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Readme for ""

This software is licensed under GPL(GNU GPLv3).

This tool combines a lot of possibilties of OpenSource Intelligence. The tool uses local shell commands, like ping, host ... and external resources as nmap or external webservices.

  1. System prerequisites
  • MacOS oder Linux (windows can be used only limited due to missing linux shell commands)
  • Python 2.7.x
  • Nmap (

Python integrated modules:

  • urllib
  • sys
  • platform (OS detection for nmap scan)

External python modules:

Own python modules:

  • asn_tool
  • clean_html
  • cn_fw
  • ddumpster
  • dnssec
  • freemail
  • ip_history
  • response_time
  • reverse_ip
  • reverse_whois
  • spam_db_lookup
  • whois
  • reverse_mx_lookup
  • reverse_ns_lookup
  1. Installation

Unpack "". This *.zip package contains all necessary scripts and own modules.

  1. Start the tool:

Enter the following command in the shell: <./>

                         _           _
                        (_)         | |
      __      _____  ___ _ _ __   __| |
      \ \ /\ / / _ \/ __| | '_ \ / _` |
       \ V  V / (_) \__ \ | | | | (_| |
        \_/\_/ \___/|___/_|_| |_|\__,_|    version: 2.2 by [Tom]

    1  - DNSDumpster (3)
    2  - Whois (1)
    3  - Manufactor Network Interface (HEX format for a macaddress "00:00:00:00:00:00") (4)
    4  - Ping (4 Ping from local maschine) (1)
    5  - Testing certificates for webserver ( (5)
    6  - Reverse Whois (2)
    7  - Reverse IP (2)
    8  - DNSSEC Test (2)
    9  - Response time from worldwide locates server to the target (2)
    10 - Header from a webserver (1)
    11 - Chinese firewall test (2)
    12 - Free Email Checkup (2)
    13 - IP history for a domain (2)
    14 - ASN search for a IP (7)
    15 - Reverse DNS (local host call) (2)
    16 - Spam DB lookup (8)
    17 - NsLookUp Type=any (1)
    18 - NsLookUp Type=soa|a|cname|ptr|mx (1)
    19 - Portscan with local installed "nmap" (nmap -v <IP|Domain>) - Script must be started as SUDO -
    20 - Vulnerability scan with local installed "nmap" (nmap -v -A <IP|Domain>) - Script must be started as SUDO -
    21 - Reverse NS Lookup (Nameserver is needed) (2)
    22 - Reverse MX Lookup (Mailserver is needed) (2)
    23 - Check DNS propagation (2)
    24 - Decode URL (2)
    25 - GeoIP Country (6)
    26 - GeoIP City (6)
    Exit with <ENTER>

    (1) using local commands like ping, host, curl, nslookup, whois
    (2) using external service from
    (3) using external service from
    (4) using external service from
    (5) using external service from
    (6) using external service from
    (7) using external service from
    (8) using external service from  

Enter the number own the test you want perform

After the end of the check you can prompt for another check or exit the program.

  1. Special checks with "nmap":
  • nmap checks must be started with "SUDO"
  • the nmap checks can be used with OSX and linux. The tool performs an automatic OS detection
  • the vulnerability scan can run up to 10 minutes


An OSINT tool for collecting public information.






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