EvoSport Nutrition is an E-Commerce platform specializing in sports goods and supplements. It aims to provide users with a straightforward shopping experience, featuring an intuitive interface for easy navigation and access to a diverse range of products catering to various fitness needs.
- Client: JavaScript & SASS
- Server: PHP (With composer), MySQL & Apache
You'll need: PHP, Composer, MySQL & Node.js (for npm) all installed.
Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/wisyxx/EvoSport-Nutrition.git
Go to the project directory
cd EvoSport-Nutrition
Install dev dependencies
npm install -D
Please create a .env file in the folder "/includes" with the following variables:
DB_HOST = your_host
DB_PASS = your_password
DB_SCHEMA = your_schema
DB_USER = your_user
Set up composer
composer update
Run gulp tasks
npm start
Start the server
cd public
php -S localhost:3000