is a convinent tool to let you quickly generate a nearly complete code for a new vehicle for Apollo.
You only have to do is to have the dbc file (which is a communication protocol for the car, which is usually made by the vehicle integrated company), and write a less 10 lines config for generate an encode/decode.
- opendbc is a project that opens the vehicle dbc protocol.
- openvehicles is an open car project that contains any vehicle information you want to know.
- whl-vehicles Apollo vehicle protocols based by opendbc.
You can install adbctool by following cmd.
pip3 install adbctool
Generate c++ code based on dbc file.
vehicle dbc file
: vehicle's dbc filevehicle type
: vehicle type
# adbctool -f vehicle.dbc -t vehicle_type
adbctool -f test/acura_ilx_2016_nidec.dbc -t acura_ilx