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Tomas Carnecky edited this page Jun 1, 2011 · 1 revision

If you are running a 64bit OS (on a amd64 CPU for example) and need to capture a 32bit app, you'll need to compile seom and yukon in 32bit mode. These two scripts will do that for you.



build() {
        touch config.make
        make mrproper

        ./configure --prefix=/usr --arch="$1" --cflags="-W -Wall"
        make CC="$2"
        sudo make install LIBDIR="$3"

build "x86"   "gcc -m32" "lib32"
build "amd64" "gcc -m64" "lib64"



build() {
        make mrproper

        ./configure --prefix=/usr --libdir="$3" --arch="$1"
        make CC="$2"
        sudo make install
        sudo mkdir -p /etc/yukon/system
        sudo cp sysconf /etc/yukon/system/$1

build "x86"   "gcc -m32" "lib32"
build "amd64" "gcc -m64" "lib64"
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