- You can use at most 10 functions in this project.
- char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]: stores texts after the read function.
- static char *save: if '\n' is in the buffer, then the rest of the characters are copied to the save.
- result: a string to return.
char *get_next_line(int fd)
static char *save;
char *result;
ssize_t return_val;
char *buffer;
buffer = malloc(sizeof(char) * BUFFER_SIZE + 1);
if (buffer == NULL)
return (NULL);
*(buffer + BUFFER_SIZE) = '\0';
result = NULL;
return_val = save_to_result(&buffer, &result, &save);
if (return_val == 1)
return (result);
else if (return_val == -1)
return (exit_free(&buffer, &result, &save));
return_val = read_line_continue(&buffer, &result, &save, &fd);
if ((return_val == -1) || (result != NULL && ft_strlen(result) < 1))
return (exit_free(&buffer, &result, &save));
return (result);
- if the 'save' is NULL, read the 'buffer size' in the text and the result to the 'buffer'.
- else if the 'save' isn't NULL, you have to move the data in the 'save' to the 'buffer', and the 'save' set to NULL.
static int save_to_result(char **buffer, char **result, char **save)
if ((*save) == NULL)
return (-2);
ft_strlcpy(*buffer, *save, ft_strlen(*save) + 1);
*save = NULL;
return (put_line(buffer, result, save));
- Find '\n' in the buffer
- If '\n' in the buffer
- the former append to the 'result' : [0th] index to the [index of '\n']
- the others to the save : [index + 1] to the [BUFFER_SIZE - 1]
- return 'result'
- If '\n' is not in the buffer
- entire 'buffer' copy to the 'result'
- until you find the '\n', read the text.
static int put_line(char **buffer, char **result, char **save)
ssize_t index;
index = find_char(*buffer, '\n');
if (index == -1)
*result = append_buffer(*result, *buffer, ft_strlen(*buffer));
if (*result == NULL)
return (-1);
*save = NULL;
return (0);
*result = append_buffer(*result, *buffer, index + 1);
if (*result == NULL)
return (-1);
if (BUFFER_SIZE - (index + 1) > 0)
*save = append_buffer(*save, (*buffer + index + 1), \
BUFFER_SIZE - (index + 1));
if (*save == NULL)
return (-1);
return (1);
static int read_line_continue(char **buffer, \
char **result, char **save, int *fd)
ssize_t return_val;
while (1)
return_val = read(*fd, *buffer, BUFFER_SIZE);
if (return_val <= 0)
break ;
*(*buffer + return_val) = '\0';
return_val = put_line(buffer, result, save);
if (return_val == 1 || return_val == -1)
break ;
return (return_val);
- if the read failed: return value of read is -1 or 0
- fd value error: fd < 0
static char *exit_free(char **buffer, char **result, char **save)
(*buffer) = NULL;
(*save) = NULL;
(*result) = NULL;
return (NULL);
- find_char : function for finding the index of '\n', if not return -1
ssize_t find_char(const char *s, int c)
char *dummy;
ssize_t index;
dummy = (char *)s;
index = 0;
while (*(dummy + index))
if (((char)*(dummy + index)) == (char)c)
return (index);
if ((char)c == '\0')
return (index);
return (-1);
- append_buffer: after the 'result' of 'save', append a part of the 'buffer'
char *append_buffer(char const *s1, char const *s2, size_t len)
char *arr;
size_t len_s1;
if (s1 == NULL && s2 != NULL)
arr = malloc(sizeof(char) * (len + 1));
if (!arr)
return (NULL);
ft_strlcpy(arr, s2, len + 1);
return (arr);
else if (s2 == NULL)
return (NULL);
len_s1 = ft_strlen(s1);
arr = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * (len_s1 + len + 1));
if (!arr)
return (NULL);
ft_strlcpy(arr, s1, len_s1 + 1);
ft_strlcat(arr, s2, len_s1 + len + 1);
free((void *)s1);
return (arr);