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wb - Wikidata and WikiBase instances tools

Some tools to work with Wikidata and Wikibase instances


TODO: It is possible to create binaries for the different systems and publish them using scala-cli

Build from source

It requires scala-cli which can be downloaded for Linux, Windows and MacOS.

Once you download it, you can create a binary using:

$ scala-cli package . -o wb -f

and run the program with:

$ ./wb


    wb info
    wb validate
    wb sparql

Information about Wikidata or Wikibase instances

Example: wb info --schema E42 
  Prints information about entity schema E42 from Wikidata

Options and flags:
        Display this help text.
    --version, -v
        Print the version number and exit.

        Get info about entity
        Validate an entity with an entity schema
        Run SPARQL query

Subcommand info

Can be used to obtain information about Wikibase entities

Usage: wb info --entity <entityId> [--wikibase <string>] [--schemaFormat <format>] [--mode <mode>] [--verbose <string>]

Get info about entity

Options and flags:
        Display this help text.
    --entity <entityId>, -e <entityId>
        Entity Id, example: Q42
    --wikibase <string>
        Wikibase, default: wikidata, values: wikidata|rhizome|gndtest
    --schemaFormat <format>
        Schema format, default = ShExC. Possible values = ShExC|ShExJ
    --mode <mode>
        Info mode, default = Out. Possible values = Out|Raw
    --verbose <string>
        verbose level. 0 = nothing, 1 = info msgs, 2 = all msgs

Subcommand validate

Can be used to validate entities using entity schemas written in ShEx

    wb validate --schema <string> --entity <entityId> [--wikibase <string>] [--shape <string>] [--shex-engine <engine>] [--result-format <format>] [--verbose <string>]
    wb validate --schema-file <file> --entity <entityId> [--wikibase <string>] [--shape <string>] [--shex-engine <engine>] [--result-format <format>] [--verbose <string>]

Validate an entity with an entity schema

Options and flags:
        Display this help text.
    --schema <string>
        Entity schema Id, example: E42
    --schema-file <file>
        File that contains entity schema
    --entity <entityId>, -e <entityId>
        Entity Id, example: Q42
    --wikibase <string>
        Wikibase, default: wikidata, values: wikidata|rhizome|gndtest
    --shape <string>
        Shape to validate in entity schema (if not specified, it uses Start shape)
    --shex-engine <engine>
        ShEx engine. Available engines: ShExS,Jena
    --result-format <format>
        result-format, default = Details, values=Details|Compact|JSON
    --verbose <string>
        verbose level. 0 = nothing, 1 = info msgs, 2 = all msgs

Subcommand SPARQL

Can be used to run SPARQL queries on Wikidata and Wikibase instances

Usage: wb sparql --query-file <file> [--wikibase <string>] [--result-format <string>] [--verbose <string>]

Run SPARQL query

Options and flags:
        Display this help text.
    --query-file <file>
        File that contains the SPARQL query
    --wikibase <string>
        Wikibase, default: wikidata, values: wikidata|rhizome|gndtest
    --result-format <string>
        Result format. Default=AsciiTable. Values=Table|JSON|XML
    --verbose <string>
        verbose level. 0 = nothing, 1 = info msgs, 2 = all msgs


Get information about Q42

wb info --entity Q42

Validate Q42 with entity schema E42 from Wikidata

wb validate --entity Q42 --schema E42

Validate Q5 with entity schema E1 from a different Wikibase instance

wb validate --entity Q5 --schema E1 --wikibase GNDTest

Run a sparql query

wb sparql --query-file examples/query1.sparql

Other distribution possibilities

It is possible to distribute/package the program using any of the scala-cli package options like Windows, docker, etc.

  • Author: Jose Emilio Labra Gayo