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pick_advance: Bring the UI layout more in line with the game engine
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This does alter some of the code significantly to make it less "clever"
(no more dynamic build) but also less hostile to future modifications
like this.

(CC #5555)
  • Loading branch information
irydacea committed Feb 17, 2021
1 parent 75522eb commit bb6ef63
Showing 1 changed file with 122 additions and 50 deletions.
172 changes: 122 additions & 50 deletions data/modifications/pick_advance/dialog.lua
Expand Up @@ -4,22 +4,10 @@ pickadvance = {}
local T = wesnoth.require("lua/helper.lua").set_wml_tag_metatable {}
local _ = wesnoth.textdomain "wesnoth"

local function filter_false(arr)
local result = {}
for _, v in ipairs(arr) do
if v ~= false then
result[#result + 1] = v
return result

function pickadvance.show_dialog_unsynchronized(advance_info, unit)
-- dialog exit codes --
local reset_code = -3
local single_unit_code = -1
local all_units_code = 1
local unit_type_options = advance_info.type_advances
local options = {}
Expand All @@ -33,54 +21,137 @@ function pickadvance.show_dialog_unsynchronized(advance_info, unit)
and (advance_info.game_override or {})[1] or nil

local description_row = T.row {
T.column { T.label { use_markup = true, label = _"Plan advance:" } },
T.column {
border = "all",
border_size = 5,
horizontal_alignment = "left",
T.label {
definition = "title",
label = _ "Plan Advance"

local list_sub_row = T.row {
T.column { T.image { id = "the_icon" } },
T.column { grow_factor = 0, T.label { use_markup = true, id = "the_label" } },
T.column { grow_factor = 1, T.spacer {} },
local list_row_definition = T.grid {
T.row {
T.column {
border = "all",
border_size = 5,
grow_factor = 0,
horizontal_alignment = "left",
T.image {
id = "the_icon",
linked_group = "image"
T.column {
border = "all",
border_size = 5,
grow_factor = 1,
horizontal_alignment = "left",
T.label {
use_markup = true,
id = "the_label",
linked_group = "type"

local toggle_panel = T.toggle_panel { return_value = single_unit_code, T.grid { list_sub_row } }

local list_definition = T.list_definition { T.row { T.column { horizontal_grow = true, toggle_panel } } }

local listbox = T.listbox { id = "the_list", list_definition, has_minimum = true }

local reset_button = T.button {
return_value = reset_code,
label = _"Reset",
tooltip = _"Reset advancements to default"
local unit_button = T.button {
return_value = single_unit_code,
label = _"Save",
tooltip = _"Save the advancement for this unit only"
local recruits_subbutton = T.button {
return_value = all_units_code,
label = _"Save (all)",
tooltip = _"Save the advancement for all units of this type"

local listbox = T.listbox {
id = "the_list",
has_minimum = true,
T.list_definition {
T.row {
T.column {
horizontal_grow = true,
vertical_grow = true,
T.toggle_panel {
return_value = single_unit_code,
local recruits_button = not unit.canrecruit and T.row { T.column { horizontal_grow = true, recruits_subbutton } }

-- main dialog definition
local dialog = {
T.tooltip { id = "tooltip_large" },
T.helptip { id = "tooltip_large" },
T.grid(filter_false {
T.row { T.column { T.spacer { width = 250 } } },
T.tooltip {
id = "tooltip_large"
T.helptip {
id = "tooltip_large"
T.linked_group {
id = "image",
fixed_width = true
T.linked_group {
id = "type",
fixed_width = true
T.grid {
T.row { T.column { horizontal_grow = true, listbox } },
T.row { T.column { horizontal_grow = true, unit_button } },
T.row { T.column { horizontal_grow = true, (unit_override_one or game_override_one) and reset_button or T.spacer { width = 250 } } },
T.row {
grow_factor = 1,
T.column {
border = "all",
border_size = 5,
horizontal_grow = true,
T.row {
grow_factor = 0,
T.column {
border = "all",
border_size = 5,
horizontal_alignment = "left",
T.toggle_button {
id = "apply_to_all",
label = _ "Apply to all units of this type"
T.row {
T.column {
horizontal_grow = true,
T.grid {
T.row {
grow_factor = 0,
T.column {
border = "all",
border_size = 5,
horizontal_alignment = "left",
T.button {
return_value = reset_code,
id = "reset",
label = _ "Reset",
tooltip = _ "Reset advancements to default"
T.column {
border = "all",
border_size = 5,
horizontal_alignment = "right",
T.button {
return_value = single_unit_code,
label = _ "Save"

-- dialog preshow function
local function preshow()
wesnoth.set_dialog_active(not not (unit_override_one or game_override_one), "reset")
wesnoth.set_dialog_visible(not unit.canrecruit, "apply_to_all")

for i, advance_type in ipairs(options) do
local text =
if == game_override_one then
Expand All @@ -107,22 +178,23 @@ function pickadvance.show_dialog_unsynchronized(advance_info, unit)

-- dialog postshow function
local item_result
local apply_to_all
local function postshow()
item_result = wesnoth.get_dialog_value("the_list")
apply_to_all = wesnoth.get_dialog_value("apply_to_all")

local dialog_exit_code = wesnoth.show_dialog(dialog, preshow, postshow)

-- determine the choice made
local is_reset = dialog_exit_code == reset_code
local is_ok = dialog_exit_code >= single_unit_code and item_result >= 1
local game_scope = dialog_exit_code == all_units_code
return {
is_unit_override = is_reset or is_ok,
unit_override = is_ok and options[item_result].id or is_reset and table.concat(unit_type_options, ","),

is_game_override = is_reset or game_scope,
game_override = game_scope and options[item_result].id or nil,
is_game_override = is_reset or apply_to_all,
game_override = apply_to_all and options[item_result].id or nil,

Expand Down

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