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This repo contains the user-/researcher-facing website for Well Ping, as well as some universal links-related setup files for the domain.

Universal Links (for the app/ folder)

If the user has installed the app, they will be able to launch the app by visiting any page under (the app/ folder). This is very useful for pre-filling the login information, as the user simply has to click a link in the email they received to automatically have the app opened and their user login code entered.

This is set up on the web-side by the .well-known folder and on the client-side by ios.associatedDomains and android.intentFilters keys in

See for more information.

.well-known folder

The .well-known folder stores files necessary for iOS (the apple-app-site-association file) and Android (the assetlinks.json file) to recognize as the domain to open the Well Ping app when the user visits any page under the app folder

Learn more: wellping/wellping#20.