Data gathered from government websites and censuses, VINs decoded using NHTSA Decoder API, web application created to analyze data
DataTables & Bootstrap:
- Styling and pagination
- Relationships for final Data Search Engine (census_data_results.cfm) found in "Result Relationships.txt"
- Other files used for initial study
- Includes scripts for creating a Search Engine for analyzing and cleaning-up Web-Crawling data
- Response JavaScript obtained from ""
- Queries to practice and understand how to obtain data
- Output to make sure this can work
- Check the ColdFusion files in local directory with different ouptuts
- Start-up server when called
Vin Decoding:
- First way:
- Call NHTSA API to decode VINs
- Return JSON with info
- Call NHTSA API to decode VINs
- Second way:
- Using dictionaries with VIN decoding information to decode and transfer data
- Other ways were used for initial practicing and trying methods
- Queries used to analyze data and data quality
- List of ColdFusion tags and functions