This is a curated collection of free golang related eBooks available on the Internet. Please feel free to share and learn.
If you want to contribute to this list, send a pull request. All contributors will be recognized and appreciated.
Disclaimer: The contributor(s) cannot be held responsible for any misuse of the data.
You can find all the books listed below in book folder of this repo:
- Building Microservices with Go [Download]
- Go - Building Web Applications [Download]
- Go Design Patterns [Download]
- Go in Action [Download]
- Go in Practice [Download]
- Go Programming Blueprints - Second Edition [Download]
- Go Recipes - A Problem-Solution Approach [Download]
- Go Systems Programming [Download]
- Go Web Programming [Download]
- Introducing Go - Build Reliable, Scalable Programs [Download]
- Isomorphic Go [Download]
- Learning Go programming [Download]
- Learning Go Web Development [Download]
- Mastering Concurrency in Go [Download]
- The Go Programming Language [Download]
- Webapps in Go Anti-Textbook [Download]