go-phrase is a Go client library for accessing the PhraseApp API. It also includes a command line interface that implements all the commands in the official PhraseApp command-line client.
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go-phrase requires Go version 1.1 or greater.
Download the latest binary here
The CLI has 4 commands:
init Initializes a phrase project
pull Download the translation files in the current project
push Upload the translation files in the current project to PhraseApp
tags List all the tags in the current project
Options and arguments for the commands are the same those used in the official command-line client.
import "github.com/weynsee/go-phrase/phrase"
Construct a new API client, then use the various services on the client to access different parts of the PhraseApp API. For example, to list all the locales for your project token:
client := phrase.New(token)
locales, err := client.Locales.ListAll()
This library is distributed under the MIT license found in the LICENSE file.