#BinGo A standardized minimalistic build/deployment utility built in Go with the intention of accelerating mifedom exploration.
Supports a small(but growing) list of popular languages/frameworks.
##Supported Environments
Build targets:
- Angular
- Docker
- Python (Under construction)
- Nodejs(Typescript)
- Go
Default deploy targets:
- dev - Target-specific runner (language-specific file watcher with hot reload)
- local - Docker (local and/or remote)
- remote - GCP (local and/or remote, Local K8s -- Under construction)
Clone the git repository and link project root to your path.
$ git clone git@github.com:wejafoo/bin-go.git
$ cd bin-go && ln -s ~/bin .
$ echo 'export PATH=~/bin:${PATH}' >> ~/.zshrc
$ go mod tidy
$ go build -race -o ~/bin
This utility is a minimal build/test/deploy utility aspires to be the lowest common denominator of the Supported Environments.
Once configured, builds a mife or mise, bundles its artifacts, publishes an image, and deploys a container to the specified target in a single command line that respects the environment with the following priority :
- command line arguments -- (
) - local environment -- ( local IDE / remote GCP web UI / local gcloud )
- remote deployment environment -- ( docker-compose.yml / GCP cloudbuild.json )
- remote deployment environment -- ( docker-compose.yml / GCP cloudbuild.json )
- bingo configuration file -- (
/.fd && <PROJECT ROOT>
) - bingo defaults -- ( global hard-coded rules based on language target / Docker image hard-coded defaults )
The following itemizes the command line config arguments that can be applied at build time(second column) to the CLI or can be applied via config or ENV variable using the third column.
Bools default to true
if the flag is added to the command, or using --build=false
to negate the flag
Strings expect an equal sign followed by double-quoted values.
By convention, the third column can be applied to the Env by prepended each camel-cased word boundary with an underscore and switching to all uppercase alphabetic characters (e.g. FdBuildContext = FD_BUILD_CONTEXT)
Bool build FdBuild -- DEFAULT: true - Turns on application-specific builds
Bool clean FdClean -- DEFAULT: false - Prunes all stopped containers and any unused image, network, or volume
Bool debug FdDebug -- Turns on detailed logging and enables a debugger if identified
Bool local FdLocal -- Identifies a build target as local(i.e. not remote)
Bool quiet FdQuiet -- Turns off all logging to STDOUT
Bool remote FdRemote -- Identifies a build target as remote(i.e. not local)
Bool verbose FdTest -- Run test harness
Bool verbose FdVerbose -- Verbose execution output
String adc FdBuildContext -- REQUIRED - String indicating the location of default remote credentials
String context FdBuildContext -- REQUIRED - String indicating local(-local) or cloud(-remote) deploy
String init FdInit --
String nickname FdService -- Provides the route for mife
String route FdRouteBase -- Provides the route for mife
String repo FdRepo -- DEFAULT: $PWD - Working directory and/or Docker Compose service directive.
String site FdTitle -- Provides the pretty name for the service
String alias FdTargetAlias -- Recognizable label added to viewable instance name
String domain FdTargetDomain -- The domain within which the target service will be mapped.
String image FdTargetImageTag -- The default tag of a newly minted build images.
String port FdTargetLocalPort -- The host port accessible by a user and mapped to the service port
String Log FdTargetLogLevel -- DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL (default: INFO)
String pid FdTargetProjectId -- The project ID used for a cloud-based deployments.
String realm FdTargetRealm -- Prefix that, when prepended to root domain, serves as the app OAuth realm.
String port2 FdTargetRemotePort -- The actual service port of a running container, rarely available to users.
From project root, run the following(assumes Docker is installed locally and working):
$ bingo --local
From project root, run the following(assumes 'gcloud' is installed locally and able to connect to the targeted cloud project):
$ bingo -remote=stage
For a variety of reasons, Docker tends to accumulate residue over time and eventually presents unwanted side effects, so it might be a good idea to periodically run the following:
$ bingo -clean
With no additional arguments, this will prune the following local Docker artifacts:
- Stopped containers
- Unused images
- Unused networks
- Unused volumes
Although it may not clean up your Docker issue, it will likely return Gbs of unnecessarily hoarded disk in just a few seconds.
- FdTargetRealm - should always end with a '.'
- FdRouteBase - should always begin with a '/' and, if the mife contains sub-routes, end with a '/'
Todo: Add documentation here that explains the default config file(s) and how they should be modified
Todo: Add automated test cases that build and deploy all project types following a commit to this repo