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Crypto ID

dewo edited this page Dec 27, 2023 · 9 revisions

🔑 Conse Id (Wallet)

We'll explain what Crypto Id is, the structure of it, how is being used in overall and finally build a new one.

What is it?

CID or Crypto Id in general, is a Secp256k1 (same one used in EVM based blockchains) based digital signature used as a unique Id for all Conse users which allows them to sign any in-game(app) operations like depositing, withdrawal and transferring Conse digital assets, so the whole security of digital assets in Conse depends on the whole security of the Blockchain technology!


🪙 RSA based ECDSA-Secp256k1 cryptoghrapy algorithm in wallexerr is being used to generate a unique Crypto Id for each user to allow them to sign and verify in-game(app) on-chain based operations and API calls with their own private keys using web3.

Crypto Id is the public key of RSA based ECDSA with Secp256k1 curve keypair used to verify the incoming signatures to the server signed by its private key.

A Crypto Id in Conse consists of three sets of hex characters namely Secp256k1_public_key, Secp256k1_secret_key and Secp256k1_public_address which are the public key, secret key and keccak256 of public key address respectively.

Conse is using the wallexerr crate to generate a Secp256k1 Crypto Id, the crate supports RSA based cryptography wallets based on ECC curves like Secp256k1, secp256r1 and Ed25519. Refer to for more info.

How is being used?

In a cryptographical sense, any player that wants to call a very high secure API, MUST sign the request body with the received private key and send the signature along with those inputs that he has signed them to the related API.

How to Build a new Crypto Id?

Basically the process of generating a Crypto Id can be done by calling the /user/cid/build API in which the username and device_id fields must be passed to the API.

Conse doesn't use the inputs inside the request body of the /user/cid/build API as the seed phrase to build the Crypto Id, instead it uses a random 12 words mnemonic as the seed phrase to build the Id.

Once the Id gets built a response will be sent to the client contains the user data along with the cid, screen_cid, signer and mnemonic fields which are the Secp256k1 public key, the keccak256 of the public key, Secp256k1 private key and the randomly generated 12 words mnemonic as the seed phrase to generate the keypair.

Since Secp256k1 ECC curve is being used in EVM based blockchains thus the generated keypair can be imported as a new account inside EVM based wallets like Metamask.

In the first call of this API these fields will be created and returned to the client. The signer and mnemonic fields must be saved by the client some how and some where! cause Conse won't store them in server side and losing them will cause the player to lose all his digital assets in the whole blockchain network!

Note that Signing process must be done in client side using the related web3 library, by building a new wallet with the received private key.