Some tools to work with Wikidata and Wikibase instances
TODO: It is possible to create binaries for the different systems and publish them using scala-cli
It requires scala-cli which can be downloaded for Linux, Windows and MacOS.
Once you download it, you can create a binary using:
$ scala-cli package . -o wb -f
and run the program with:
$ ./wb
wb info
wb validate
wb sparql
Information about Wikidata or Wikibase instances
Example: wb info --schema E42
Prints information about entity schema E42 from Wikidata
Options and flags:
Display this help text.
--version, -v
Print the version number and exit.
Get info about entity
Validate an entity with an entity schema
Run SPARQL query
Can be used to obtain information about Wikibase entities
Usage: wb info --entity <entityId> [--wikibase <string>] [--schemaFormat <format>] [--mode <mode>] [--verbose <string>]
Get info about entity
Options and flags:
Display this help text.
--entity <entityId>, -e <entityId>
Entity Id, example: Q42
--wikibase <string>
Wikibase, default: wikidata, values: wikidata|rhizome|gndtest
--schemaFormat <format>
Schema format, default = ShExC. Possible values = ShExC|ShExJ
--mode <mode>
Info mode, default = Out. Possible values = Out|Raw
--verbose <string>
verbose level. 0 = nothing, 1 = info msgs, 2 = all msgs
Can be used to validate entities using entity schemas written in ShEx
wb validate --schema <string> --entity <entityId> [--wikibase <string>] [--shape <string>] [--shex-engine <engine>] [--result-format <format>] [--verbose <string>]
wb validate --schema-file <file> --entity <entityId> [--wikibase <string>] [--shape <string>] [--shex-engine <engine>] [--result-format <format>] [--verbose <string>]
Validate an entity with an entity schema
Options and flags:
Display this help text.
--schema <string>
Entity schema Id, example: E42
--schema-file <file>
File that contains entity schema
--entity <entityId>, -e <entityId>
Entity Id, example: Q42
--wikibase <string>
Wikibase, default: wikidata, values: wikidata|rhizome|gndtest
--shape <string>
Shape to validate in entity schema (if not specified, it uses Start shape)
--shex-engine <engine>
ShEx engine. Available engines: ShExS,Jena
--result-format <format>
result-format, default = Details, values=Details|Compact|JSON
--verbose <string>
verbose level. 0 = nothing, 1 = info msgs, 2 = all msgs
Can be used to run SPARQL queries on Wikidata and Wikibase instances
Usage: wb sparql --query-file <file> [--wikibase <string>] [--result-format <string>] [--verbose <string>]
Run SPARQL query
Options and flags:
Display this help text.
--query-file <file>
File that contains the SPARQL query
--wikibase <string>
Wikibase, default: wikidata, values: wikidata|rhizome|gndtest
--result-format <string>
Result format. Default=AsciiTable. Values=Table|JSON|XML
--verbose <string>
verbose level. 0 = nothing, 1 = info msgs, 2 = all msgs
wb info --entity Q42
wb validate --entity Q42 --schema E42
wb validate --entity Q5 --schema E1 --wikibase GNDTest
wb sparql --query-file examples/query1.sparql
It is possible to distribute/package the program using any of the scala-cli package options like Windows, docker, etc.
- Author: Jose Emilio Labra Gayo