- Docker:24.0.6
- Docker compose: 2.20.3
This project is a simplified version of an order manager, its purpose is to demonstrate some skills for the selection process in which I am participating.
- All entities (User, Order, Item, StockMovement) must have an endpoint to create, update, delete and list;
- When an order is created, it should try to satisfy it with the current stock;
- When a stock movement is created, the system should try to attribute it to an order that isn't complete;
- Trace the list of stock movements that were used to complete the order, and vice-versa;
- Show current completion of each order;
- API should make by java 8 with Spring Boot + Spring JPA or Jave EE + Hibernate, PostgreSQL, GIT, log4j (or other);
Just clone the repository and run docker compose in the project root.
docker-compose up -d
Just access the api documentation at the URL below.
You can use the documentation page to make requests and test the application. .
- You can view what the application is running using the logs
docker logs webapp -f
- Add pagination on endpoints that list records.
- Add filters on record listing endpoints
- Add hyperlinks (HATEOAS).
- Create service to remove assignments when an order or stock movement is deleted, ensuring information consistency.