This Middle-Earth Creature Quiz is created by Regelyn Cacho and Auston Wilkinson as part of General Assembly's Web Development Immersive program.
Take the quiz to learn what kind of creature you are! Then, enter your information to access a personalized madlib. Edit your information and see other's results.
We hope you have as much fun playing as we had coding!
This web-based application utilizes JavaScript, AJAX, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, and is deployed to Heroku. It also features libraries including jQuery, Bootstrap for the modal and grid system, and Lodash for shuffle, used in obscuring the game logic.
For a full list of endpoints, please visit
Possible future features include a button to embed your results to your personal page and buttons to move forward and back during the quiz. One definite planned feature is a true RegEx test for user image URL field.