- React (Vite)
- TypeScript
- Redux Toolkit
- styled-components
- Golang
- Fiber
- Gorm
- Postgres
- - Validating input on adding cards
- - Transactions page
- - Transaction component
- - Making redesign of TransactionItem component (IMPORTANT)
- - Popup for making transactions
- - Refactor AddTransactionPopup if it's posibble
- - Add field for notes in AddTransactionPopup (16/10/2022)
- - Adding transactions to store (16/10/2022)
- - Types for payload (16/10/2022)
- - Taking money from choosed card (for transaction) (17/10/2022)
- - Validate if card balance have enough money (17/10/2022)
- - Refactor TransactionItem component about displaying data from store (17/10/2022)
- - Refactor AddTransactionPopup component (17/10/2022)
- - Adding transactions to DB (18/10/2022)
- - Getting transactions from DB (18/10/2022)
- - Validation for AddTransactionPopup fields
- [] - Responsive long note
- - Deleting transactions with return money on balance (30/10/2022)
- - Create investments page (28/10/2022)
- - Last transactions section (29/10/2022)
- - Sign in (save token)