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Projects that uses the PeripheralDevices. These can be used as examples how to use the libraries.

Be aware that in most cases this only the development phase as the final code has to move to the repository of the project.

In respect to the peripheral_dev_tst these projects can target a specific platform or operating system so not all executables will be built by cmake

##General build instructions

(checked for Linux CentOs and Ubuntu ) :

For the cmake go to the cmake/build directory and do cmake ../

The cmake relies that the following repositories are present:

These reposotories should be in the same director as this reposotory . So if you have a directory github this have the subdirectories

go to the (PdevProj/)build directory

  • $>cp ../cmake/CMakeLists.txt .
  • $>cmake .
  • $>make

make will make all the executables in the build directory. for a specifiek executable do $>make APP

The projects

  • LTC2633_app just some trails
  • SiPmCtrl this is for a PCB to which a SiPm can be connected, containing amplifiers discriminator and bias. The LTC2633 is used to to set levels
  • LinuxI2Ctest to check some I2C functions (with a oscilloscope).
  • SensBoxEnvSimple readout a a number of sensors are response with one string containing all the measurements on any request communication with sockets to a client
  • SensBoxEnv readout the same sensors as SensBoxEnvSimple but wait for a scpi formated command to respond with the info requested by the command.
  • SensBoxEnvSer fork of SensBox, translation between socket and serial

Specific for MBED only :

  • SensBoxEnvMbed fork of the SensBoxEnv for MBED (KL025Z ) communication via serial interface
  • EnvChk is a simple program that loops over a number of peripheral sensors or on request on continuous

mbed-cli is using a repository system, git by default. This feature should be able to disable when starting a new project but seems not always to work.

MBED compile

check the instructions in the SensBoxEnvMbed directory


projecs using the PeripheralDevices






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