Packages available on NuGet
⚠ Be sure to read the main 7.0.0 release notes as well for migration info from 6.1.
Breaking Changes 💥:
- #3951: Fixed ReadOnlySpan2D.Slice parameters order
Animations 🏮:
- #4014: Fixed ExpressionNode.EnsureReferenceInfo() crash with .NET Native
- #3921: Fixed incorrect timed keyframe expression
- #3929: Added AnimationBuilder.Start(UIElement, Action) overload
Controls 🎛️:
- #4020: ImageEx: test and fix setting Source
- #3957: ImageEx does not display image
- #3914: Infinite Canvas dropdown font selector 2
See More
Extensions ⚡:
- #3956: Added VisualExtensions.Translation attached property
- #3937: Update Mouse to FrameworkElementExtensions
- #3939: Fixed TaskExtensions.GetResultOrDefault() for Task.CompletedTask
Improvements ✨:
- #3960: Fix Incorrect usages of UnsetValue
- #3932: Enabled correct WeakReferenceMessenger path on .NET 5
Helpers ✋:
- #3943: Fix ColorPicker CustomPaletteColors default property value
Accessibility ♿:
- #4008: TextToolbar shortcuts should not be triggered by AltGr key
Bugs 🐛:
- #4018: Improve Messenger tests
- #4017: CI Test Failure in MVVM WeakReferenceMessenger
- #3852: incremnenralLoading-pageIndex-fix
- #4011:
raised byExpressionNode
in release mode - #3994: Fixed NRE when setting text on Wide tile only via TileContentBuilder
- #3955: TileContentBuilder - exception adding text on Wide tile
- #3948: Fix [ReadOnly]Span2D.TryGetSpan on legacy frameworks
- #3947:
has incorrect implementation for legacy framework
- #3841: [IncrementalLoadingCollection] CurrentPageIndex should not increase if LoadDataAsync failed.
- #4012: Update for new branch name
- #4003: Update System.Text.Json version for Controls.Media package
- #3353: 2D System.Memory-like primitives (Span2D, Memory2D)
- #3906: Added solution filter for .NET projects
- #3942: Turned off layout rounding for failing tests
- #3424: Memory usage improvements/optimizations to Messenger
- #3936: Update ExecuteOnUIThreadAsync to EnqueueAsync
- #3934: Workaround for "InheritDoc" issue with "Nerdbank.GitVersioning" xml docs
- #3923: Fix few typos in comments
- #3826: Specify DataGridRowHoveredBackgroundColor beyond SystemListLowColor
- #3825: [Feature] Add more specific overrideable Color for DatagridRow hover
This list of changes was auto generated.