// implementation("xyz.wingio.syntakts:syntakts-compose:$syntaktsVersion")
// implementation("xyz.wingio.syntakts:syntakts-compose-material3:$syntaktsVersion")
Syntakts can be set up through a simple DSL:
val mySyntakts = syntakts<Unit> {
rule("@([A-z])") { result, context ->
append(result.groupValues[1]) {
color = Color.Yellow
We also provide MarkdownSyntakts and BasicMarkdownSyntakts, which has some default markdown rules
Syntakts allows you to pass any class as context, this can be used to pass additional information for rendering. If you don't need to use context you can set it to Unit
data class Context(
val userMap = mapOf("1234" to "Wing")
val mySytankts = syntakts<Context> {
rule("<@([0-9]+)>") { result, context ->
val username = context.userMap[result.groupValues[1]] ?: "Unknown"
append("@$username") {
color = Color.Yellow
Artifact: syntakts-compose
Syntakts uses AnnotatedStrings in order to display rendered text in Compose
When creating a Syntakts instance in a composable we reccommend replacing syntakts {}
with rememberSyntakts {}
fun SomeScreen() {
val syntakts = rememberSyntakts<Unit> { /* */ }
text = syntakts.rememberRendered("some input")
Artifact: syntakts-android
Syntakts uses SpannableStrings in order to display rendered text on Android
val syntakts = syntakts<Unit> { /* */ }
findViewById<TextView>("some input", syntakts)
Syntakts for Compose includes a ClickableText component that is neccessary in order to handle clickable text. The syntakts-compose-material3
includes this component as well but adds support for Material 3 theming
Syntakts for Android requires that the TextView have its movementMethod set to our ClickableMovementMethod
Syntakts was heavily inspired by SimpleAST, an unfortunately abandoned library that was once used in Discords android app