This project provides a simple and intuitive API for functional testing of Swing user interfaces, resulting in tests
that are compact, easy to write, and read like a specification. Tests written using AssertJ Swing are also robust.
AssertJ Swing simulates actual user gestures at the operating system level, ensuring that the application will behave correctly in
front of the user. It also provides a reliable mechanism for GUI component lookup that ensures that changes in the GUI's
layout or look-and-feel will not break your tests.
This project is a fork of
Preconditions: You need ssh setup for being able to push to assertj/assertj-swing, gpg setup for signing the release and ossrh setup in Maven for being able to publish the release, including the right to publish assertj-swing releases.
Make sure you have the latest sources:
git pull
Make sure you have a clean release base:
mvn release:clean
Prepare the release:
mvn release:prepare
Actually publish the release:
mvn release:perform
Sign in to github, click the tag, edit it and click publish (optionally insert change log here)
Download updated JIDE (Password required. Click here to see the password. Please note, it's not your forum user name and password)
Create temporary work space:
mkdir /tmp/jide
and cd/tmp/jide
Unzip JIDE:
unzip ~/Downloads/
cd maven/
Follow the readme:
Download ant-contrib and copy jar file to current directory
Download Apache common bean script and copy jar file to current directory
Download Mozilla Rhino and copy jar file to current directory
Download Commons logging and copy jar file to current directory
ant -f mavenify.xml -lib .
Integrate resulting maven repo into own maven repos:
rsync -a repo/ ~/.m2/repository/
Go to
and enter downloaded version:<jide.version>X.Y.Z</jide.version>
Update parent POM (AssertJ Swing) version to currently (see 5.) released version
Fix potentially broken code - use
mvn clean verify -f assertj-swing-jide/pom.xml
to verify -
Update POM version, commit and push changes
Release assertj-swing-jide:
cd assertj-swing-jide
Clean state:
mvn release:clean
mvn release:prepare
mvn release:perform
Update documentation - pull assertj/doc
Update at least
File PR for documentation update. Finished!