Word Of Mouth is an app for students to read and/or write reviews about their professors. The application also allows a user to add a professor to a college of their choice. Search functionalities of colleges and professors are also included.
- Not deployed *
Word Of Mouth was developed as a Flatiron School Web Developement Module 2 project to demonstrate working knowledge of Relational Database Management, Active Records Associations, Create, Read, Update and Delete (CRUD) methods, and most importantly a student's knowledge of Ruby on Rails.
This Ruby on Rails application utilizes the following:
- authorization and authentication
- custom routes and actions
- knowledge of MVC(model-view-controller) layers
- frameworks and libraries(active record, active model, action view, etc...)
This web app employs the following technologies(not inclusive):
- Ruby [2.6.1]
- Rails []
- SQLite3 [~> 1.4] - Database
- Faker - seed fake data for rendering and behavior driven development purposes
- Bcrypt - authorization and authentication
- CSV - Gem that provides a complete interface to CSV files and data
- Bootstrap 4 - styling and displaying flash messages
- clone this repo to your local environment -- git clone < git repository >
- cd(change directory) into the repo
- $ bundle install - installs gems and dependencies
- $ rails db:migrate - creates the tables for the database
- $ rails db:seed - seed the data necessary
- rails s to start the server
- go to your browser and type in localhost:3000 to explore the app
Database schema will need to be updated with more tables to add more features. Frontend will also be greatly improved, and will be revisited in the future after the end of the Web Dev Fellowship at Flatiron.
Nice to have features(not final):
- Password recovery
- Editing profile page for user
- Pagination
Page of a professor and their reviews:
User gets redirected if they are not logged in and trying to write a review:
Upon logging in, a user can see a history of the reviews they have written:
Search function for professors:
Main page for colleges(it shows the top three with the most activities):
Single page for a college and associated professors:
A form to add a professor to a college: