ePod intends to be fully functional perldoc browser for emacs-w3m
Currently the emacs side of things is very bare bone and serves only as a proof of concept. It is unlikely that I can flesh it out on my own, I really suck at elisp and my use-case for it is working as I need it (e.g. I don't use emacs-w3m for anything at all so I can get away with totally messing up its configuration). So patches and/or co-maint requests are more than welcome.
First, make sure you have the following lines in your ~/.w3m/config file:
urimethodmap ~/.w3m/urimethodmap
cgi_bin ~/.w3m/cgi-bin
Checkout ePod and install it at all dependencies:
git clone git@github.com:willert/ePod.git
cd ePod
Then link it into w3m's cgi-bin directory:
mkdir -p ~/.w3m/cgi-bin/
ln -s `pwd`/perl5/libexec/cmd-wrapper.bash ~/.w3m/cgi-bin/epod.cgi
And finally register it as the URI handler for perldoc:
cat ~/.w3m/urimethodmap | grep -v '^perldoc:' # all but the perldoc handler
echo '' # ensure final newline
echo 'perldoc: file:/cgi-bin/epod.cgi?%s'
) > ~/.w3m/urimethodmap
Then load lisp/epod.el in your .emacs.d/init.el or whatever is your place to do so and you should have a nice perldoc browser in your emacs.