A distributed in-memory key-value store built using hashicorp/serf with HTTP API
go github.com/werbenhu/serfkv
-cluster-addr string
memberlist host:port (default ":9601")
-http-addr string
http host:port (default ":4001")
-members string
seeds memberlist of cluster,such as,
Start first node ":9601"
serfkv --cluster-addr=
Make a note of the local node address
start serf cluster on
Listening and serving HTTP on :4001
Start second node with first node as part of the nodes list
serfkv --members= --http-addr=:4002 --cluster-addr=
You should see the output
start serf cluster on
Listening and serving HTTP on :4002
First node output will log the new connection
A node has joined: DESKTOP-SJCIADA-cgegdtvfb8nju677cl40
- /get - get a value
- /set - set a value
- /del - delete a value
Query params expected are key
and val
# add
curl "http://localhost:4001/set?key=foo&val=bar"
# get
curl "http://localhost:4001/get?key=foo"
# delete
curl "http://localhost:4001/del?key=foo"