#Middleman with bootstrap on Heroku
fast static pages like darwin.ninja
precompiled boostrapped and served statically
(basically a copy of http://github.com/indirect/middleman-heroku-static-app.git with bootstrap to start & deliver fasst)
$ git clone https://github.com/winou75/faststatic.git mysite && cd mysite
$ bundle install && bundle exec middleman init .
$ git add . && git commit -m "brand new site"
$ heroku create && git push heroku master
$ heroku open
The only expectation is that middleman build will generate your site into ./build. That's where Rack::TryStatic will look.
You can customize the 404 page that's served if TryStatic can't find a file by editing source/404.html.erb.
#Boostrap customisation
in _variables.css.scss - you can define your own variables and import Google Fonts
in _bootstrap_variables.css.scss - custom bootstrap's default values. here's the full-list of them: boostrap gem