Maximal Poisson-disk Sampling via Sampling Radius Optimization
Usage example (see run.bat): gx_mps.exe square.line 300
Input: "square.line" is the boundary, namely, the unit square. "300" is the number of points to be sampled, and you can change it according to your applications.
Output: The sampled points in the format of .pts, which is located in ./data folder.
Note that, this release is only available on 64-bit systems.
If you use this code, please cite the following paper:
@inproceedings{Quan2016MAXMPS, author = {Quan, Weize and Yan, Dong-Ming and Guo, Jianwei and Meng, Weiliang and Zhang, Xiaopeng}, title = {Maximal Poisson-disk Sampling via Sampling Radius Optimization}, booktitle = {SIGGRAPH ASIA 2016 Posters}, series = {SA '16}, year = {2016}, pages = {22:1--22:2} }
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