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fixed wrong naive x0
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wingos80 committed Jul 14, 2024
1 parent 89743b9 commit 17cd662
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Showing 2 changed files with 24 additions and 254 deletions.
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ def __init__(self, board_size, mines, seed=None, pretty_print=True, visual=True,

self.offset = 13, 56
self.board = Board(board_size, mines, seed=self.seed, random_place=random_place)
self.solver = GIGAAI(self.board, seed=self.seed)
self.solver = GIGAAI(self.board, board_size, mines, seed=self.seed)

if visual:
self.screen_size = (
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -650,11 +650,11 @@ def run_benchmark():
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("Launching game\n")
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Runs various MAPF algorithms')
parser.add_argument('--seed', type=int, default=None,
parser.add_argument('-seed', type=int, default=None,
help='The seed for the game (default: None)')
parser.add_argument('--bm', type=int, default=BENCHMARK,
parser.add_argument('-bm', type=int, default=BENCHMARK,
help='Toggling benchmark mode (default: BENCHMARK from')
parser.add_argument('--runs', type=int, default=BENCHMARK_n,
parser.add_argument('-runs', type=int, default=BENCHMARK_n,
help='Toggling benchmark mode (default: BENCHMARK from')
args = parser.parse_args()

Expand Down
270 changes: 20 additions & 250 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,12 +34,15 @@

np.set_printoptions(formatter={'float': lambda x: "{0:0.3f}".format(x)},suppress=True)
class GIGAAI:
def __init__(self, board, seed=None):
def __init__(self, board, board_size, mines, seed=None):
if seed is not None:

self.A_full = self.make_matrix_sparse(board)
self.x_full = np.nan * np.ones(board.digg_map.shape[0] * board.digg_map.shape[1])

self.mines = mines
self.board_size = board_size

def make_matrix_sparse(self, board):
rows, cols = board.digg_map.shape
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -98,7 +101,7 @@ def solve_linear_problem(self, board, A, b, known_mask, unknown_mask):

def solve_constrained_problem(self, board, A, b, known_mask, unknown_mask):
n_undiscovered = np.count_nonzero(board.digg_map == -1)
x0 = MINES / n_undiscovered * np.ones(A.shape[1])
x0 = self.mines / n_undiscovered * np.ones(A.shape[1])
residual = lambda x: A@x - b
x = opt.least_squares(residual, x0, bounds=(0,1), max_nfev=100).x
# print(f"Opt: {x}")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -140,21 +143,21 @@ def solve_reduced(self, board):
zero_known_mask[explored_mask & np.logical_not(flag_mask)] = (b_ef == 0) # Shape: explored, false for equations with 0 RHS after flags were brought to RHS
A_zero = A_ef_ui[b_ef==0] # Shape: (explored & nonzero RHS) x (unexplored & informed)
zero_unknown_mask = np.zeros_like(unexplored_mask)
zero_unknown_mask[unexplored_mask & informed_mask] = (np.diff(A_zero.tocsc().indptr) != 0) # Shape: full, true for unknowns that can be fully identified as zero (no bomb)
zero_unknown_mask[unexplored_mask & informed_mask] = (np.diff(A_zero.tocsc().indptr) != 0) # Shape: full, true for unknowns that can be fully identified as zero (no bomb), TODO, check if this is correct
b = b_ef[b_ef!=0] # Retain only equations for nonzero RHS

self.x_full = np.empty_like(tiles, dtype=float)
self.x_full[:] = np.nan
self.x_full[zero_unknown_mask] = 0 # Set tiles that were fully determined to be zero to exactly zero
unknown_mask = unexplored_mask & informed_mask & np.logical_not(zero_unknown_mask) # Shape: full, true only for true unknowns (unexplored, informed and not already fully determined)
if not np.any(zero_unknown_mask): # Solve tiles only if there is no fully determined tile that can be picked
unknown_mask = unexplored_mask & informed_mask & np.logical_not(zero_unknown_mask) # Shape: full, true only for true unknowns (unexplored, informed and not already fully determined)
known_mask = explored_mask & np.logical_not(zero_known_mask) & np.logical_not(flag_mask)
A = self.A_full[known_mask]
A = A[:,unknown_mask] # Shape: known x unknown = (explored & nonzero RHS) x (unexplored & informed & fully determined nonzero)

self.A_reduced = A
unexplored_cells = (tiles < 0)
naive_estimate = MINES/np.sum(unexplored_cells)
naive_estimate = self.mines/np.sum(unexplored_cells)
x0 = naive_estimate*np.ones(np.sum(unknown_mask))
# Solve LSQR
self.x_full[unknown_mask] = spla.lsqr(A, b, btol=1e-3, show=False,x0=x0)[0]
Expand All @@ -173,7 +176,16 @@ def solve_reduced(self, board):
# x0 = 0.5 * np.ones(A.shape[1])
# self.x_full[unknown_mask] = opt.least_squares(lambda x: A@x - b, 0.5*np.ones(np.count_nonzero(unknown_mask)), bounds=(0,1), max_nfev=100).x

# allow solver to see if it's worthwile to select far cells
min_estimate = np.min(self.x_full[unknown_mask])
max_estimate = np.max(self.x_full[unknown_mask])
if min_estimate > 0.3 and max_estimate < 0.7: # if estimates are very uncertain, then see if it's worthwile to select far cells
far_cells_mask = np.logical_not(informed_mask) # Shape: full, true only for far cells (cells with no information, i.e. cells that are not neighbouring any explored cell)
estimated_bombs = np.sum(self.x_full[unknown_mask]) # Number of bombs estimated by the current solution vector
far_bombs = self.mines - estimated_bombs - np.sum(flag_mask) # Number of bombs that are estimated to exist in the far cells
naive_probability_estimate = far_bombs/np.sum(far_cells_mask)
self.x_full[far_cells_mask] = naive_probability_estimate

# print(f"A:\n {A.toarray()}")
# print(f"x:\n {self.x_full[unknown_mask]}")
# print(f"b_ef:\n {b}")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -209,7 +221,7 @@ def get_pos(self, board, linear_idx):

def play_one_move(self, board):
# If all uncovered tiles are mines, game is over, return None
if np.sum(board.digg_map < 0) == MINES:
if np.sum(board.digg_map < 0) == self.mines:
return None, None

Expand All @@ -235,246 +247,4 @@ def play_one_move(self, board):

class AI:
def __init__(self, board, seed=0):
self.board = board
self.p_map = np.ones(BOARD_SIZE)*MINES/(BOARD_SIZE[0]*BOARD_SIZE[1])
self.revealed_cells = np.zeros(BOARD_SIZE, dtype='int')
self.mine_map = np.zeros(BOARD_SIZE, dtype='int') - 1
self.neighbours = {}

# # register the neighbours for every cell on the board
# for i in range (BOARD_SIZE[0]):
# for j in range (BOARD_SIZE[1]):
# neigh_x = np.array([i-1,i,i+1])
# neigh_y = np.array([j-1,j,j+1])
# temp = np.array(np.meshgrid(neigh_x,neigh_y)).T.reshape(-1,2)
# neighbours = np.delete(temp,np.where((temp[:,0] == i) & (temp[:,1] == j)),axis=0)
# self.neighbours[i,j] = neighbours

def get_action(self, board):
returns the cell coordinates which has the lowest probability to have a mine
and the probability itself

# find the minimum probability
P = self.p_map.copy()
for i in range(BOARD_SIZE[0]):
for j in range(BOARD_SIZE[1]):
if board.digg_map[i,j] >= 0:
P[i,j] = 999
pick_cell = randargmin(P, keepshape=True)
min_prob = P[pick_cell]
return pick_cell, min_prob

def increment_neighbours(self, pos, n_bombs):
increments the probability of the neighbours of the given cell by
the expected value of bombs surrounding the given cell:

neighbours = []
for i in range(-1, 2):
for j in range(-1, 2):
count_pos = (pos[0]+i, pos[1]+j)
if not self.board.inside_board(count_pos):
if self.board.digg_map[count_pos] == -1:

for neighbour in neighbours:
self.p_map[neighbour] += n_bombs/len(neighbours)

def increment_neighbours_2(self, pos, n_bombs):
increments the probability of the neighbours of the given cell by
the expected value of bombs surrounding the given cell:

neighbours = []
expected_bombs = 0
for i in range(-1, 2):
for j in range(-1, 2):
count_pos = (pos[0]+i, pos[1]+j)
if not self.board.inside_board(count_pos):
if self.board.digg_map[count_pos] == -1:
expected_bombs += self.p_map[count_pos]
if len(neighbours) > 0:
delta = (n_bombs-expected_bombs)/len(neighbours)
for neighbour in neighbours:
self.delta_p_map[neighbour] += delta

def action1(self):
for i in range(BOARD_SIZE[0]):
for j in range(BOARD_SIZE[1]):
if self.board.digg_map[i,j] >= 0:
n_bombs = self.board.digg_map[i,j]
self.increment_neighbours((i,j), n_bombs)

def action2(self):

# correct for the over prediction of mines if it exists
p_total = np.sum(self.p_map)
excess_p = p_total - MINES

# subtract excess probabilities from the probaiblity map once
while excess_p > 0:
self.p_map = np.clip(self.p_map, None, 1)
# find minimum non-zero value on p_map
smallest_decrement = np.min(self.p_map[self.p_map > 0])

n_positives = np.sum(self.p_map > 0)
uniform_decrement = excess_p/n_positives

self.p_map -= min(smallest_decrement, uniform_decrement)
self.p_map = np.clip(self.p_map, 0, None)

excess_p = np.sum(self.p_map) - MINES

def action3(self):
self.delta_p_map = np.zeros(BOARD_SIZE)
for i in range(BOARD_SIZE[0]):
for j in range(BOARD_SIZE[1]):
if self.board.digg_map[i,j] >= 1:
n_bombs = self.board.digg_map[i,j]
self.increment_neighbours_2((i,j), n_bombs)

# print(self.delta_p_map)
self.p_map += self.delta_p_map

def action4(self):
self.p_map = np.clip(self.p_map, None, 1)
self.p_map = np.clip(self.p_map, 0, None)

def iterate(self, p_map):
placeholder function for calling all the algorithm computations
# # correct for the under prediction of mines if it exists
# self.action3()
# print(self.p_map.T)

# # # correct for the over prediction of mines if it exists
# # self.action2()
# # print(self.p_map)

# self.action4()
return p_map

def play_one_move(self):
iterates over the entire board once and updates the probability map
# first check if number of unexplored cells equal number of mines
# if so, mark all unexplored cells as mines
if np.sum(self.board.digg_map == -1) == MINES:
self.p_map[self.board.digg_map == -1] = 1
print("all bombs found!")

pick, prob = self.get_action(self.board)
print(f'picked cell: {pick}, with probaility of having bomb = {prob}')

_ = self.board.digg(pick)

empties = 0
for i in range(BOARD_SIZE[0]):
for j in range(BOARD_SIZE[1]):
if self.board.digg_map[i,j] == -1:
empties += 1

increment = MINES/empties
for i in range(BOARD_SIZE[0]):
for j in range(BOARD_SIZE[1]):
if self.board.digg_map[i,j] == -1:
self.p_map[i,j] = increment
if self.board.digg_map[i,j] >= 0:
self.p_map[i,j] = 0

prev_map = self.p_map.copy()
delta = 1
while delta > 0.001:
delta = np.sum(np.abs(self.p_map - prev_map))
prev_map = self.p_map.copy()
# print(delta)

print('finished iterting probability map')

def compute_naive_map(self):
Computes a naive probability map,
by making the assumption that all empty
cells are equally likely to have a bomb.
p_map = np.ones(BOARD_SIZE)

empties = 0
for i in range(BOARD_SIZE[0]):
for j in range(BOARD_SIZE[1]):
if self.board.digg_map[i,j] == -1:
empties += 1

increment = MINES/empties

for i in range(BOARD_SIZE[0]):
for j in range(BOARD_SIZE[1]):
if self.board.digg_map[i,j] == -1:
p_map[i,j] = increment
if self.board.digg_map[i,j] >= 0:
p_map[i,j] = 0

return p_map

def update_map(self, board):
iterates over the entire board once and updates the probability map
self.board = board
# first check if number of unexplored cells equal number of mines
# if so, mark all unexplored cells as mines
if np.sum(self.board.digg_map == -1) == MINES:
self.p_map[self.board.digg_map == -1] = 1
print("all bombs found!")

# # compute the naive probability map
# self.p_map = self.compute_naive_map()

# prev_map = self.p_map.copy()
# delta = 1
# print(prev_map)
# while delta > 0.001:
# self.p_map = self.iterate(self.p_map)
# delta = np.sum(np.abs(self.p_map - prev_map))
# prev_map = self.p_map.copy()
# # print(prev_map)
# print(delta)
# print('--------')

print('finished itearting probability map')

# seed = 2
# np.random.seed(seed)
# board = Board(BOARD_SIZE,MINES,seed=seed)
# aa = AI(board, seed=seed)

# # board.digg((0,0))
# aa.play_one_move()
# print(board.digg_map)
# aa.play_one_move()
# print(board.digg_map)
# aa.play_one_move()
# print(board.digg_map)
# print(aa)

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