ICs) for SuperBigFLICA.
lr: the learning rate (e.g. 0.001)
batch_size: the batch size used for optimization.
device: 'cpu' if uses CPU for training, 'cuda' if use GPU.
dropout: The probability of dropout the imaging data in training. random_seed: The seed used for the model to reproduce the results. You can keep other parameters as default.

pred_valid: the predicted nIDP in the validation set.
best_model: the model that can give the best nIDP prediction in the validation set.
loss_all_test: the training losses.
best_corr: the evaluation metric (If there is only one nIDP, the metric is the correlation; if there are multiple nIDPs, the metric is the sum of correlations that are larger than 0.1).
final_model: the model of the last epoch.

2. The second function "get_model_param" apply model to the test dataset.
x_test: a list, each element is a subject-by-feature matrix of an imaging modality (without NaN), test set.
best_model: the model used for eval. If you don't want to use the best performed model in the validation set, you can also use the "final_model" output by the first function (the model of the last epoch).

lat_train: the multimodal shared latent variables (subject-by-nlat), use it to correlate/predict other nIDPs.
lat_test: the multimodal shared latent variables (subject-by-nlat), use it to correlate/predict other nIDPs.
spatial_loadings: a list, each element is a voxel-by-nlat independent spatial loading matrix. The loadings has been z-score normalized by regress the lat_train onto the original data x_train.
modality_weights: a nlat-by-modality matrix, it is the contribution of each modality to each latent component.
prediction_weights: a nlat-by-#nIDP matrix, the trained weights of predicting each of the nIDPs using the latent components.
pred_train, pred_test: the predicted nIDPs by the trained model in training set and test set.

3. Some other usages:
3.1 Unsupervised IDP discovery: one may not have a specific set of nIDP to predict, but only wants to discover imaging latent features from multimodal data. This is the same as done in the BigFLICA:

Gong, W., Beckmann, C. F., & Smith, S. M. (2021). Phenotype discovery from population brain imaging. Medical image analysis, 71, 102050.

you can specify "y_train", "y_valid" and "y_test" parameters as random noise in "SupervisedFLICA" and "get_model_param" functions, and set the "relative_weight" parameter as a very large number close to 1, e.g., 0.999999999999, in the above analysis. In this way, the output should be highly similar to the BigFLICA.


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