Give thanks for a world of possibility and change
- Universal exchange-credit system for common community.
- The Tao in modern version for all people within new math and symbol.
- regex--“Yet another build your own regex engine tutorial”
- LRParser -- "Yet another build your own parser tutorial"
- A CPS transpiler for custom PL。
- Babel plugins for some funny purpose.
- Leetcode 刷题集 😭
- Build your own OS(restart after cyson raise).
- The lecture of designing and optimizing for Programming Language powered by VM.
- Teaching everyone to create their purpose DSL and GPL for any case.
- compilation backend optimize and nanopass-framework work(Not yet now).
- create my onw langguage - Cyson powered by LLVM and Antlr4(Not yet now).
- re-write babel-like tool but for generating more by LLVM.
- real-time video filter
- ES6+ 2d-canvas render engine (working in progress 70% finished)
- ES6+ webgl2 render engine (suspended with metal verison in swift)
- [ ] Another todo app in vue 2.x. <-- It's a prototype of my vue tutorial.- [ ] optimize packaging tool for swift or js.