Implemented in the Java Core Track of's JetBrain Academy.
Purpose of doing this project, is getting familiar with the fascinating and more and more relevant blockchain stuff. Moreover, generic programming, streaming, multithreading, hashing and cryptography topics are investigated.
Beside the sources of main project tasks (6 stages), all relevant Topic-associated development tasks of the academy course path are included.
The application runs without user input and must be configured by setting constants in the BlockchainConfig-class. In particular the desired blockchain length and the block data mode (select between Chat-messages and bitcoin-simulating transactions) should be verified and set.
After starting the program it looks for a serialized blockchain under the configured path, deserializes and validates it and either clears the chain or continues block creation until the given goal is reached. As soon as miners start competing block creations, the Controller starts client threads who asynchronously and send randomly timed and generated RSA-signed chat messages or transactions based on circulating bitcoins (called VC) - depending on the chosen mode. Each newly created block takes all the client data queued during creation of the previous block as block data.
The creation time and complexity is self-balanced: If creation time is below or above some configurable second range, the creation complexity is increased by requiring the miners to provide a SHA256 hash for the block's data with one more leading zero. this is achieved by integrating a random Integer number (the magic number) in the block's string representation that is cryptographically hashed..
Project was completed on 07.04.22.
22.03.22 Project started. IDEA-setup and first repo.
23.03.22 Stage 1 completed, basic OOD according to MVC with BlockFactory
26.03.22 Stage 2 completed, Factory Method pattern, Serialization added
29.03.22 Stage 3 completed, block creation in thread pool with load balancing
02.04.22 Stage 4 completed, asynchronous message queue with posting client threads, chat history stored as block data in blockchain
05.04.22 Stage 5 completed, creating RSA keypair per Chat user, signing and verifying messages, unique id
06.04.22 Stage 6 completed, blockchain can now run in transaction, bitcoin mode OR chat mode.