A mesh viewer program using OSPRay + TinyObjLoader as backends.
Basically you have two ways to build the program
First, you can build it directly from command line with cmake
or ccmake
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -Dospray_DIR=<...> -Dembree_DIR=<...> \
make -j8
Second, you can create a configure file called <your-machine-hostname>.cmake
and but it inside /cmake/config-site
This is an example of the configure file
set(embree_DIR ~/software/embree-2.14.0.x86_64.linux/lib/cmake/embree-2.14.0)
set(ospray_DIR ~/software/ospray-qwu-23.05.2017/lib64/cmake/ospray-1.3.0)
set(TBB_ROOT ~/software/tbb2017_20160916oss)
set(ISPC_EXECUTABLE ~/software/ispc-v1.9.1-linux)
mark_as_advanced(embree_DIR ospray_DIR)