Simple python client for the CircleCI API
pip install pycci
Example usage can be found in the examples
Before using the api you'll need to generate a circleci api token, and initialize the package with the key and the name of your organization.
from pycci import Config
Config.initialize('Your Org', 'Your Key')
If you want to store this configuration so you don't have to re-config everytime, pass in the store
Config.initialize('Your Org', 'Your Key', store=True)
from pycci import Project
project = Project('Project Name')
pipelines = project.get_pipelines(num=100) # default is 20 to limit api calls for testing
These models can all be fetched from circle CI following the project
from pycci import Pipeline, Workflow, Job, Test
pipelines = project.get_pipelines(num=100)
pipeline = pipelines[0]
workflows = pipeline.get_workflows(failed_only=True) # Get only failed workflows, False by default
workflow = workflows[0]
jobs = workflow.get_jobs(type='type of job', failed_only=True) # type is a String, the JOBTYPE enum has some values to use
job = jobs[0]
tests = job.get_tests(failed_only=True)
All of the data for the objects is stored in a dictionary under the data
All model instances are initialized with an api object instance that is accessible under the api
project_api = project.api
pipeline_api = pipeline.api
workflow_api = workflow.api
job_api = job.api
# Test has no api
The api objects can also be created directly
from pycci import ProjectApi, PipelineApi, WorkflowApi, JobApi, JOBTYPE
project_api = ProjectApi('Project name')
result = project_api.get_pipelines(page_token=None)
next_page_token = result['next_page_token']
pipelines = result['items']
pipeline_api = PipelineApi(pipelines[0])
result = pipeline_api.get_workflows(failed_only=True, page_token=None)
next_page_token = result['next_page_token']
workflows = result['items']
workflow_api = WorkflowApi(workflows[0])
result = workflow_api.get_jobs(type=JOBTYPE.BACKEND, failed_only=True, page_token=None)
next_page_token = result['next_page_token']
jobs = result['items']
job_id = jobs[0]['id']
job_number = jobs[0]['number']
job_project_slug = jobs[0]['project_slug']
job_api = JobApi(job_id, job_number, job_project_slug)
# project slug looks like gh/org/project where gh is your version control
result = job_api.get_tests(failed_only=True, page_token=None)
next_page_token = result['next_page_token']
tests = result['items']