- Tired of scouring php.net for the function names to utilize PDO every time you need to interact with MySQL?
- Frustrated with the amount of redundant code you have to write to build
a result set that's easily usable by your application? (I mean all you want
to do is
SELECT * FROM table WHERE col = ?
and display the results as html table rows...why are you now thinking about data types of parameters which you'll have to bind to a prepared statement...why are you wasting time?) - Stuck working outside modern php frameworks that include fancy ORMS?
- Want simplicity in database interaction without the bloat of a full fledged ORM?
- Are you a sane rational human being (or other form of entity which possesses a rational thought pattern)?
If you have answered YES
to any of the above, SimpleMySQL
might be right for you. Please consult with your senior developer today!
composer require whitwhoa/simple-mysql
use whitwhoa\SimpleMySQL\MySQLCon;
* First parameter is an array of the following:
* [
* host, username, password, database
* ]
* It is advised to store this information in a directory outside
* of your webroot if using this package within a web application.
* (for example create a file called connections.php containing multiple
* array variables with connection details for various connections, include
* the file at the top of your script and pass the variable containing the
* connection information you wish to instantiate a MySQLCon object for.)
* If boolean true is passed as second parameter, error reporting will be turned on
* (don't do this in production). Class could be updated to print more detailed errors.
$db = new MySQLCon(['localhost', 'root', 'root', 'testDB'], true);
// Obtain results as an array of stdClass objects
$users = $db->query('SELECT * FROM users')->asObj()->exec();
foreach($users as $u){
echo $u->email . "\n";
// Obtain a single row as an stdClass object
$user = $db->query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ?", [7])->singleAsObj()->exec();
echo $user->email;
// Obtain results as an array of associative arrays
$users = $db->query('SELECT * FROM users')->asArray()->exec();
foreach($users as $u){
echo $u['email'] . "\n";
// Obtain a single row as an associative array
$user = $db->query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ?", [7])->singleAsArray()->exec();
echo $user['email'];
// Insert a new record and obtain it's primary key value
$id = $db->query("INSERT INTO test(name) VALUES(?)", ['Richard'])->exec();
echo $id;
// Update an existing record (returns void)
$db->query("UPDATE test SET name = ? WHERE id = ?", ['Tom', 3])->exec();
// Delete an existing record (returns void)
$db->query("DELETE FROM test WHERE id = ?", [3])->exec();
If you experience any of the following symptoms please stop using SimpleMySQL and contact your senior developer immediately:
- Data loss and or corruption
- Poor performance
- Random intermittent issues which no one can explain
- Project managers now putting more pressure on you to get projects done faster since you've found a tool that allows you to be more efficient at your job
- A burning sensation when you urinate