"t_options' is a structure for storing information about options. "flag_minus" to "type" are the basic options in the printf function. "value" to "prefix" are a tool for making the converse string more easily.
- "*value" is a string after 'variable argument' converted to 'char *'
- "*space" is a string with zero or space for the option 'width'.
- "*prefix" and "val_minus" are variables for checking whether the input variable argument is positive or negative.
- "val_zero" and "val_null" are for exceptional cases where the value is zero or null.
- "strlen" checks for a length of "string", "string + precision", "print".
- "malloc_error" is a variable about telling malloc error. If memory allocation fails, then this flag turns to 1.
typedef struct t_options_type {
int flag_minus;
int flag_plus;
int flag_space;
int flag_zero;
int flag_hash;
int width;
int width_have;
int precision;
int precision_have;
int type;
char *value;
char *space;
char *prefix;
char *print;
int val_minus;
int val_zero;
int val_null;
int strlen;
int malloc_error;
} t_options;
The basic concept of my printf is :
- From the beginning to the end of the string
- If a char is '\0', it means the end of the string; break the loof
- If a char is '%', move the address collecting the options until it finds the 'type' and apply the options.
- If a char is other than '\0' or '%', write the char immediately.
int ft_printf(const char *format, ...)
size_t index;
va_list ap;
t_options *string_info;
int strlen;
strlen = 0;
string_info = (t_options *)malloc(sizeof(t_options));
if (string_info == NULL)
return (-1);
va_start(ap, format);
if (printer(format, &ap, string_info, &strlen) == -1)
return (ft_error_quit(&ap, string_info));
return (ft_free_fin(&ap, string_info, strlen));
static int printer(const char *format, va_list *ap, \
t_options *string_info, int *strlen)
size_t index;
int check;
index = 0;
while (*(format + index))
if (ft_percent_or_other(*(format + index)) == -1)
break ;
else if (ft_percent_or_other(*(format + index)) == 1)
if (conversion(format, &index, string_info) == -1)
return (-1);
check = ft_apply_option(ap, string_info);
if (check == -1)
return (-1);
(*strlen) += check;
else if (ft_percent_or_other(*(format + index)) == 2)
ft_putchar(*(format + index++), strlen);
return (0);
void ft_free_options(t_options *string_info)
if (string_info->value != NULL)
if (string_info->space != NULL)
if (string_info->print != NULL)
The include file <stdarg.h> declares a type (va_list) and defines three macros for stepping through a list of arguments whose number and types are not known to the called function. The called function must declare an object of type va_list which is used by the macros va_start(), va_arg(), va_copy(), and va_end()
The va_arg(), va_end(), and va_start() macros access the arguments to a function when it takes a fixed number of required arguments and a variable number of optional arguments. You declare required arguments as ordinary parameters to the function and access the arguments through the parameter names.
va_start(va_list ap, last)
The va_start() macro initializes the arg_ptr pointer for subsequent calls to va_arg() and va_end().
va_arg(va_list ap, type)
The va_arg() macro retrieves a value of the given var_type from the location given by arg_ptr and increases arg_ptr to point to the next argument in the list. The va_arg() macro can retrieve arguments from the list any number of times within the function.
va_end(va_list ap)
The va_end() macro is needed by some systems to indicate the end of parameter scanning.
va_copy(va_list dest, va_list src)
The va_copy() function creates a copy (dest) of a variable of type va_list (src). The copy appear as if it has gone through a va_start() and the exact set of sequences of va_arg() as that of src.
reference: IBM Document, man
This example passes a variable number of arguments to a function,
stores each argument in an array, and prints each argument.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
void vout(int max, ...);
int main(void)
vout(3, "Sat", "Sun", "Mon");
vout(5, "Mon", "Tues", "Wed", "Thurs", "Fri");
void vout(int max, ...)
va_list arg_ptr;
int args = 0;
char *days[7];
va_start(arg_ptr, max);
while(args < max)
days[args] = va_arg(arg_ptr, char *);
printf("Day: %s \n", days[args++]);
Check flag, width, precision, type, and finish the function if occurred an option error.
static int conversion(const char *format, \
size_t *index, t_options *string_info)
ft_memset(string_info, 0, sizeof(t_options));
while (ft_flag_checker(*(format + (*index))))
ft_flag_check(*(format + (*index)), string_info, index);
ft_width_check(format, index, string_info);
if (*(format + (*index)) == '.')
ft_precision_check(format, index, string_info);
if (ft_type_checker(*(format + (*index))) == 0)
return (-1);
string_info->type = *(format + (*index));
if (string_info->type == '%')
string_info->flag_zero = 0;
return (ft_option_error(string_info));
Find whether print the char immediately, collet and apply the options, or finish the function.
int ft_percent_or_other(char c)
if (c == '%')
return (1);
else if (c == '\0')
return (-1);
return (2);
Cases about option errors.
int ft_option_error(t_options *string_info)
if (string_info->type == 'c' || string_info->type == 'p')
if (string_info->precision > 0 || string_info->flag_zero == 1 \
|| string_info->flag_hash == 1 || string_info->flag_space == 1 \
|| string_info->flag_plus == 1)
return (-1);
if (string_info->type == 'c' || string_info->type == 's' \
|| string_info->type == 'p')
if (string_info->flag_zero == 1 || string_info->flag_hash == 1 \
|| string_info->flag_space == 1 || string_info->flag_plus == 1)
return (-1);
if (string_info->type == 'd' || string_info->type == 'i' \
|| string_info->type == 'u')
if (string_info->flag_hash == 1)
return (-1);
if (string_info->type == 'u' || string_info->type == 'x' \
|| string_info->type == 'X')
if (string_info->flag_space == 1 || string_info->flag_plus == 1)
return (-1);
if (string_info->flag_zero == 1 && string_info->flag_minus == 1)
return (-1);
return (0);
int ft_apply_option(va_list *ap, t_options *string_info)
int type;
type = ft_type_checker(string_info->type);
if (type == 1)
ft_apply_int(string_info, va_arg(*ap, int));
else if (type == 2)
ft_apply_percent(string_info, '%');
else if (type == 3)
ft_apply_string(string_info, va_arg(*ap, char *));
else if (type == 4)
ft_apply_pointer(string_info, va_arg(*ap, unsigned long long));
else if (type == 5)
ft_apply_unsigned_int(string_info, va_arg(*ap, unsigned int));
if (string_info->value != NULL)
string_info->strlen = ft_strlen(string_info->value);
if (string_info->malloc_error == 1)
return (-1);
return (string_info->strlen);
static void ft_apply_precision(t_options *string_info)
char *string;
char *new_string;
int precision;
if (string_info->precision_have == 0 || string_info->malloc_error == 1)
return ;
precision = string_info->precision;
string = string_info->value;
if (string == NULL || string_info->type == 's')
if (string == NULL)
new_string = new_string_with_this('0', precision);
else if (string_info->type == 's')
new_string = ft_substr(string, 0, precision);
if (new_string == NULL)
return (ft_malloc_error_void(string_info));
string_info->value = new_string;
return ;
precision_number(string_info, string, precision);
static void precision_number(t_options *string_info, char *string, \
int precision)
char *cpy_string;
char *new_string;
if (string_info->val_zero == 1)
return (precision_zero(string_info, string, precision));
if (string_info->val_minus == 1)
cpy_string = ft_get_cpy_with_this(string_info, '0', precision + 1);
cpy_string = ft_get_cpy_with_this(string_info, '0', precision);
if (string_info->malloc_error == 1 || cpy_string == NULL)
return ;
new_string = ft_strjoin(cpy_string, string);
if (new_string == NULL)
return (ft_malloc_error_void(string_info));
string_info->value = new_string;
static void precision_zero(t_options *string_info, char *string, \
int precision)
char *cpy_string;
cpy_string = new_string_with_this('0', precision);
if (cpy_string == NULL)
return (ft_malloc_error_void(string_info));
string_info->value = cpy_string;
static void ft_apply_width(t_options *string_info)
char *cpy_string;
char *string;
string = string_info->value;
if ((string_info->width_have == 0) || (string_info->malloc_error == 1) \
|| (ft_strlen(string) >= string_info->width))
return ;
if ((string_info->val_null == 1) || ((string_info->val_minus == 0) \
&& (string_info->flag_space == 1 || string_info->flag_plus == 1)))
cpy_string = \
ft_get_cpy_with_this(string_info, ' ', string_info->width - 1);
else if (string_info->flag_hash == 1 && string_info->val_zero == 0)
cpy_string = \
ft_get_cpy_with_this(string_info, ' ', string_info->width - 2);
cpy_string = ft_get_cpy_with_this(string_info, ' ', string_info->width);
if (string_info->malloc_error == 1 || cpy_string == NULL)
return ;
string_info->space = cpy_string;
void ft_apply_flag(t_options *string_info)
static void flag_hash(t_options *string_info)
if (string_info->flag_hash == 0 || string_info->val_zero == 1 \
|| string_info->malloc_error == 1)
return ;
if (string_info->type == 'x')
string_info->prefix = "0x";
else if (string_info->type == 'X')
string_info->prefix = "0X";
If the value is plus, make the prefix " " and if the value is minus, set the prefix "-"
static void flag_space(t_options *string_info)
if (string_info->val_minus == 1)
string_info->prefix = "-";
if (string_info->flag_space == 0 || string_info->malloc_error == 1)
return ;
else if (string_info->val_minus == 0)
string_info->prefix = " ";
Replace spaces with zeroes.
static void flag_zero(t_options *string_info)
if (string_info->flag_zero == 0 || string_info->space == NULL \
|| (string_info->precision_have == 1 \
&& string_info->width - string_info->strlen > 0) \
|| (string_info->malloc_error == 1) \
|| (string_info->val_zero == 1 && string_info->width == 1))
return ;
ft_memset(string_info->space, '0', ft_strlen(string_info->space));
If the value is plus, make the prefix "+" and if the value is minus, set the prefix "-"
static void flag_plus(t_options *string_info)
if (string_info->flag_plus == 0 || (string_info->malloc_error == 1))
return ;
if (string_info->val_minus == 0)
string_info->prefix = "+";
void ft_apply_flag_minus(t_options *string_info)
if (string_info->malloc_error == 1)
return ;
if (string_info->flag_minus == 1)
static void minus_have(t_options *string_info)
char *string;
char *prefix;
char *space;
int len;
prefix = string_info->prefix;
space = string_info->space;
if (string_info->val_null == 1)
if (space != NULL)
len = ft_strlen(space);
string = ft_new_string(len + 2);
if (string == NULL)
return (ft_malloc_error_void(string_info));
string[0] = '\0';
ft_memset(string + 1, ' ', len);
string[len + 2] = '\0';
string_info->print = string;
return ;
string = ft_strjoin_three(prefix, string_info->value, space);
if (string == NULL)
return (ft_malloc_error_void(string_info));
string_info->print = string;
static void minus_have_not(t_options *string_info)
char *string;
char *prefix;
char *space;
prefix = string_info->prefix;
space = string_info->space;
if ((string_info->flag_zero == 1 && string_info->precision_have == 0) \
|| (string_info->width_have == 0 && string_info->precision_have == 1))
string = ft_strjoin_three(prefix, space, string_info->value);
string = ft_strjoin_three(space, prefix, string_info->value);
if (string == NULL)
return (ft_malloc_error_void(string_info));
string_info->print = string;
Join three strings orderly. If one or two of them is null, ignore it.
char *ft_strjoin_three(char *s1, char *s2, char *s3)
char *string;
char *tmp;
if (s1 != NULL && s2 != NULL && s3 != NULL)
tmp = ft_strjoin(s1, s2);
string = ft_strjoin(tmp, s3);
else if (!s1 && s2 != NULL && s3 != NULL)
string = ft_strjoin(s2, s3);
else if (!s2 && s1 != NULL && s3 != NULL)
string = ft_strjoin(s1, s3);
else if (!s3 && s1 != NULL && s2 != NULL)
string = ft_strjoin(s1, s2);
else if (s1)
string = ft_new_string_with_value(s1);
else if (s2)
string = ft_new_string_with_value(s2);
string = ft_new_string_with_value(s3);
return (string);
void ft_print_t_options(t_options *string_info)
int strlen;
strlen = 0;
if (string_info->print != NULL)
strlen = ft_strlen(string_info->print);
if (string_info->val_null == 1)
strlen = 1;
if (string_info->space != NULL)
strlen += ft_strlen(string_info->space);
write(1, string_info->print, strlen);
string_info->strlen = strlen;