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Releases: weso/pregel-rs


27 Jun 10:51
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v0.0.13 Pre-release

We are excited to announce the release of pregel-rs version 0.0.13! This release introduces a significant improvement by deriving the implementation of the Clone trait. The Clone trait provides a convenient way to create copies of objects in Rust, allowing you to clone your graph structures effortlessly.

New Features

  • Implemented automatic derivation of the Clone trait for graph structures. With this enhancement, you can now easily create clones of your graph objects using the clone() method, making it more convenient to work with multiple copies of the same graph simultaneously.
  • This improvement eliminates the need for manual implementation of the Clone trait, reducing the amount of boilerplate code required.


11 Jun 11:28
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v0.0.12 Pre-release

We're excited to announce the release of pregel-rs version 0.0.12! This release brings several improvements and bug fixes, with a major change in functionality.

Removed remove_nulls functionality

In response to user feedback and to streamline the library, we have decided to remove the remove_nulls functionality from pregel-rs. This feature was initially introduced to handle null values in the graph data, but it has been found to create unnecessary complexity and potential confusion.

Removing the remove_nulls functionality simplifies the codebase and reduces the cognitive load when working with the library. It also aligns with the design principle of keeping pregel-rs lightweight and focused on its core features.

We understand that some users may have been utilizing this functionality in their projects. If you rely on remove_nulls, we recommend updating your code to handle null values directly before invoking pregel-rs. This approach allows for better control and customization based on your specific use case.


10 Jun 14:40
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v0.0.11 Pre-release

We are pleased to announce the release of pregel-rs version 0.0.11! In this version, we have made some changes to the naming conventions of symbols in order to improve clarity and consistency within the codebase. These changes should help developers better understand the functionality and purpose of various components.

Renamed Symbols

The following symbols have been renamed in this release:

  • MessageReceiver::Src is now MessageReceiver::Subject: To avoid potential naming conflicts and provide a more descriptive name, the symbol representing a the direction of the messages sent in the Pregel model has been renamed.
  • MessageReceiver::Dst is now MessageReceiver::Object: Similar to the above change, the symbol representing an outer direction.


10 Jun 11:39
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v0.0.10 Pre-release

We are pleased to announce the release of pregel-rs version 0.0.10! This version primarily focuses on some minor refactoring in the name conventions within the repository. These changes aim to improve code readability and maintainability, providing a more consistent and intuitive experience for developers.

Changes and Enhancements

  • Refactored Name Conventions: We have conducted a comprehensive review of the naming conventions used throughout the pregel-rs codebase. Based on community feedback and best practices, we have made the following changes:
    • Updated field names to follow some more generic names based on the subject-predicate-object convention on Knowledge graph
    • Improved clarity and consistency in naming data structures.

Bug Fixes

This release does not include any bug fixes. It focuses solely on improving the codebase's naming conventions.


We have updated our pola-rs dependency to the latest version: 0.30.0. Hope the solution is even more performant now :D


27 May 09:45
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v0.0.9 Pre-release

We are thrilled to announce the release of pregel-rs v0.0.9! This version brings exciting enhancements and optimizations to the Pregel framework implemented in Rust. The major change in this release is the introduction of a more optimized fill_null policy, which significantly improves the performance and efficiency of graph computations.

Key Features

Introduction of a more optimized fill_null policy for improved performance.
Enhanced efficiency in graph computations.
Bug fixes and stability improvements.

Optimized fill_null Policy

In previous versions, the fill_null policy in pregel-rs was adequate but not fully optimized for performance. With v0.0.9, we have implemented a more optimized fill_null policy that drastically improves the efficiency of graph computations. This optimization ensures faster execution times and reduced resource utilization, enabling users to process larger graphs and achieve better overall performance.


24 May 17:14
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v0.0.8 Pre-release

We are excited to announce the release of version 0.0.8 of the pregel-rs project! This release introduces a major change in the library by adopting the Polars streaming API for enhanced data processing capabilities. This update brings improved performance, flexibility, and data handling capabilities to the pregel-rs project.

New Features:

  • Integration of Polars streaming API: In this version, pregel-rs has been upgraded to leverage the power of the Polars streaming API. This integration allows for efficient and seamless processing of large-scale graph data by taking advantage of Polars' streaming capabilities. The streaming API provides improved memory management and enables processing of data sets that do not fit entirely in memory.


  • Enhanced data processing performance: By utilizing the Polars streaming API, pregel-rs achieves higher performance when handling large graph data sets. The streaming capabilities optimize memory usage and enable efficient data processing, resulting in faster execution times for graph algorithms.
  • Improved data handling and flexibility: The adoption of the Polars streaming API enhances the data handling capabilities of Pregel-rs. It provides support for various data formats, such as CSV, Parquet, and Arrow, allowing users to seamlessly process and analyze data from different sources.

Bug Fixes:

  • Addressed data handling issues: Several data handling issues reported by the community have been resolved in this release. The integration with the Polars streaming API ensures more robust data handling, reducing the occurrence of data-related errors and inconsistencies.

General Improvements:

  • Documentation updates: The documentation for pregel-rs has been updated to reflect the changes introduced in version 0.0.8. It provides detailed information on utilizing the Polars streaming API and its benefits in graph processing with pregel-rs.
  • Code optimizations: Various code optimizations have been implemented to improve the overall efficiency and maintainability of the pregel-rs project.

We hope that the adoption of the Polars streaming API in pregel-rs version 0.0.8 empowers you to process and analyze large-scale graph data with ease and efficiency.

Happy graph processing!


24 May 10:40
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v0.0.7 Pre-release

We are pleased to announce the release of version 0.0.7 of the pregel-rs project! This release brings several improvements and bug fixes to enhance the performance and stability of the library. The main highlight of this version is the introduction of rechunking memory after appends, which results in improved memory management and efficiency.

New Features:

  • Rechunking memory after appends: With this release, we have implemented a new memory management strategy that rechunks memory after appends. This approach optimizes the allocation and deallocation of memory, leading to better overall performance and reduced memory fragmentation.


  • Improved memory utilization: The rechunking strategy introduced in this version helps optimize memory utilization by reducing fragmentation and improving memory allocation efficiency. This enhancement leads to more effective memory usage within the pregel-rs library.
  • Increased performance: By rechunking memory after appends, the performance of the library has been enhanced, resulting in faster execution times for graph processing tasks.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed memory leaks: We have addressed several memory leaks that were present in previous versions of pregel-rs. With this release, memory is now efficiently managed and deallocated, ensuring a more stable and reliable execution environment.

General Improvements:

  • Documentation updates: The documentation for pregel-rs has been revised and expanded in this version. We have added more comprehensive explanations and examples to assist users in understanding and utilizing the library effectively.
  • Code optimizations: Several code optimizations and refactoring have been performed to enhance the overall quality, maintainability, and readability of the pregel-rs project.

We appreciate the feedback and contributions from our community that have helped us make these improvements. Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions, feedback, or bug reports. We hope you enjoy using Pregel-rs version 0.0.7 and that it enhances your graph processing experience.

Happy graph processing!


10 May 09:50
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v0.0.6 Pre-release

Release Notes for pregel-rs version 0.0.6:

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed issues related to the algorithm execution that caused unexpected behavior and errors.
  • Improved stability and reliability of the library, addressing several reported bugs.

New Features:

  • Implemented new builder methods using closures, providing more flexibility and control to the user in configuring the graph and the computation.
  • Added new documentation and examples to help users understand and use the library more easily.


  • Upgraded dependencies to their latest versions, improving overall performance and compatibility.

Overall, version 0.0.6 of pregel-rs introduces several bug fixes, new features, and upgrades, making the library more reliable, flexible, and performant. We encourage all users to upgrade to this version for a better experience. If you encounter any issues or have any feedback, please don't hesitate to open an issue or contact us directly.


15 Apr 13:48
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v0.0.5 Pre-release

We are excited to announce the latest release of pregel-rs v0.0.5, a powerful graph processing library in Rust. In this release, we have introduced a new feature that allows users to chain the send_messages function, providing a more efficient and streamlined approach to graph processing.

The send_messages function, which is a fundamental part of the pregel-rs library, is used to send messages between vertices in a distributed graph processing system. With the new update, users can now chain multiple send_messages calls together, simplifying the code and reducing the overhead of intermediate data structures.

This chaining capability allows for more concise and expressive graph processing pipelines, enabling users to easily implement complex graph algorithms with fewer lines of code. It also improves the performance of graph processing by minimizing data copying and serialization overhead, leading to faster and more efficient graph computations.

Here are some key highlights of the new feature in pregel-rs v0.0.5:

  • Chained send_messages: Users can now chain multiple send_messages calls together, enabling a more compact and expressive way of specifying the message passing logic in graph algorithms.
  • Improved efficiency: The ability to chain send_messages calls reduces intermediate data structures, data copying, and serialization overhead, resulting in improved performance and efficiency in graph processing.

Upgrade to pregel-rs v0.0.5 now and take advantage of the new chained send_messages function to unlock enhanced graph processing efficiency in your Rust-based graph processing pipelines. We are confident that this update will empower users to build faster and more efficient graph processing applications with ease. Try it out today and let us know how it elevates your graph processing experience!


14 Apr 23:12
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v0.0.4 Pre-release

In version 0.0.4, we have addressed several bugs reported by the community to further enhance the stability and reliability of pregel-rs. These bug fixes include addressing edge cases, resolving performance issues, and improving error handling to provide a smoother experience for users.

Key Features of pregel-rs v0.0.4:

  • Bug Fixes: Several bugs reported by the community have been fixed, improving the stability and reliability of pregel-rs. These fixes address edge cases, performance issues, and error handling to ensure a smoother graph processing experience.

We encourage users to update to version 0.0.4 of pregel-rs to take advantage of the bug fixes and improvements. As always, we welcome your feedback and contributions to the project. Get started with pregel-rs v0.0.4 by checking out the documentation and examples in the GitHub repository. Happy graph processing with pregel-rs!