This code example will help you create your own stock pricing database using PostgreSQL and Python. The code will create two separate tables:
daily_prices: A table containing daily OHLCV stock pricing information (pkey: symbol, date)
tickers: A table containing detailed information on each ticker/symbol in the daily_prices table (pkey: symbol)
Note: The database password is stored as an environmental variable.
Download and install PostgreSQL
Download and install pgAdmin
Create a new database instance in pgAdmin, name the new database 'stockdata'
Download and install Anaconda
Create a new virtual environment
$ conda create --name polyenv python=3.8
Activate the new virtual environment
$ conda activate polyenv
Install packages
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Alternatively, you can take a look at the requirements.txt file and install what you need.
Note, I'm using VS Code with the ipykernel (Jupyter Notebook) capability to run in a notebook like experience. You can certainly also run this without this.
Additional instructions on my YouTube channel