pytorch implementation of REINFORCE, a monte carlo, policy network based Reinforcement Learning algorithm
Comparing to value based algorithm like DQN, policy based method straightly generates the probability of every possible action(action distribution). To train such a network, monte carlo is adopted for the purpose of sampling trajectory. Each trajectory possesses its reward, we use gradient ascent to update the network in the direction of maximum reward.
REINFORCE let the agent play a whole episode and update the weights using the reward obtained in such a way that the expected reward is maximum. So the expercted reward is:
REINFORCE maximizes the above expection by gradient ascent and a few tricks are used to get the gradient.
- the REINFORCE agent
- the policy network
- training entrance
To start training, first modify the environment name in then
All the reward with respect to episode is recorded using tensorboard, to check
tensorboard --logdir=runs
CartPole-v0 involves a pole on a car and an agent is required to hold control of the car(left/right) in order to prevent the pole from falling. Each step, the agent is rewarded 1 if the pole fails to fall, with a maximum steps of 200.
The following is loss with respect to episodes
And a demo of the trained agents
Pong-v0 is a atari2600 game where an agent is trying to play against computer in the environment. The final reward is the score of agent minus the score of the computer.