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This repository serves as a revamped version of my previous portfolio website

The website should take in data from a JSON file containing my details, which is parsed and converted to a frontend in SvelteKit + SkeletonUI


  • Landing/Hero Page
  • About me Component
  • Professional Background Component
  • Projects Component
  • Skills & Interests Component
  • Contact Component

General Menu

  • Sidebar: Table of contents of icons to each section
  • Scroll up floating button
  • Header: Vanishes when at Landing page
    • Text: "Will's Portfolio"
    • Icon: Website Icon
  • Footer: Vanishes when at Contact page
    • LinkedIn Icon: href to (LinkedIn link)
    • Email Icon: copy to clipboard (Email link)
    • Phone Icon: copy to clipboard (Phone number)

Landing Page

  • Grabs attention
  • Outline logo of self
  • Text: "Hi there you've made it to my portfolio"
  • Button: "More about Will's portfolio"
    • Scrolls to 'About me' section

About me

  • Text: "My name's Will Bryan Jose"
    • Highlight 'Wil' 'yan' 'se'
  • Text: "I'm a big data fan, aspiring to one day become a data scientist. I've worked in several fields of computer science, which you will find out about the more that you scroll through this portfolio website."
  • Text: "What have I done?"
    • Text: "Aspired to become a game developer"
    • Text: "Worked with software development"
    • Text: "Transitioned to web development"
  • Text: "What do I aim to do?"
    • Text: "Work with data professionally"
    • Text: "Develop my skills in other fields of Computer Science as a hobby"
    • Text: "Leave my mark on the world!"

Professional Background

  • Work Experience
    • Read from JSON file
    • Cards (in order of recent to least recent)
      • Header: (Job Position)
      • Body
        • (Company name)
        • (Start Date) - (End Date)
      • Footer: Button: "Want to know more?"
    • Work Modal
      • Header: (Job Position) at (Company name) {Link to "What does a (Job Position) do?" and "What does (Company name) do?"}
      • Body
        • (Start Date) - (End Date)
        • (Details, starting from high importance level to low)
        • Text: "Tech stack:" (list of strings from Tech stack)
        • Button (takes up whole left side): Next work experience (not applicable if at newest work)
        • Button (takes up whole right side): Previous work experience (not applicable if at oldest work)
      • Footer: Button: Close icon
  • Education
    • Read from JSON file refer to
    • Cards (in order of recent to least recent) (same format as work exp)
      • Header: (Graduation Level)
      • Body
        • (School name)
        • (Start Date) - (End Date)


  • Cards, import by JSON file, searchable by keyword where keywords are Fields of Comp sci & tech stack
    • (Project Name)
      • (Short description)
      • Button: "Want to know more?"
  • Project Modal
    • (Project Name)
    • (Github Link)
    • (Descriptions, sort by importance level)
    • Tech stack: (Stack)

Skills & Interests

  • Scroll view
  • Cards
    • (Activity Name)
    • (Activity Pic)


  • Text: "That's pretty much it about me. Let's connect! Contact me through:"
  • LinkedIn Icon: (LinkedIn link)
  • Email Icon: (Email link)
  • Phone Icon: (Phone number)