Project for a cloud based secure file exchange system using keys held by end users
Technology stack:
keyserver: Java7 Tomcat7 Spring MVC 3.2 Jackson json 1.9.13 Maven 3.1.1
Ubuntu 12.04 Download and install the openjdk-7-jdk and tomcat7 packages.
Download binary release of Maven 3.1.1 from
(Note; do NOT install the maven/maven2 packages from Canonical; they are very outdated. Recommend untarring the Maven binary downloaded above and creating a symlink to ${MAVEN_DL_LOCATION}/bin/mvn in /usr/bin
Checkout the github repo in your local repo; see
Build the projects with Maven as follows: mvn clean install
Copy the .war file generated by the build to the Tomcat webapps directory; on Ubuntu with standard Tomcat install this would be /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps
Access the web app at the Tomcat default service port 8080.
Basic json test page is accessible at http://localhost:8080/keyserv/ragnar
If you see json output on your screen, everything is setup correctly.
See google drive doc for screen caps and instructions
The keyserver is split into 2 Maven projects, the keyserv and keyservapp. keyserv is a web project that is used to build the war files.
keyservapp is the main project which is used to build the jar files. All the application level logic will go into keyservapp; this will simplify updating the web application since the jar files generated by building keyservapp can be used to overwrite the jars deployed by Tomcat when it explodes the keyserv war file.