Naming is the most difficult part of programming, this repo may save your time.
I create some scripts(you can find them under bin/) via bash/python to analyze the huge projects, like the kubernetes.
Get the name of interface/struct/function, and do some categorization.
You can use ctrl/cmd+f to search what you need
- bool
- loop
- Golang interface name 316
- Noun in struct name 2025
- Others in struct name 1358
- Antonym(by rules) 120
- Verb And It's Adj(by rules) 261
- Antonym(by nltk) 798
- Synonym(by nltk) 2088
- isXXX
- wasXXX
- hasXXX
- canXXX
- shoudXXX
- done
- ok
- found (better than exists)
- success/fail
- able
- acceptor
- accesser
- accessor
- accumulator
- adapter
- addable
- adder
- advisable
- aggregator
- alarmer
- allocator
- analyzer
- applier
- archiver
- attacher
- authenticator
- authorizer
- backfiller
- backoffer
- balancer
- barer
- baser
- beginner
- binder
- breaker
- broadcaster
- broker
- buffer
- builder
- bundler
- calculator
- caller
- canceler
- carrier
- causer
- checkable
- checker
- chunker
- cleaner
- closeable
- closer
- cluster
- cmdable
- cmder
- collator
- collector
- color
- commander
- committer
- compactable
- compactor
- comparable
- comparator
- comparer
- compiler
- completer
- configer
- configurable
- connecter
- connector
- conntracker
- constructor
- consumer
- container
- controller
- converter
- convertor
- coordinator
- copier
- counter
- creater
- creator
- cursor
- debuggable
- decider
- decoder
- decompressor
- decorator
- decrypter
- defaulter
- deleter
- describer
- descriptor
- destructor
- detacher
- detector
- dialer
- differ
- discover
- discoverer
- dispatcher
- disposable
- documentable
- downgrader
- drawer
- driver
- dumper
- dwarfer
- emitter
- enabler
- encoder
- enforcer
- ensurer
- error
- evaluator
- exchanger
- execer
- executor
- expander
- exporter
- exposer
- extender
- extractor
- failer
- fer
- fetcher
- fielder
- filenamer
- filter
- finder
- flagger
- flusher
- fooer
- formatter
- former
- forwarder
- framer
- gatherer
- generator
- getenver
- getter
- gitter
- handler
- hasher
- helper
- hijacker
- holder
- identifier
- implementer
- importer
- indexer
- informer
- inhibiter
- initializer
- injector
- inner
- inserter
- integer
- integrator
- inter
- interceptor
- interfacer
- interrogator
- iter
- iterable
- iterator
- labeler
- layer
- leader
- lengther
- lessor
- lexer
- limiter
- liner
- listener
- lister
- loader
- locator
- locker
- logger
- manager
- mapper
- marshaler
- marshaller
- matcher
- member
- mer
- merger
- migrationer
- modifier
- monitor
- mounter
- mutator
- namer
- negotiator
- nominator
- normalizer
- notifier
- nullable
- number
- observer
- opener
- operator
- order
- ormer
- owner
- parameter
- parser
- patcher
- pausable
- peer
- persister
- picker
- pinger
- pipeliner
- planner
- pointerer
- pooler
- populator
- positioner
- preparer
- printer
- prober
- processor
- producer
- provider
- provisioner
- proxier
- pusher
- qer
- quantizer
- querier
- queryer
- rangeable
- reactor
- reader
- receiver
- reconciler
- recorder
- redirector
- registerable
- registerer
- releaser
- reloader
- remover
- render
- renderer
- reporter
- resettable
- resetter
- resolver
- responder
- restorer
- retriever
- rewriter
- rollbacker
- router
- runnable
- runner
- scaler
- scanner
- schedulable
- scheduler
- scoper
- scraper
- scripter
- seeker
- selector
- sender
- seralizable
- serializer
- server
- seter
- setter
- shaper
- signer
- skippable
- snapshottable
- solver
- squarer
- stopper
- streamer
- stresser
- stringer
- strunger
- subscriber
- syncer
- table
- tasker
- tester
- timer
- tinter
- tokenizer
- tracer
- tracker
- transferrer
- transformer
- translator
- transporter
- tripper
- twoer
- typer
- unavailable
- unmapper
- unmarshaler
- unmounter
- updater
- upgrader
- uploader
- upper
- user
- validator
- valuer
- verifier
- versioner
- viewer
- visitor
- waitable
- waiter
- watchable
- watcher
- weighter
- workloader
- wrapper
- writer
Word | Related |
A | abbr, abbrev, abi, accelerator, access, accessor, accessors, accounts, acos, action, actions, activation, actor, actors, adapter, adaptor, addr, address, adjuster, adjustinfo, admission, admit, ads, advise, aes, aesctr, affinity, afield, again, agent, aggregation, aggregator, agreement, alarm, alarmer, algo, algorithm, ali, alloc, allocate, allocation, allocator, allocators, allowance, alone, along, alpn, already, alter, always, amend, amender, amount, amounts, analysis, analyze, analyzer, ancestor, anchor, andvars, annotation, annotations, announce, anti, api, apis, appender, apple, application, applier, approval, approver, arch, architecture, archiver, arena, arg, args, argset, argument, arguments, armor, array, arrayagg, arraytype, arshaler, article, asin, asm, assertion, asset, assign, assoc, association, atan, atom, atoms, attacher, attachments, attr, attributes, audit, auth, authenticate, authentication, authenticator, author, authority, authorization, authorizations, authorizer, auths, auto, automation, autoscale, autoscaler, autoscalers, availability, avoid, axis, azblob, azeri, azure |
B | back, backedges, backoffer, backup, bake, balancer, ballast, band, bar, barrier, base, batch, batcher, bath, baz, bearer, bee, behavior, bench, benchmark, bernoulli, best, bigar, bin, bind, bindata, binder, bindings, binlog, binop, bintime, bit, bits, blkio, blo, blob, block, blocks, body, bolt, bool, bootstrap, bound, boundary, bounds, bpf, branch, break, breaker, bridge, brie, broadcast, broadcaster, broker, btrfs, bucket, buckets, budget, budgets, buffer, buffers, bug, build, builder, building, builds, bulk, bundle, bus, bvec, byte |
C | cache, cacher, cadvisor, calc, calculator, call, callback, caller, calls, campaign, canceller, candidate, cannot, canonicalizer, cap, capabilities, capability, capacities, capacity, capture, car, card, cardinality, carp, cascade, case, cases, cast, catcher, category, cause, cbc, cds, cell, cells, ceph, cephfs, cert, certificate, certs, cfgs, cgo, cgodata, cgroup, chain, challenge, chande, change, changer, channel, chantype, chaos, chaosmonkey, char, chatty, cheat, check, checker, checkpoint, checkpoints, checks, checksummer, checksums, children, chk, choice, chunk, chunker, cidr, cidrs, cinder, cipher, circuit, citadel, city, claim, claims, class, classes, classification, clause, cleaner, cleanup, cli, client, clients, clone, close, closer, closing, closure, cluster, cmds, cmo, cmp, cmsghdr, cni, cnt, coalesce, cockroach, code, codec, coder, coercer, coercibility, col, coll, collation, collator, collection, collector, colon, color, column, columns, command, commands, comment, comments, comp, compaction, compactor, comparator, comparer, comparison, compatibility, compilation, compile, compiler, completer, component, components, compound, compress, compression, compressor, compute, concat, concurrency, concurrent, cond, condition, conditions, configer, configs, configuration, configurations, conflict, conformance, conformant, conn, connection, connections, connectivity, connector, conns, conntrack, consistency, console, const, constraint, constraints, construction, constructor, consumer, consumers, contain, container, containers, contents, contexts, control, controllee, controller, controllers, conversion, convert, converter, convertor, cookie, coordinate, coordinator, cop, copier, copr, coprocessor, copy, cordon, core, corpus, correlate, correlator, corruption, cors, cost, cot, count, counter, counters, country, cow, cpu, cpuset, crash, crawler, create, creator, credentials, creds, criteria, criterion, crl, crlf, cron, cross, crumb, crypt, csr, csv, ctc, cte, cth, ctr, ctx, ctxt, ctxtz, cuisine, curl, cursor, cursors, customer, cycle |
D | daemon, dag, dash, dashboard, dashboards, data, database, datadog, datascale, datastore, date, datetime, datum, datums, day, days, ddl, deadcode, deadline, deadlock, deadlocks, dealer, deallocate, debounce, debug, debugger, decider, deck, decl, decls, decode, decoder, decompress, decompressor, decorator, decrypt, dedup, dedupe, def, default, defaulter, defaults, definition, definitions, defragment, degrees, delay, delegate, delegator, delete, deletion, deletor, delims, deliver, demand, demo, dense, density, dep, dependencies, deployment, deployments, deps, deque, dequeue, deregister, des, describer, describers, descriptor, descriptors, destination, destructor, detach, detacher, detail, details, detector, dev, device, devices, diagnosis, dial, dialect, dialer, dict, die, diff, differ, difference, digester, digests, direction, director, directory, dirent, disallow, disasm, discoverability, discovery, disk, dispatch, dispatcher, disruption, dist, distinct, distinguisher, distribution, district, distro, divide, divisor, dlist, dll, dlog, dlogger, dml, doc, docker, docs, document, documentation, documents, dodata, dom, dot, douglas, downgrade, download, downloader, downward, drain, driver, drivers, drotm, drv, dsa, dsn, dst, dummy, dump, duplicate, duration, duty, dwarf, dwctxt, dyld, dylib, dysymtab |
E | ecb, ecdsa, echo, echoer, echos, ecr, edge, editor, eds, effects, efficiency, effort, egress, ehdr, election, elector, element, elements, elflib, eliminator, elog, else, embed, emitter, emptydir, enable, enc, encode, encoder, encrypt, end, endpoint, endpoints, enforcer, engine, enh, ensurer, enter, enterprise, entitlements, entity, entries, enumerate, env, enver, environment, epoch, epoll, equalities, err, error, errors, estimate, estimator, etag, etcd, etw, evac, evaluations, event, events, evex, evict, eviction, evictions, example, examples, exception, exceptions, exchange, exchanger, exec, execute, execution, executor, exemptions, exists, exit, exp, expander, expansion, expectations, expfmt, expiration, expire, expiry, explain, export, exporter, expression, ext, extension, extensions, extpoint, extractor |
F | facet, facets, facility, fact, factory, facts, failover, failure, fallback, families, fast, feature, features, fetch, fetcher, field, fields, file, filename, filetime, fill, filter, filterchain, filters, finalize, finalizer, finalizers, finder, findfuncbucket, firewalld, fischer, fischers, fixalloc, fixture, fixup, fixups, flagger, flags, flamegraph, flash, flate, flatten, float, floatingsavearea, flocker, floor, flow, fluentd, flunder, flunders, flusher, fmt, fns, follower, foos, force, form, format, formatter, forward, forwarder, fpcontrol, fpreg, fpregset, fprog, fpstate, fpstatus, fpxreg, frac, fragment, frags, frequency, fsid, fun, func, functab, function, functions, future, fuzz |
G | galera, garbage, gate, gateway, gather, gauge, gbk, gby, gccgo, gccgoimports, gce, gcimports, gcplogs, gelf, gener, generate, generation, generator, generators, genmsg, geo, gitter, glog, gluster, glusterfs, goaway, gob, gobuf, gonum, goobj, google, goroutine, gossip, gowasm, gpregs, gql, grace, gracefully, graph, graphql, greedy, greeter, group, groupi, groups, gtype, guard, guide, gvk, gvr, gzread |
H | hairy, half, handler, handlers, hardware, harness, hasher, hashjoin, hdl, hdr, header, headers, health, healthcheck, healthz, heartbeat, heatmap, helm, help, hex, hide, hijack, hijacker, hint, hints, histograms, history, hiter, hll, hmac, hmap, hns, holder, hole, hollow, holt, hook, host, hostname, hostpath, hosts, hour, http, hub, huffman, hugepage, hwaddr |
I | ident, identifier, identity, idm, ids, iface, iflags, ignore, image, images, impact, impersonation, impl, import, importer, imports, inbound, ind, indent, index, indir, indirectiface, inet, inf, inflights, influxql, info, information, informer, infos, infoschema, ingester, ingress, initialization, initializer, inject, injection, injector, inline, inner, ino, inode, inotify, input, inputs, insecure, insn, inspection, inspector, inst, installation, installer, instance, instances, instruction, int, integer, integration, integrator, inter, interaction, interceptor, interface, interfaces, interlace, interner, intersect, introspection, ints, invocation, iovec, ipam, ipset, ipt, irgen, iscsi, isolation, issuer, istio, item, items, iterator, itimerspec, itimerval |
J | jar, jepsen, jig, job, jobs, joiner, journal, journald, json, jsonp, jump, just, jwt |
K | kafka, kaufmans, keeper, ker, kernel, keventt, keys, keywords, kind, kit, klog, kubectl, kubemark, kvstore |
L | label, labels, lang, langle, latches, latencies, layer, lazybuf, lca, lcow, lds, leader, lease, leases, ledger, legacy, lengths, less, lesser, level, levels, lfnode, lib, libcall, library, license, life, lifecycle, limit, limiter, limitrange, limits, line, lines, linger, linker, linklayer, links, list, listen, listener, listeners, lists, liveness, livez, load, loadbalancer, loaders, locale, locality, locate, location, locator, lock, locker, locks, logentries, logger, login, logs, loop, loopback, lru, ltr |
M | machine, machines, macro, maintenance, make, maker, management, manager, managers, manifests, map, mapper, mapping, mappings, mark, markdown, marker, marshal, marshaler, mask, masker, masq, master, match, matcher, matches, math, matrix, matter, max, maze, mcache, mclpool, mcontext, mcontextt, mdns, meal, measurement, measurements, media, member, members, membership, memory, memorystatusex, merge, merger, message, messages, meta, metadata, metaquery, method, methodref, methods, metrics, metricses, mib, mibentry, micro, middleware, midparams, migration, migrator, mime, min, minfo, mini, minio, mirror, mismatch, mission, misspell, mlink, mmu, mobile, mock, mockpods, model, models, modes, modifying, module, moduledata, modulehash, modules, moments, monitor, monitoring, monkey, month, mount, mounter, mounts, movie, mpp, mreq, mreqn, mscratch, msg, msgerr, msghdr, mspan, mstats, mts, mud, multi, multicast, multicluster, multiline, multimap, multinetwork, multiply, multipoint, mutation, mutations, mux, mvcc, mysql, mystruct |
N | name, names, nameserver, namespace, namespaces, nano, navigation, nds, neg, negotiate, negotiator, neighbor, netexec, netlink, netrc, netsh, network, networks, never, nexthop, nih, nlb, noder, nodes, nominating, nominator, non, nonce, none, noop, normalization, normalizer, not, notebook, nothing, notification, notstringer, now, ntoa, null, num, number |
O | obj, observation, observe, offs, offsets, omit, once, oneof, only, operand, operation, operations, ops, optab, optimize, optimizer, option, options, orchestration, ord, order, orderby, organization, orm, ormer, oscillator, others, outcome, output, outputdir, overhead, overlay, overrides, owner |
P | pack, package, packages, pad, page, pager, paginator, paint, pair, pairs, panel, panic, paragraph, parallelizer, parameter, parameters, parent, parentheses, parse, part, partition, parts, pass, password, passwords, patch, patcher, patches, paths, pauser, payload, pbm, pcds, pcg, pci, pcinline, pcln, pclntab, pcvalue, peer, peers, percent, percentile, performance, period, permission, permissions, permit, persist, persistentvolume, persistentvolumeclaim, persister, person, peucker, pflag, phase, phdr, phi, phone, photon, phys, pick, picker, pids, pilot, pipeline, pipes, pkix, placement, places, plane, planner, platform, plist, plug, plugin, pods, pointer, points, policies, policy, poll, poller, pollfd, pool, pools, populator, port, portevent, ports, pos, position, post, postgres, pow, ppf, pquery, pquota, pragma, pragmas, pre, precondition, preconditions, predicates, preds, preemption, preference, preferences, prefixing, prelease, preload, prepare, preparer, preprocess, preprocessor, prerequisite, preserve, pretty, print, printer, priority, privilege, privileges, probe, prober, procedure, process, processes, processor, proclaim, procstat, producer, production, prof, profile, profiler, progeffectscache, program, progress, progs, project, projection, projects, promise, promote, prop, properity, propertie, properties, property, proposal, proposals, protection, prothesis, proto, protobuf, protocol, protoent, provider, providers, provision, provisioner, proxies, prune, pruner, pstruct, psw, ptab, pthreadattr, pthreadcond, pthreadcondattr, pthreadmutex, pthreadmutexattr, ptr, ptrace, ptregs, ptrs, ptrtype, publish, publisher, pubsub, pull, puller, pump, pumps, purge, purger, push, pushdown, pusher, putter, pvc, pwd, pwn |
Q | qid, qos, qry, quantity, quarter, queries, queue, quic, quobyte, quorum, quota, quotas |
R | race, radians, raft, raiser, rand, random, range, ranger, ranks, rate, ratio, rbd, rdf, rds, reachability, reactor, reader, readiness, reason, rebase, rebuild, rebuilder, receiver, recognizer, recommendation, reconcile, reconciler, record, recorder, recover, rectangle, recurse, recv, recycler, redialer, redirect, redirector, redis, reducer, reduction, reentrancy, reentrant, ref, reference, references, reflector, refs, reg, regex, region, regions, registerer, registration, registry, regmmst, regxmm, reinvocation, rejection, rel, release, reload, reloc, relocs, reminder, reminders, remount, removal, rename, renderer, renew, renewer, reorder, reorg, repair, repeat, replacer, replayer, replica, replication, replications, report, reporter, repository, repr, representations, request, requests, require, requirement, requirements, reservation, reserve, reset, resign, resiliency, resolution, resolv, resolver, resources, response, responses, restart, restaurant, restore, restorer, restriction, restrictions, results, retention, retract, retraction, retrier, retriever, retriver, retry, retryer, return, reverse, review, revision, revisions, revoke, rewriter, rhh, right, rio, rlimit, rng, role, roles, rollbacker, rollout, rollup, rollupi, room, root, roots, rotation, rotator, route, router, routes, row, rpath, rpc, rtprio, rtype, rule, rules, rune, runner, runs, rusage, rwc, rwmutex |
S | safety, sampler, sar, savepoint, saver, scalars, scaler, scanner, scase, scatter, scavenge, scavenger, scenario, scene, schedt, schedule, scheduler, scheme, scope, scorer, scrape, scraper, script, scroll, scrypt, sdsservice, search, sec, seconds, secretbox, secrets, section, secure, security, seed, seeker, segment, segments, selection, selector, self, sema, semaphore, semi, send, sender, sendmsg, sentinel, sentry, separator, seq, sequence, sequencer, serialization, series, server, servers, service, services, session, sets, setter, settings, setup, sfm, shape, shard, shards, share, shdr, shim, shlib, shortcut, shortcuts, sidecar, sig, sigactiont, sigctxt, sigevent, siginfo, sign, signals, signature, signin, signout, sigset, simple, simulation, sin, sink, size, sizer, sizes, skew, skip, slack, slice, slices, slist, slot, slots, smagic, smp, snap, snapshot, snapshotter, sni, sock, sockaddr, socket, socks, solver, sometimes, sorter, sortresult, sortvalues, source, sources, space, spaces, sparse, spc, spdy, specialfinalizer, specialprofile, specials, specification, sphere, spiffe, spill, spinlock, splice, split, spread, spy, sql, sqrt, src, srv, ssa, ssafn, stack, stackdriver, stackfreelist, stackpool, stacks, stages, stand, standalone, star, start, starter, startup, stat, state, statement, statements, statestore, statistics, stats, status, std, step, steps, stfc, sticky, still, stkframe, stm, stmt, stop, storage, storageos, store, stores, strategy, stream, streamer, streams, strength, stress, stresser, strict, string, stringer, strings, strip, struct, structfield, structure, sts, student, sub, subcommand, subjects, subnet, subp, subpath, subquery, subresource, subresources, subscriber, subscription, subscriptions, subster, substituter, substr, subsystems, suffix, suffixer, suggestion, suggestions, suites, summaries, supplemental, supplier, supports, suppression, svc, swagger, swap, sweep, sweepdata, switch, sym, symbol, symlink, syms, symtab, sync, syntax, sys, syscall, sysctl, sysctlnode, syslog, syslogger, sysmontick, system |
T | tab, tables, tagger, tags, taint, taints, tar, tarexporter, target, targets, task, taskerr, tasks, tcp, teacher, tee, tel, telegraf, telegram, telemetries, template, templater, term, terminate, termination, termios, terms, tester, tests, textsect, tforkt, thing, threshold, thrift, throttle, throttler, thrparam, ticker, ticket, ticks, tikv, time, timebase, timehands, timer, timeseries, timestamp, timestamps, timezoneinformation, timing, timings, tls, tmp, tmpfs, tmpl, tms, todo, tokenizer, tokenprimarygroup, toleration, tombstone, tombstoner, tool, topic, topics, tos, totals, trace, traceback, tracer, tracestat, track, tracker, trackers, traffic, trailer, transaction, transfer, transform, transformer, transformers, translate, translation, translator, transmit, transport, tree, tri, trie, trigger, trimmer, trip, tripper, trunc, truncate, truth, trx, try, tsdb, tsm, tso, tsubster, ttl, tunnel, tweets, txt, type, typelink, typeparam, types |
U | ucontextt, uint, ulimit, uncompress, undelta, unicode, uniform, union, unit, unlock, unmount, unquote, unregister, unset, unsubscribe, untar, update, upgrader, upgrades, upstreams, usage, use, user, users, utilization |
V | val, validate, validation, validator, validity, value, variables, vars, vcenter, vcs, vdso, vec, vector, ver, verbosity, verification, verify, version, versions, victims, visit, visitor, vitess, vkey, vmcluster, vmodule, volume, volumes, vsphere |
W | waiter, waitq, waits, walker, wardle, warn, watch, watchdog, watchers, water, way, web, webhook, webserver, websocket, week, weight, what, when, whiteout, whitespace, wildcard, win, window, winkernel, winters, word, words, worker, workers, world, wrap, writer, writers |
X | xposmap |
Y | yaml, year |
Z | zap, zbuf, zip, zone, zookeeper |
Word | Related |
A | aborted, abs, accept, acceptable, account, accumulator, acl, acr, activate, active, actual, acyclic, adaptive, add, adder, additional, addresses, addrinfo, addrmsg, adjacent, admin, advice, advisory, affected, affine, after, against, agg, aggregate, agnostic, alias, alignment, alive, all, allocatable, allocated, allow, allowed, allowlist, alpha, alt, alternative, ambiguous, analytical, and, annotate, annotated, annotator, anonymous, any, anycast, app, append, applied, apply, approx, archive, arithmetic, arithmetical, arr, ascending, ascii, assert, assigned, assignment, assume, ast, async, atomic, aton, attach, attachable, attached, attachment, attempt, attribute, aud, authed, authenticated, authorize, authorized, authorizing, authz, aux, auxiliary, available, average, avg, aware, aws |
B | backed, backend, backfill, backoff, bad, balanced, balancing, based, basic, bean, before, begin, below, between, biased, big, binary, bindable, binding, bintree, bitmap, bitvector, blacklist, blank, bmap, booking, bookmark, boolean, bootstraped, bootstrapped, boring, both, bottom, bounded, box, boxed, breadth, broadcasts, broken, browse, btree, buf, buffered, bufio, bufs, built, builtin, bytes |
C | cachable, cacheable, cached, caching, callbacks, calling, can, cancel, cancellable, canonical, caps, captcha, cassandra, ceil, center, central, cfb, cfg, cgothreadstart, challenges, chan, charset, chart, checked, checking, checksum, child, chinese, chunked, clean, clientset, closable, closed, cloud, clustered, cmd, coercing, collected, collecting, cols, combined, comm, commented, commit, common, compact, compare, compatible, compiled, complete, completed, complex, compose, composite, compressed, computed, con, conditional, conf, config, configurator, configurer, connect, consecutive, consistent, consolidated, constant, consume, contact, contains, content, context, continue, continuous, controlz, conv, converting, coordinating, correlated, corresponding, cos, counting, counts, cover, created, creater, cred, credential, critical, cume, cumulative, current, curve, custom |
D | dangling, dapr, databases, datacenter, datalink, dbg, dch, dead, deadman, debugging, dec, decimal, decoded, decoding, decorated, defer, deferred, defined, deflate, defrag, del, delayed, delaying, delegating, deleted, deleter, delimited, delivered, delta, denied, denier, dependency, deploy, deprecated, depth, derivative, derived, desc, descending, describable, describe, description, description:, desired, dest, destroyed, detect, dgraph, diagnostic, digest, dir, direct, directed, directive, dirs, disable, disabled, disconnect, discrete, dish, dispatching, dispenser, disruptive, distributed, does, domain, done, double, down, drop, dry, dsym, dual, dumper, dumping, dup, durable, dyn, dynamic |
E | ecdhe, ecds, edges, edit, eface, effective, elapsed, elastic, elem, elf, elfaux, elfstring, eliminate, elt, email, embedded, empty, enabled, enablement, encodable, encoding, encr, encrypted, encryption, endpointz, enforcement, ent, entry, enum, envelope, envoy, ephemeral, epollevent, equal, equivalence, equivalent, escape, escaper, establishing, eval, evaluate, evaluator, eventual, every, evicted, exact, examiner, exceed, exceptionrecord, exch, excluded, exe, executable, executing, exist, existing, expand, expandable, expect, expected, experiment, experimental, expired, expiring, explicit, exponential, exported, expose, expr, extended, extender, extent, extern, external, extra, extract |
F | fail, failed, failing, failpoint, failures, fairness, fake, false, fancy, fat, fcn, federated, feedback, fifo, files, filesystem, filtered, filtering, final, finblock, find, finish, finished, first, fit, fix, fixed, fixer, flag, flagsrc, flake, flaky, flex, floatish, flush, flux, fold, folder, follow, following, foo, fooer, for, forcegcstate, foreign, formatted, forwarded, forwarding, found, fpregs, frag, frame, frames, framework, free, from, front, fsnotify, fsp, full, funcinl, funcs, functype, funcval, fuzzing, fwd |
G | gateways, gatherer, gclink, gdesc, gen, general, generatable, generated, generic, get, getter, given, global, glue, got, govcs, grabber, graceful, grant, gray, greater, greatest, groupversion, gsignal |
H | halted, handle, handles, handling, handshake, hard, has, hash, have, having, hchan, hcode, heading, healthy, heap, held, hello, helper, hijacked, hist, histogram, hit, hooks, horizontal, hosted, hostent, hostobj, hot, huge, human |
I | idx, iexporter, ifa, ifma, ifreq, ignorable, ignored, iimporter, illegal, imethod, immutable, imp, impersonating, implemented, implicit, imported, inadequate, incompatible, incr, incremental, indented, indenter, indexed, indexer, indirect, individual, influx, influxd, infomsg, ingresses, ini, init, initial, injected, inl, inlined, inlsubst, insert, inspect, install, instr, instrumented, insufficient, integral, intercept, interfacetype, interm, intermediate, internal, interrupt, intersected, interval, into, intrinsic, introspected, invalid, invoke, iop, iptables, ir.syms.write, istiod, itab, iter, ivalue |
J | jittered, join, jwks |
K | keep, keepalive, key, keyring, keyword, kill, killer, kms, kubeadm, kustomize |
L | labeled, lag, lambda, large, last, latency, launcher, layout, lazy, lead, leaf, leasing, least, leave, left, leg, legend, length, lessor, lexer, libary, light, lightning, like, likeness, limited, limiting, lin, linear, link, linked, linkname, linksym, linter, linux, lister, lit, literal, live, lnct, loaded, loader, loading, loc, local, locked, log, logdriver, loggable, logged, logging, logic, logical, look, lookup, loopnest, lower, lowered, lpad, lwpparams |
M | mach, macho, main, major, malformed, managed, manifest, manual, mapextra, maps, maptype, marshalable, masked, matched, matching, mcentral, mean, meet, mem, memdb, memtable, merged, mesh, messaging, methodsig, metric, mgr, mheap, migrate, minimize, minor, minus, minute, mirroring, missing, mixed, mmap, mmapper, mod, mode, modified, modifier, momentum, mono, mosaic, most, mountable, mounted, move, moving, movtab, mtime, mtls, multiple, must, mutable, mutating, mutator, mutex, mvs, mydumper |
N | naive, named, namer, namespaced, naming, native, need, needed, negative, negotiated, neigh, nested, net, networking, neutered, new, newline, next, nfs, nginx, nil, nist, nnu, node, noitf, nominal, noncacheable, nop, normalized, nosys, note, notifier, notify, nowritebarrierrec, nss, nth, ntile, nullable, numa, numeric, nvidia |
O | object, objects, observer, oct, ofb, off, offline, offset, oidc, old, onboard, onboarding, one, opcode, open, opened, operator, opr, opt, optimistic, optional, opts, oracle, ordered, ordering, org, orgs, orig, origin, original, otel, other, out, outbound, outer, outgoing, outsie, over, overlapped, overlapping, override, overrider, overriding |
P | packet, packing, padding, paging, paletted, palloc, panicking, para, parallel, param, params, paren, parquet, parsed, parser, partial, partitioned, passive, pat, patchlist, path, pattern, pause, pauseable, pbuffer, pebble, peek, pending, per, perf, periodic, permanent, permissive, persisted, persistent, pessimistic, physical, ping, pinyin, pipe, pipelined, pkg, pki, plain, plan, plugins, plus, pod, point, poke, pong, pooled, pop, populate, portal, portworx, poset, posting, precompressed, precomputed, pred, predicate, prefer, preferred, prefix, prepared, preserved, previous, prewrite, primitive, printable, priv, private, privileged, probabilistic, proc, processed, processing, profiling, prog, proj, projected, prom, prometheus, prompted, prompting, props, protected, provisioning, proxier, proxy, pruning, psk, pss, pty, pub, public, pulled, pure, pushed, put |
Q | quad, qual, querier, query, queued, queuing, quote |
R | radius, ran, ranges, rank, rat, ratioed, raw, reachable, read, readable, readdir, readline, ready, real, receive, received, recipient, recommended, reconciled, reconstructed, recorded, rect, recursive, redirected, reduce, referenced, reflect, regexp, register, registered, regs, regular, reinvoke, reinvoker, related, relative, remaining, remote, remove, removed, removing, renamable, rendezvous, reopen, reparse, replace, replacement, replicated, reply, repo, req, reqs, requested, requeue, required, res, reserved, reservoir, resize, resolve, resolved, resource, resourcequota, resp, responder, responsiveness, rest, restored, restricted, result, resume, retain, retracted, retryable, retrying, reused, rev, reviews, revocation, revoked, rewrite, ring, robin, rollback, rolling, rootfs, rop, rotate, round, routed, routine, routing, rows, rpad, rudimentary, run, runnable, running, runtime |
S | safe, same, sample, sampling, sandbox, save, scalar, scale, scaling, scan, scanned, sch, schedulable, scheduling, schema, schemas, scoped, score, scoring, scram, sdivisible, sds, seccomp, second, secondary, secret, secrete, sect, seg, sel, select, selective, semt, sensitive, separated, serial, serializable, serialized, serializer, serve, servent, serving, set, settable, setting, shaper, shared, shift, shiftop, short, shortest, should, show, shuffle, shutdown, sigcontext, signal, signed, signer, signing, simplifier, single, sinput, siprng, sized, sketch, skipped, sleep, slicetype, sliding, slow, small, snappy, snapshottable, soft, some, sort, sortable, sorted, sorting, spam, span, spec, special, specific, spi, splitter, splunk, sqlite, ssave, sst, stable, stackmap, stackt, stale, staleness, standard, starship, stateful, states, static, statistic, statuses, statx, stdio, stepped, stf, stk, stoppable, stopping, storages, stored, str, strategic, strcmp, streaming, striped, struc, structtype, structural, structured, stt, stub, stucky, subject, sublist, subroute, subscribe, subscribed, subset, substring, such, sudog, suite, sum, summary, super, supported, suspend, swarm, symbolic, symbolize, symbolizer, synced, syncer, systeminfo, systemtime |
T | table, tablet, tag, tagged, tagging, tail, tailscale, tan, tarsum, tbl, tbs, telemetry, temp, templates, temporary, tenant, terminal, terminated, test, testable, testing, text, than, third, thread, throttled, throttling, throughput, tidb, tiflash, timed, timekeep, timeout, timespan, timespec, timestamped, timeval, timex, timezone, tinput, tiny, token, tokens, tokenuser, toobig, top, topology, total, tparams, tpu, tracing, tracked, tracking, trans, transactional, transforming, transient, trim, triple, true, truncated, trust, tsafe, tuple, two, txn, typ, typed, typedef, typer |
U | uber, uchar, ucontext, ucred, udivisible, udp, uds, uid, uintptr, umagic, unary, unauthorized, unbounded, unbuffered, uncertain, uncommon, uncommontype, uncompressed, uncounted, undeleted, undirected, undo, unescaped, unexpected, unexported, unhex, unicast, unified, unifier, unimplemented, uninstall, uniq, unique, universal, unix, unknown, unmapper, unmarshal, unmounter, unop, unpack, unrecoverable, unresolved, unsafe, unschedulable, unsigned, unspecified, unstable, unstructured, unsupported, until, untyped, unused, unversioned, unwanted, unweighted, updatable, updated, updater, upgrade, upload, uploader, upper, upsert, upstream, ureg, url, urm, used, userinfo, username, usigactiont, usigset, using, utc, util, utimbuf, utsname, uuid |
V | valid, validating, values, var, variable, variadic, variant, vault, verbs, verdaux, verdef, verified, verifier, verifying, verneed, versioned, versioner, vertex, vet, view, viewer, virtual, visible, visited, visiting, vmss, void, vreg |
W | wait, waitable, waiting, waitmsg, wal, walk, want, wanted, warning, wasm, watchable, watched, watcher, watermark, wcf, weighted, weird, white, width, wild, windows, wire, with, without, wobble, work, workbuf, workbufhdr, workfile, workload, wrapped, wrapper, write, written, wrong, wrote |
X | xor |
Z | zero |
Word | Related |
activate | inactivate |
active | inactive |
allow | disallow |
arm | disarm |
asm | disasm |
available | unavailable |
bind | unbind |
blackhole | unblackhole |
block | unblock |
bound | inbound |
box | unbox |
bytereg | unbytereg |
cache | uncache |
changed | unchanged |
common | uncommon |
comparable | incomparable |
compatible | incompatible |
complete | incomplete |
compress | uncompress |
connect | disconnect |
consistent | inconsistent |
cover | discover |
covered | uncovered |
def | undef |
defined | undefined |
delay | undelay |
delete | undelete |
dir | indir |
direct | indirect |
escape | unescape |
escaped | unescaped |
exact | inexact |
expand | unexpand |
expected | unexpected |
export | unexport |
exported | unexported |
finished | unfinished |
flatten | unflatten |
flux | influx |
fold | unfold |
form | inform |
frame | frameless |
getc | ungetc |
group | ungroup |
head | headless |
heap | inheap |
hex | unhex |
icast | unicast |
implemented | unimplemented |
indent | unindent |
inject | uninject |
install | uninstall |
joint | disjoint |
known | unknown |
legal | illegal |
likely | unlikely |
line | inline |
link | unlink |
linkat | unlinkat |
listed | unlisted |
loaded | unloaded |
lock | unlock |
lockextra | unlockextra |
map | unmap |
marshal | unmarshal |
marshaler | unmarshaler |
matched | unmatched |
merge | unmerge |
minit | unminit |
modify | unmodify |
mount | unmount |
move | unmove |
other | another |
pack | unpack |
parallel | unparallel |
paren | unparen |
patch | dispatch |
pause | unpause |
play | display |
prefix | unprefix |
publish | unpublish |
push | unpush |
qual | unqual |
quote | unquote |
reachable | unreachable |
read | unread |
ref | unref |
register | unregister |
reserve | unreserve |
roll | unroll |
root | rootless |
safe | unsafe |
scan | unscan |
schedulable | unschedulable |
secure | insecure |
selected | unselected |
set | unset, inset |
setenv | unsetenv |
share | unshare |
side | inside |
signed | unsigned |
sorted | unsorted |
spill | unspill |
stable | unstable |
stage | unstage |
subscribe | unsubscribe |
supported | unsupported |
tar | untar |
trusted | untrusted |
use | inuse |
used | unused |
valid | invalid |
validate | invalidate |
vendor | vendorless |
version | unversion |
versioned | unversioned |
watch | unwatch |
wrap | unwrap |
zero | unzero |
zip | unzip |
Word | Related |
accept | accepted |
ack | acked |
activate | activated |
add | added, adding |
address | addressing, addressable |
adjust | adjusted |
aggregate | aggregated |
alloc | alloced |
allocate | allocated |
allow | allowed |
annotate | annotated |
assert | assertable |
assign | assigned, assignable |
associate | associated |
assume | assumed |
attach | attached, attachable |
authenticate | authenticated, authenticating |
avail | available |
back | backing |
balance | balanced |
bind | binded, binding, bindable |
block | blocking, blockable |
bootstrap | bootstrapping |
bound | bounded |
box | boxed |
buffer | buffered |
cache | cached, caching, cacheable |
cancel | cancelled, canceled |
change | changed |
chunk | chunked |
clip | clipped |
close | closed, closing |
cmovload | cmovloaded |
combine | combined |
commit | commited |
compact | compacting |
compare | comparable |
compile | compiling |
complete | completed |
compress | compressed |
compute | computed |
conflict | conflicting |
connect | connected |
consolidate | consolidated |
construct | constructed |
consume | consumed |
continue | continued |
control | controlled |
cover | covered |
creat | created |
create | created |
debug | debugging |
declare | declared |
decode | decoded, decodable |
default | defaulted, defaulting |
define | defined |
delay | delayed |
delete | deleted, deletable |
deploy | deployed |
detach | detached |
digest | digested |
disable | disabled |
distribute | distributed |
drain | drained, draining |
elect | elected |
enable | enabled |
enclose | enclosing |
encode | encoded, encoding |
encrypt | encrypted |
end | ended |
error | errored |
escape | escaped |
estimate | estimated |
evacuate | evacuated |
evict | evictable |
exclude | excluded |
execute | executing, executable |
exit | exited |
expand | expanded |
expect | expected |
expire | expired |
explore | explored |
export | exported |
expose | exposed |
extend | extended |
fail | failed, failing |
fetch | fetching |
filter | filtered |
finalize | finalized |
finish | finished |
fix | fixed |
flip | flipped |
flush | flushed |
format | formatting |
forward | forwarding |
fuse | fused |
fuzz | fuzzed |
generate | generated |
grow | growing |
hash | hashing |
have | having |
head | heading |
hijack | hijacked |
ignore | ignored, ignoring, ignorable |
import | imported |
include | included |
indent | indented |
index | indexed, indexing |
initialize | initialized |
inline | inlined, inlining |
insert | inserted |
instantiate | instantiated |
intercept | intercepted |
interrupt | interruptable |
introspect | introspected |
label | labeled |
lead | leading |
limit | limited, limiting |
list | listed |
load | loaded |
lock | locked |
log | logging |
look | looking |
manage | managed |
map | mapping |
mask | masked, maskable |
match | matched, matching |
merge | merged, merging |
miss | missing |
mix | mixed |
mount | mounted |
mutate | mutated, mutating |
name | named |
namespace | namespaced |
negate | negated |
negotiate | negotiated |
netpollinit | netpollinited |
network | networking |
normalise | normalised |
normalize | normalized |
not | noted |
note | noted |
null | nullable |
onboard | onboarding |
order | ordered |
overlap | overlapping |
own | owned |
pack | packed |
parse | parsed |
partition | partitioned |
pass | passed |
persist | persisted |
poll | pollable |
post | posting |
preempt | preemptable |
prefer | preferred |
prefix | prefixed |
prepare | prepared |
preserve | preserved |
printable | |
prioritize | prioritized |
privilege | privileged |
process | processing |
profile | profiling |
project | projected |
promise | promised |
promote | promotable |
provide | provided |
prune | pruned, pruning |
queue | queued, queuing |
quot | quoted |
quote | quoted |
reach | reached, reachable |
receive | received |
record | recorded |
recover | recovered |
redact | redacted |
reduce | reduced |
reference | referenced, referencing |
register | registered |
relax | relaxed |
release | released |
reload | reloaded |
remove | removed, removing, removeable |
repeat | repeated |
replace | replaced |
request | requested |
require | required |
reserve | reserved |
reset | resettable |
resolve | resolved |
retry | retryable |
return | returned |
roll | rolling |
round | rounded, rounding |
salt | salted |
sanitize | sanitized |
save | saved |
scale | scaled |
schedule | scheduled, scheduling, schedulable |
scope | scoped |
seal | sealed |
select | selected, selectable |
serve | served, serving |
set | setting |
shard | sharding |
share | shared |
shr | shred |
shut | shutting |
sign | signed, signing |
signal | signaled |
siz | sized |
size | sized |
skip | skipped |
slice | slicing |
sort | sorted, sorting |
split | splitting |
stage | staging |
start | started |
step | stepped |
stop | stopped, stopping |
store | stored |
stream | streaming |
suite | suitable |
support | supported |
suspend | suspended |
template | templated |
terminate | terminated, terminating |
test | tested, testing |
throttle | throttled |
touch | touched |
trace | tracing |
track | tracking |
truncate | truncated |
trust | trusted |
typ | typed |
type | typed |
unescape | unescaped |
unexport | unexported |
union | unioned |
unlink | unlinkable |
unstructure | unstructured |
unversion | unversioned |
update | updated, updating |
use | used, using |
validate | validated, validating |
vendor | vendored |
version | versioned |
visit | visited |
vote | voting |
wait | waiting |
walk | walked |
want | wanted |
warm | warmed |
warn | warning |
watch | watched, watching, watchable |
weight | weighted |
work | working |
wrap | wrapped |
write | writing, writable |
zero | zeroing |
Word | Related |
abbreviated | expand |
absent | present |
absolute | relative |
abstract | concrete |
accept | reject, refuse |
accessible | inaccessible |
acknowledge | deny |
acquire | lose |
action | inactiveness, inaction, inactivity |
activate | inactivate |
activated | inactivate |
active | quiet, dormant, passive_voice, passive, stative, extinct, inactive |
acts | refrain |
actual | potential |
add | take_away, subtract |
adjust | skew |
admit | deny, exclude, reject |
advance | regress, retreat, fall_back, back, demote, recede |
affected | unmoved, unaffected |
affinity | consanguinity |
alert | unalert |
align | skew |
alignment | nonalignment |
alike | unalike |
aline | skew |
all | no, partly, some |
allow | prevent, disallow, deny, forbid |
alternate | opposite |
always | never |
amend | worsen |
analysis | synthesis |
analyze | synthesize |
anonymous | onymous |
appears | disappear |
applied | exempt, defy, theoretical |
applies | exempt, defy |
apply | exempt, defy |
approval | disapproval |
approve | disapprove |
arbitrary | nonarbitrary |
are | differ |
arm | disarm |
arrange | disarrange |
ascend | set, descend |
ask | obviate |
assemble | disassemble |
asset | liability |
associate | dissociate |
associated | dissociate |
atomic | conventional |
attach | detach |
attachable | detachable |
automatic | manual |
available | unavailable |
avoid | confront, validate |
back | veer, front, advance, forward, ahead |
background | play_up, foreground |
backward | forward, ahead |
bad | unregretful, good, goodness |
balance | imbalance, unbalance, asymmetry |
balanced | unbalanced, unbalance |
bar | unbar |
bare | sheathed, covered |
basic | incidental |
begin | end |
being | differ, nonexistence, nonbeing |
best | bad, ill, worst, badly, disadvantageously, evil |
big | little, small |
bind | unbind, untie |
birth | death |
block | unfreeze, unstuff, unblock, free, remember |
bolt | unbolt |
boring | interest |
bottom | side, top |
bound | unbound, unbind, untie, free |
box | unbox |
break | repair, keep, make, promote, conform_to |
broken | repair, keep, make, promote, conform_to, unbroken |
bulk | minority |
bump | promote |
busy | idle |
call | put_option |
can | hire |
cancelled | on |
capabilities | incapability, incapableness |
capacity | incapacity |
capital | lowercase |
cast | keep_down |
cat | keep_down |
catch | unhitch |
chain | unchain |
change | stay |
changed | unchanged, stay |
cheap | expensive |
check | disagree |
child | parent |
children | parent |
circular | square |
claim | disclaim, forfeit |
classify | declassify |
clean | unfairly, dirty, unclean |
clear | bounce, ill-defined, overcast, opaque, convict, cloudy, unclear, clutter |
clip | unclip |
clipped | unclip |
close | distant, far, open |
closed | open |
closing | opening, open |
cloud | clear_up |
collect | spread |
color | black-and-white, discolor, colorlessness |
colorful | colorless, uncolored, colourless |
colorize | discolor |
combined | uncombined |
commit | divest |
committed | uncommitted, divest, unattached |
common | individual, uncommon |
compact | loose, decompress |
comparable | incomparable |
compatibility | incompatibility |
compatible | incompatible |
complete | incomplete |
completer | incomplete |
complex | simple |
compound | simple |
compress | decompress |
con | pro |
concrete | abstract |
conditional | unconditional |
conditionally | unconditionally |
confirm | negate |
connect | unplug, dissociate, disconnect |
connection | unconnectedness, disconnectedness |
consistent | unreproducible, incoherent, inconsistent |
constant | inconstant |
construct | misconception |
consume | abstain |
consumed | abstain |
content | discontented, discontent |
continue | discontinue |
continued | discontinue, discontinued |
control | unrestraint |
controlled | uncontrolled |
converge | diverge |
convertible | inconvertible |
coordination | incoordination |
correct | falsify, incorrect, wrong |
corrupt | incorrupt, straight |
cover | uncover |
critical | uncritical, noncritical |
cross | uncross |
curl | uncoil |
current | noncurrent |
curve | straight_line |
custom | ready-made |
cut | unmown, untrimmed, uncut, switch_on, expand |
cyclic | noncyclic, acyclic |
day | night |
deactivate | activate |
declarative | interrogative, interrogatory |
declared | undeclared |
decode | encode |
decoded | encode |
decompress | tense, compress, pressurise, pressurize |
decrease | increase, increment |
decrement | increase, increment |
decrypt | encode |
deduct | add |
deep | shallow |
default | payment, pay_up |
defined | undefined |
deflate | inflate |
delay | rush |
delete | record |
deleted | record |
dematerialize | materialize, materialise |
demote | promote |
deny | allow, admit |
dependent | independent |
descend | ascend, rise |
descendants | ancestor |
detach | attach |
did | unmake |
die | be_born |
difference | sameness |
dim | focus, undimmed |
direct | indirect, retrograde, alternating, collateral, inverse |
directly | indirectly |
dirty | clean |
disable | enable |
disabled | enable |
disallow | allow, permit |
disarm | arm |
disconnect | plug_in, connect |
disjoint | join |
dispose | disqualify, indispose |
disqualify | qualify |
distinct | indistinct |
distort | untwist |
distribute | gather |
distributed | concentrated, gather |
distribution | concentration |
divide | unite, multiply |
divisible | indivisible |
does | unmake |
dominant | recessive, subordinate |
done | unmake |
double | univalent, multivalent, single |
down | up, upward, upwards, upwardly |
downgrade | upgrade |
download | upload |
downward | up, upward, upwards, upwardly |
draw | push, deposit, repel |
driver | nondriver |
drop | sharpen, attend_to, recuperate |
dry | sweet, phlegmy, wet |
dynamic | stative, undynamic |
early | late, middle |
east | west |
effective | ineffective |
egress | ingress, immersion |
eligible | ineligible |
eliminate | necessitate |
snail_mail | |
emit | absorb |
empty | full, fill |
enable | disable |
enabled | disable |
encode | decode |
encoded | decode |
encoding | decode |
end | beginning, begin, middle |
enforce | exempt |
enlist | discharge |
enter | exit, drop_out |
equal | unequal, differ, inadequate |
equalities | inequality |
equality | inequality |
equally | unevenly, unequally |
equivalence | nonequivalence |
erase | record |
establish | abolish, disprove |
exact | inexact |
except | include |
exclude | include, admit |
excluded | include, admit |
exclusion | inclusion |
exclusive | inclusive |
exempt | nonexempt, enforce, taxable |
existence | nonexistence, nonbeing |
exit | enter, be_born |
expand | contract |
expensive | cheap |
expire | be_born, inhale |
expired | unexpired, be_born, inhale |
explicit | implicit |
explode | implode |
export | import |
expose | cover |
exposed | cover |
expression | misconstruction |
extension | flexion |
external | internal |
externally | internally |
extinguish | ignite |
fail | succeed, pass, manage |
failure | achiever, success |
fall | increase, ascent, ascend, rise |
false | true |
fast | slow |
fatal | nonfatal |
fault | merit, absolve |
feature | lack |
fetch | take_away |
fill | empty |
find | lose |
fine | coarse |
finish | beginning, begin, start |
fire | hire |
first | end, last, second, middle |
fits | disagree |
fix | unfasten, break |
flat | indirectly, sharp, natural, contrasty |
flatten | sharpen |
flex | unbend, straighten |
float | sink |
flood | ebbtide |
focused | blur, unfocused |
fold | unfold, open |
follow | predate, precede |
follower | leader |
forbid | allow, permit |
forbidden | allow, permit |
force | push, pull |
foreign | domestic, native |
forget | mind, remember |
formal | informal |
forward | aft, back, backward, reverse |
found | lost, abolish, lose |
free | lodge, obstruct, bound, confine, block, freeze, unfree, enforce, blame |
freeze | boil, unblock, unfreeze |
fresh | preserved, stale, salty |
friendly | unfriendly, hostile |
front | rear, back |
frozen | boil, unblock, unfreeze, unfrozen |
fulfilled | fall_short_of |
full | thin, wane, empty |
fully | meagerly |
function | malfunction |
fuse | defuse |
fused | defuse |
future | present, past |
gather | spread |
general | particular, local, specific |
generic | varietal, varietal_wine |
get | end, take_away, leave |
give | starve, take |
good | bad, ill, badness, evilness, evil |
gos | stop, stay_in_place, malfunction, come, be_born |
got | end, take_away, leave |
graceful | awkward |
grant | deny |
greater | lesser |
green | ripe |
half | whole |
hard | lightly, soft, voiced, easy |
has | abstain, lack, refuse |
have | abstain, lack, refuse |
having | abstain, lack, refuse |
head | foot, rear, tail |
headless | headed |
health | illness, unwellness |
healthy | unhealthy |
hidden | show |
hide | show |
high | low_spirits, low |
highest | low |
hit | miss |
hold | let_go_of, disagree |
home | away |
hook | undercharge, unhook |
horizontal | vertical, inclined |
host | parasite |
human | nonhuman |
identical | fraternal |
idle | work, run, busy |
ignore | notice, know |
ignored | notice, know |
ignoring | notice, know |
illegal | legal |
implemented | exempt, unenforced |
implementing | exempt |
implements | exempt |
implicit | explicit |
import | inconsequence, export |
importance | unimportance |
improve | worsen |
inactivate | mobilize, activate |
inactive | operational, active |
include | exclude |
included | exclude |
inclusive | exclusive |
incoming | outgoing |
incomparable | comparable |
incompatible | congenial, compatible, synergistic |
incomplete | complete |
inconsistent | consistent |
increase | decrement, decrease |
increment | decrement, decrease |
indirect | direct, lineal |
inexact | exact |
infinitely | finitely |
inflate | deflate |
influx | outflow, efflux |
ingest | abstain |
ingress | emersion, egress |
inner | outer |
insecure | secure |
inside | outdoors, outside, outwardly |
integration | segregation |
interactive | antagonistic |
interesting | bore, uninteresting |
intermediate | terminal |
internal | external |
intrinsic | extrinsic |
invalid | valid |
invalidate | validate |
inverse | direct |
issue | recall |
join | disjoin |
joint | separate |
just | unjust, inequitable, unfair |
keep | discontinue, let, break, lose |
key | atonality |
kick | cheer |
kind | unkind |
known | unknown, ignore |
lacking | have |
large | little, small |
largest | little, small |
last | first |
late | early, middle |
later | early, middle |
latest | early, middle |
launch | abolish |
lead | deficit, follow |
leader | follower |
least | most |
leave | enter, arrive, disinherit |
left | center, arrive, disinherit, right, enter |
legal | illegal |
less | more |
level | raise |
license | decertify |
likely | improbable, unlikely |
linear | planar, nonlinear, cubic, digital |
link | dissociate, disconnectedness, disconnect |
lit | extinguish, unlighted |
literal | figurative |
live | dead, recorded |
liveness | inanimateness, deaden |
local | express, national, general |
location | studio |
lock | disengage, unlock |
logical | incoherent, illogical |
long | short, unretentive |
longest | short, unretentive |
look | back |
loop | open_circuit, uncoil |
lose | win, keep, profit, gain, break_even, find |
lost | win, keep, profit, gain, won, saved, break_even, found, find |
lower | raise, high |
lowercase | uppercase |
main | dependent |
major | minor |
make | unmake, break |
manage | fail |
managed | fail |
manual | automatic |
many | few |
mark | ignore |
mask | unmask |
match | disagree |
materialize | dematerialize, dematerialise |
maximum | minimal, minimum |
meet | diverge |
member | nonmember |
mend | break |
merge | disunify |
merged | disunify |
merging | disunify |
mesh | disengage |
minify | increase |
minimal | maximum, maximal |
minimize | maximize, maximise, overstate |
minimum | maximum, maximal |
minor | major |
minus | plus |
mismatched | matched |
miss | attend, attend_to, have, hit |
mix | segregate |
mobile | stabile, immobile |
modified | unmodified |
more | less, fewer |
most | fewest, least |
mount | wane, hop_out |
move | stand_still, stay_in_place, rest, refrain, stay |
multiple | single |
multiply | divide, singly |
mutual | nonreciprocal |
naive | sophisticated |
narrowest | broad-minded, wide |
native | nonnative, foreign, adopted |
nearest | far |
need | obviate |
negate | affirm |
negated | affirm |
negative | affirmative, neutral, positive |
net | gross |
never | ever |
new | old, worn |
newer | old, worn |
newest | old, worn |
nice | nasty |
node | antinode |
normal | paranormal, abnormal |
note | ignore |
notice | ignore |
observe | disrespect, break |
off | on |
offset | end, middle |
old | young, new |
older | young, new |
oldest | young, new |
omit | attend_to, include |
opaque | clear |
open | shut, unreceptive, fold, closed, close, covert |
operating | malfunction, disengage |
opposite | alternate, synonym |
optimistic | pessimistic |
optional | obligatory |
order | disorder, disorderliness, deregulate |
ordinal | cardinal |
ordinary | extraordinary |
original | unoriginal |
other | same |
out | safe |
outer | inner, safe |
outgoing | incoming |
outside | inside, indoors, indoor |
overhead | surface, subsurface |
pack | unpack |
package | hardware, unbox |
parallel | oblique, perpendicular |
parent | child |
part | wholly |
partial | impartial |
partially | wholly |
pass | failing, be_born, fail, running |
past | future, present |
payment | nonpayment |
peak | bottom_out |
periodic | aperiodic |
permit | prevent, disallow, forbid |
persistent | caducous |
pessimistic | optimistic |
physical | mental |
pin | unpin |
place | divest |
plain | patterned, fancy, cheer |
play | tightness |
plural | singular |
plus | minus, liability |
point | unpointedness |
polar | equatorial |
port | starboard |
positive | neutral, negative |
possible | actual, impossible |
potential | actual |
power | inability, powerlessness |
precedence | posteriority |
precision | impreciseness, imprecision |
prefix | suffix |
prepared | unprepared |
present | future, absent, past |
preserve | discontinue |
preserved | discontinue, fresh, destroyed |
pretty | unreasonably, immoderately |
prevent | let |
primary | secondary |
printable | unprintable |
priorities | posteriority |
priority | posteriority |
private | public |
privileged | underprivileged |
probability | improbability |
probably | incredibly |
progress | recede, retreat, regress |
promote | demote |
promotion | demotion |
prove | disprove |
public | private |
pull | push, repel |
pure | impure, unsaturated |
purge | rehabilitate, keep_down |
push | pull |
put | call_option, divest |
qualified | unqualified, disqualify |
queries | answer |
query | answer |
quit | take_office, enter, stay, continue |
race | linger |
raise | descent, demote, level, lower |
random | nonrandom |
raw | cooked |
ready | unready |
real | nominal, unreal, insubstantial |
receive | say_farewell |
received | nonstandard, say_farewell |
reciprocal | nonreciprocal |
record | erase |
recover | deteriorate |
recreate | dishearten |
reduce | gain, blow_up, oxidize, oxidise, expand |
reduced | increased, gain, blow_up, oxidize, oxidise, expand |
reentrant | salient |
refresh | tire |
regenerate | unregenerate |
regular | irregular, constipated |
reject | accept, approve, admit |
related | unrelated, dissociate |
relative | absolute |
relax | stiffen, strain, tense |
release | freeze, confine, block, hold |
released | freeze, confine, block, hold |
relevant | irrelevant |
remained | change |
remaining | change |
remember | forget |
remote | close |
repair | break |
require | obviate |
required | obviate |
requirement | inessential |
reserved | unreserved |
resign | take_office |
resolve | irresoluteness |
resolved | unsolved |
responsible | irresponsible |
rest | change, be_active |
restful | restless |
restore | break |
restricted | unrestricted, derestrict |
retire | advance, get_up, turn_out |
retrieve | forget |
reverse | obverse, forward |
right | falsify, left, wrongly, center, improperly, incorrect, incorrectly, wrongfulness, wrong |
roll | unwind |
root | descendant |
round | square |
run | malfunction, idle |
running | malfunction, idle, standing, passing |
safe | out, dangerous |
same | unlike, different, other |
sane | insane |
sanity | insanity |
satisfied | dissatisfy, fall_short_of |
satisfy | dissatisfy, fall_short_of |
saved | lost |
scheduled | unscheduled |
seal | unseal |
second | first |
secure | unfasten, insecure |
security | insecurity |
sent | unsent |
separate | unite, joint |
service | disservice |
set | rise |
setting | rise |
shallow | deep |
shared | unshared |
shipping | disembark |
short | tall, long, retentive |
shorten | lengthen, expand |
shorter | tall, long, retentive |
shortest | tall, long, retentive |
show | disprove, hide |
shrink | expand, stretch |
shut | open, admit |
shutting | opening, open, admit |
side | bottom, top |
simple | compound, complex |
simplify | complicate |
single | multiple, common, married, double |
sink | source, float |
sleep | wake |
slow | fast, accelerate, quickly |
small | big, large |
smaller | big, large |
smart | stupid |
snap | inelasticity |
soft | unvoiced, loud, hard, hardened, forte |
some | no, all |
source | sink |
specific | nonspecific, general |
specifically | generally |
specified | generalize, unspecified |
specifies | generalize |
split | unite |
splitting | unite |
spread | fold, gather |
square | crooked, round |
stabilize | destabilize, destabilise |
stable | unstable |
stale | fresh |
standard | nonstandard |
start | end, stop, middle, finish |
stay | change, move, depart |
stick | move, dislodge |
still | moving, no_longer, louden, agitate, sparkling |
stop | begin, continuant_consonant, start, continue |
stopped | begin, start, continue |
stopping | begin, start, continue |
strict | indulgent |
strike | miss |
strip | dress |
strung | unstring |
subscript | adscript, superscript |
subtract | add |
succeeded | fail, precede |
success | failure, loser |
successful | unsuccessful |
suffix | prefix |
suggest | contraindicate |
support | negate |
suppressed | publicized |
surge | ebb |
sync | desynchronize, desynchronise |
synchronize | desynchronize, desynchronise |
synthesize | analyze |
tail | head |
taint | disinfect |
take | obviate, refuse, disclaim, abstain, give |
tally | disagree |
temporary | permanent |
terminal | intermediate |
terminate | begin, hire |
terminated | begin, hire |
terminating | begin, hire |
text | trade_edition |
there | here |
thin | gain, thickly, thicken, fat, full, thick |
tidy | untidy |
tog | undress |
took | obviate, refuse, disclaim, abstain, give |
top | side, bottom |
transient | immanent |
transport | disenchant |
travel | stay_in_place |
trimmed | untrimmed |
true | false, untruthful |
trust | distrust, mistrust |
truth | inaccuracy, falsity, falsehood |
tune | untune |
turn | unbend |
type | antitype |
unauthorized | authorized |
unavailable | available |
unbind | bind |
unblock | freeze, block |
unbox | box |
unchanged | altered, changed |
uncommon | common |
uncompress | compress |
uncovered | cover |
undecorated | adorned |
undefined | defined |
undo | make, wrap |
unexpected | expected |
unfinished | finished |
unfold | fold |
unified | disunify, divide |
uniform | differentiated, multiform |
unify | disunify, divide |
union | separation, nonunion, disunion |
universal | particular, particular_proposition |
unknown | known, acquaintance |
unlike | like |
unlikely | likely, probable |
unlisted | listed |
unloaded | loaded |
unlock | lock |
unpack | pack |
unprotected | protected |
unroll | wind, roll_up |
unsafe | secure, safe |
unselected | selected |
unsigned | signed |
unstable | stable |
unstructured | structured |
unsupported | supported |
untwist | twist |
unwrap | wrap |
unzip | zip_up |
upgrade | descent, downgrade, demote |
upload | download |
upstream | downstream, downriver |
used | misused |
usually | remarkably |
valid | invalid |
validate | invalidate |
validated | invalidate |
validating | invalidate |
value | disrespect, disesteem |
variable | invariable |
verbosity | terseness |
visibility | invisibility |
visible | invisible |
volume | softness |
wake | fall_asleep, cause_to_sleep, sleep |
walk | ride |
warm | cool |
was | differ |
weak | strong |
weight | unburden |
white | blacken, black |
will | disinherit |
win | fall_back, losings, fail, lose |
wire | unwire |
withdraw | advance, deposit, engage |
within | outside |
work | malfunction, idle |
worker | nonworker |
wrap | unwind, unwrap |
wrapped | unwind, unwrapped, unwrap |
written | unscripted, unwritten, spoken |
wrong | right, correct, rightfulness, correctly |
yes | no |
zip | unzip |
Word | Related |
abandon | unconstraint, give_up, empty, wildness, desolate, forsake, wantonness, desert, vacate |
abbreviated | abbreviate, foreshorten, brief, contract, abridge, shortened, truncated, cut, shorten, reduce |
abs | abdominal, type_ab, ab, acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene, av, ba, group_ab, artium_baccalaurens, abdominal_muscle, bachelor_of_arts |
absent | remove, lacking, scatty, missing, absentminded, abstracted, wanting |
absolute | right-down, sheer, out-and-out, rank, downright, inviolable, infrangible |
abstract | hook, purloin, synopsis, pilfer, precis, pinch, filch, sneak, outline, cabbage, swipe, abstraction, lift, nonobjective, abstractionist, nonfigurative, snarf, nobble |
acc | air_combat_command |
accept | swallow, take_over, bear, go_for, live_with, assume, take_on, have, consent, take, admit |
access | get_at, memory_access, entree, approach, admission, admittance, access_code, accession |
accessible | approachable |
account | story, score, news_report, answer_for, invoice, history, business_relationship, calculate, report, write_up, describe, accounting, explanation, account_statement, chronicle, bill |
accumulate | pile_up, cumulate, compile, conglomerate, collect, hoard, amass, roll_up, gather |
acknowledge | notice, recognise, know, recognize, receipt, admit |
acquire | win, produce, gain, assume, evolve, take_on, adopt, get, grow, take, develop, learn, larn |
action | action_at_law, execute, litigate, activity, accomplish, natural_action, legal_action, carry_out, military_action, carry_through, activeness, natural_process, sue, action_mechanism, fulfil, process, fulfill |
activate | set_off, aerate, touch_off, actuate, trip, trigger, trigger_off, spark_off, spark |
activated | set_off, activate, aerate, excited, touch_off, actuate, trip, trigger, trigger_off, spark_off, spark |
active | active_voice, alive, fighting, active_agent, combat-ready, participating, dynamic |
actor | histrion, role_player, thespian, worker, doer, player |
acts | roleplay, represent, deed, do, playact, act, acts_of_the_apostles, number, move, work, dissemble, human_activity, bit, pretend, human_action, enactment, routine, play, behave, act_as, turn |
actual | existent, real, factual, literal, genuine |
adapt | accommodate, conform, adjust |
adapter | arranger, transcriber, adaptor |
add | impart, summate, total, mbd, tote_up, contribute, sum, supply, sum_up, adhd, attention_deficit_hyperactivity_disorder, tally, hyperkinetic_syndrome, tot_up, add_together, add_up, lend, minimal_brain_dysfunction, bestow, attention_deficit_disorder, append, bring, minimal_brain_damage, tot |
address | speak, treat, savoir-faire, call, turn_to, plow, accost, reference, destination, computer_address, name_and_address, deal, come_up_to, speech, cover, direct, handle |
adjust | adapt, conform, aline, set, line_up, correct, align |
admission | entrance_fee, entree, admission_fee, access, admittance, entrance_money, admission_price, admission_charge, accession, price_of_admission |
admit | allow, intromit, include, take_on, allow_in, acknowledge, let_in, take, accept, accommodate, hold |
adopt | dramatise, dramatize, espouse, follow, take_over, acquire, take_in, assume, embrace, take_on, sweep_up, take_up, take, borrow |
ads | ad, advertisement, advertising, advertizement, advertizing, advert |
advance | boost, gain, elevate, supercharge, promote, in_advance, raise, feeler, throw_out, rise, forward_motion, advancement, cash_advance, progression, upgrade, come_on, betterment, shape_up, kick_upstairs, advanced, onward_motion, encourage, move_on, overture, pass_on, procession, progress, pull_ahead, set_ahead, gain_ground, win, come_along, improvement, approach, beforehand, further, make_headway, go_on, bring_forward, get_on, get_ahead, get_along, march_on |
advertise | publicize, promote, advertize, publicise, push |
advise | apprise, counsel, notify, send_word, apprize, propose, rede, give_notice, suggest |
affected | affect, touched, impact, stirred, feign, touch, regard, move, bear_upon, sham, touch_on, strike, dissemble, involve, impress, bear_on, unnatural, moved, pretend |
affine | affinal |
affinity | kinship, phylogenetic_relation, chemical_attraction |
after | afterwards, subsequently, afterward, later, later_on |
again | once_again, once_more, over_again |
agent | agentive_role, factor, federal_agent, broker |
aggregate | congeries, totality, total, combine, aggregative, sum, aggregated, mass, conglomeration |
aggregated | aggregate, mass, combine, aggregative |
aggregation | assembling, collection, assemblage, collecting, accumulation |
aix | genus_aix |
alarm | warning_device, appall, appal, horrify, warning_signal, alarm_system, alert, alarm_clock, consternation, dismay, alarum |
alert | watchful, zippy, alive, brisk, warning_signal, spanking, rattling, awake, qui_vive, snappy, alerting, alarm, merry, lively, alarum |
algorithm | algorithmic_program, algorithmic_rule |
alias | a.k.a., assumed_name, also_known_as, false_name |
align | aline, line_up, array, coordinate, adjust, ordinate |
alignment | alliance, coalition, conjunction, alinement |
alike | likewise, similar, like |
aline | adjust, line_up, align |
all | whole, altogether, totally, entirely, wholly, completely |
allocate | apportion |
allocated | apportion, allocate |
allocators | allocator, distributor |
allow | tolerate, provide, grant, give_up, earmark, permit, leave, appropriate, let, take_into_account, allow_for, reserve, set_aside, countenance, admit |
almost | well-nigh, near, nearly, virtually, most, about, nigh |
also | as_well, likewise, too, besides |
alt | elevation, el, altitude |
alter | falsify, change, castrate, modify, spay, vary, neuter, interpolate |
alternate | understudy, alternating, interchange, substitute, replacement, switch, flip-flop, alternative, surrogate, take_turns, tack, jump, flip |
always | forever, constantly, ever, e'er, perpetually, incessantly, invariably |
amend | repair, remedy, better, ameliorate, improve, remediate, rectify, meliorate |
amounts | total, add_up, amount_of_money, amount, quantity, sum, come, number, measure, sum_of_money |
analysis | depth_psychology, psychoanalysis, analytic_thinking |
analyze | psychoanalyse, examine, canvass, analyse, dissect, take_apart, psychoanalyze, study, canvas, break_down |
analyzer | analyser |
anchored | ground, drop_anchor, anchor, cast_anchor |
android | humanoid, mechanical_man |
annotate | comment, footnote, gloss |
annotated | annotate, comment, footnote, gloss |
annotation | note, notation, annotating |
announcement | promulgation, proclamation, declaration, annunciation |
anonymous | anon. |
another | some_other |
ans | autonomic_nervous_system, associate_in_nursing, an |
any | whatever, whatsoever |
apart | isolated, aside, obscure, asunder |
apollo | phoebus_apollo, phoebus |
appears | come_along, seem, look, come_out, appear |
append | supply, tag_on, tack_on, hang_on, add_on, add, supplement, affix, tack |
application | covering, diligence, lotion, application_program, practical_application, applications_programme, coating |
applied | utilize, apply, utilise, go_for, put_on, use, practice, enforce, lend_oneself, employ, implement, hold, give |
applier | applicant, applicator |
applies | utilize, apply, utilise, go_for, put_on, use, practice, enforce, lend_oneself, employ, implement, hold, give |
apply | utilize, utilise, go_for, put_on, use, practice, enforce, lend_oneself, employ, implement, hold, give |
approval | favorable_reception, blessing, approving, favourable_reception, commendation |
approve | okay, o.k., sanction |
arch | patronizing, condescending, wicked, mischievous, arc, patronising, impish, archway, curve, implike, prankish, pixilated, puckish |
architecture | computer_architecture |
archive | file_away |
are | represent, follow, make_up, embody, constitute, be, live, personify, equal, cost, ar, exist, comprise |
arena | area, sphere, domain, orbit, sports_stadium, bowl, scene_of_action, field, stadium |
argument | debate, logical_argument, arguing, tilt, argumentation, contention, disputation, parameter, literary_argument, disceptation, line_of_reasoning, contestation, line, statement, controversy |
arm | fortify, subdivision, weapon_system, branch, sleeve, gird, weapon, build_up, limb |
arrange | coiffure, order, coiffe, fix_up, set, stage, do, put, format, set_up, coif, dress |
array | set_out, lay_out, regalia, range, raiment, align |
arrow | pointer |
article | clause |
ascend | move_up, uprise, go_up, climb_up, rise, come_up |
ascii | american_standard_code_for_information_interchange |
asin | asvina |
ask | require, postulate, necessitate, need, inquire, involve, take, enquire, expect, demand, call_for |
assemble | meet, piece, tack_together, foregather, get_together, forgather, put_together, gather, tack, set_up |
assembler | assembly_program |
assert | affirm, swan, avow, verify, aver, asseverate, insist, swear, maintain, put_forward |
assertable | affirmable |
asset | plus |
assign | impute, specify, arrogate, attribute, delegate, depute, set_apart, put, designate, ascribe, portion, allot |
assignable | transferrable, conveyable, negotiable, transferable |
assignment | grant, naming, appointment, assigning, duty_assignment, designation |
associate | affiliate, relate, fellow, link_up, associate_degree, consort, consociate, companion, colligate, familiar, tie_in, comrade, link, assort, connect |
associated | affiliate, relate, link_up, consort, consociate, associate, colligate, tie_in, link, assort, connect |
assume | don, presume, acquire, take_over, sham, bear, put_on, strike, take_up, take, accept, seize, arrogate, feign, take_for_granted, get_into, adopt, simulate, usurp, take_on, wear |
assumed | don, presume, acquire, take_over, sham, bear, put_on, fictitious, strike, take_up, take, accept, seize, arrogate, feign, take_for_granted, get_into, adopt, fictive, simulate, usurp, pretended, assume, take_on, false, wear |
atom | particle, corpuscle, speck, mote, molecule |
atomic | nuclear |
attach | confiscate, impound, bind, bond, sequester, seize, tie |
attachment | fond_regard, adherence, adhesion, fastening, affixation, bond |
attempt | effort, try, attack, seek, undertake, set_about, endeavor, essay, endeavour, assay |
attributes | impute, attribute, dimension, assign, ascribe, property |
audiences | consultation, audience, hearing, interview |
audit | scrutinise, inspect, audited_account, scrutinize |
authenticated | documented, authenticate, attested |
authenticating | authenticate |
authentication | certification, assay-mark, hallmark |
authenticator | appraiser |
author | generator, source, writer |
authority | self-confidence, sureness, federal_agency, confidence, government_agency, sanction, say-so, authorization, potency, dominance, authorisation, bureau, self-assurance, office, agency, assurance |
authorization | mandate, authority, sanction, empowerment, potency, authorisation, dominance, say-so |
authorize | authorise, empower, clear, pass |
authorizer | authoriser |
auto | motorcar, car, machine, automobile |
automatic | reflex, automatic_pistol, automatonlike, machinelike, automatic_rifle, robotic, machine_rifle, reflexive, robotlike |
automation | mechanisation, mechanization |
avail | help, service |
available | useable, uncommitted, usable |
average | mean, average_out, fair, middling, mediocre, norm, medium, intermediate, modal, ordinary, median |
avoid | quash, avert, forfend, obviate, head_off, fend_off, annul, void, keep_off, deflect, nullify, forefend, stave_off, debar, invalidate, ward_off |
await | wait, expect, look |
azure | bright_blue, lazuline, sky-blue, sapphire, cerulean |
back | hind, book_binding, bet_on, backward, spinal_column, cover, backbone, rachis, second, plunk_for, gage, backrest, back_up, game, spine, rearwards, binding, punt, rearward, plump_for, backwards, dorsum, endorse, stake, rear, indorse, support, hinder, vertebral_column |
background | ground, desktop, backcloth, background_signal, background_knowledge, screen_background, play_down, scope, setting, downplay, backdrop |
backtrack | turn_back, double_back |
backup | patronage, relief, backing, substitute, musical_accompaniment, stand-in, accompaniment, reliever, championship, support, computer_backup, fill-in, backup_man |
backward | feebleminded, half-witted, rearward, backwards, back, slow-witted, rearwards |
bad | risky, high-risk, spoilt, forged, tough, regretful, defective, speculative, unsound, badly, badness, spoiled, sorry, big, uncollectible, unfit |
baggage | luggage |
balance | residuum, remainder, libra_the_balance, residue, equilibrium, proportionality, equalizer, counterpoise, equilibrize, equaliser, equilibrate, counterbalance, libra_the_scales, equilibrise, equipoise, symmetricalness, libra, residual, proportion, balance_wheel, counterweight, poise, correspondence, rest, symmetry |
balanced | equilibrise, balance, poise, equilibrize, equilibrate |
band | banding, set, isthmus, circle, lot, striation, stripe, dance_band, ring, stria, dance_orchestra |
banner | standard, streamer |
bar | block_off, taproom, streak, debar, blockade, exclude, saloon, stop, cake, barroom, banish, prevention, relegate, barricade, block_up, legal_profession, browning_automatic_rifle, measure, ginmill, legal_community, block, stripe |
bare | scanty, nude, desolate, barren, publicise, naked, publicize, strip, plain, denudate, bleak, unfinished, stark, simple, au_naturel, unembellished, unornamented, marginal, air, mere, spare, stripped, denude, unsheathed |
base | foot, root, base_of_operations, understructure, lowly, cornerstone, qaeda, basis, fundament, stand, al-qa'ida, radical, theme, foundation, establish, alkali, bag, al-qaida, radix, substructure, root_word, ground, baseborn, groundwork, humble, mean, floor, found, al-qaeda, pedestal, nucleotide, stem, meanspirited, free-base, basal, infrastructure, home, immoral |
basic | introductory, staple, canonic, canonical |
bat | drub, cream, at-bat, flutter, lick, clobber, chiropteran, cricket_bat, thrash, squash_racquet, squash_racket |
batch | pot, raft, stack, mint, plenty, mess, sight, peck, quite_a_little, spate, mountain, mickle, clutch, pile, good_deal, passel, wad, mass, hatful, flock, great_deal, lot, heap, deal, slew, tidy_sum, muckle |
become | turn, get, suit, go |
before | in_front, earlier, ahead |
begin | start_out, set_out, commence, menachem_begin, set_about, lead_off, get, start, get_down |
behavior | demeanour, demeanor, deportment, behaviour, doings, conduct |
being | organism, represent, follow, make_up, embody, constitute, be, live, personify, existence, equal, beingness, cost, exist, comprise |
belongs | belong, belong_to, go |
bench | judiciary, workbench, terrace, work_bench |
benchmark | bench_mark |
best | dependable, adept, expert, secure, beneficial, right, scoop, effective, estimable, skilful, sound, intimately, in_effect, dear, salutary, c._h._best, proficient, undecomposed, skillful, charles_herbert_best, honest, good, near, topper, well, outflank, trump, practiced, considerably, ripe, advantageously, easily, just, safe, respectable, substantially, serious, better, upright, unspoilt, comfortably, full, in_force, honorable, outdo, unspoiled |
beta | genus_beta |
between | betwixt, 'tween |
big | fully_grown, giving, braggart, self-aggrandizing, crowing, boastfully, bountiful, adult, liberal, braggy, vauntingly, prominent, with_child, great, heavy, openhanded, boastful, vainglorious, enceinte, grown, cock-a-hoop, bighearted, bad, bragging, grownup, magnanimous, full-grown, large, bounteous, gravid, self-aggrandising, expectant, swelled, handsome, freehanded |
bin | aba_transit_number, binful, bank_identification_number |
binary | binary_star, double_star, binary_program |
bind | oblige, truss, adhere, attach, tie_down, stick, obligate, bandage, constipate, bond, hold_fast, tie_up, hold, stick_to, tie |
bindable | bondable |
binomial | binominal |
birth | birthing, parturition, nascency, give_birth, giving_birth, nativity, bear, nascence, have, parentage, deliver |
bit | moment, morsel, act, number, second, seize_with_teeth, prick, chip, flake, piece, routine, scrap, fleck, bite, burn, spot, snatch, turn, mo, sting, minute |
bitmap | electronic_image |
blank | lacuna, space, dummy, white, blank_shell, vacuous, clean |
bleed | leech, shed_blood, phlebotomize, phlebotomise, run, hemorrhage |
blob | spot, fleck, blot |
block | auction_block, city_block, block_off, mental_block, freeze, obturate, parry, blockade, choke_up, jam, stop, cube, cylinder_block, impede, close_up, deflect, blank_out, immobilise, pulley_block, stymy, pulley-block, closure, barricade, blocking, block_up, bar, stoppage, engine_block, blockage, kibosh, immobilize, stymie, obstruct, halt, draw_a_blank, occlusion, occlude, forget, pulley, embarrass, stuff, hinder, lug |
bloom | rosiness, blossom, salad_days, flush, efflorescence, bloom_of_youth, flower, blush, peak, blooming, prime, heyday |
blue | puritanical, blue-blooded, naughty, wild_blue_yonder, blue_angel, risque, patrician, grim, downhearted, amobarbital_sodium, puritanic, gamy, racy, aristocratic, blue_devil, juicy, blue_sky, gamey, spicy, blue_air, bluing, blueish, blasphemous, amytal, drab, aristocratical, blueness, dingy, bluish, low, drear, down, depressed, gentle, dreary, dispirited, profane, disconsolate, gloomy, sorry, low-spirited, downcast, blueing, down_in_the_mouth, dark, dismal |
body | trunk, dead_body, consistence, soundbox, physical_structure, torso, consistency, personify, organic_structure, eubstance |
bolt | smack, slap, decamp, slapdash, bang, beetle_off, abscond, go_off, run_off, run_out, rigidly, absquatulate, make_off, gobble, bolt_of_lightning, stiffly, dash, thunderbolt, bolt_out, deadbolt |
boot | reboot, bang, rush, flush, iron_heel, kicking, kick, bring_up, iron_boot, charge, the_boot, thrill |
booth | john_wilkes_booth, stall, kiosk, cubicle |
boring | tedious, irksome, tiresome, drill, deadening, drilling, slow, wearisome, ho-hum, oil_production, tire, bore, dull |
bottom | nates, hindquarters, bottom_of_the_inning, fanny, tooshie, can, undersurface, penetrate, fundament, buns, bum, ass, backside, hind_end, bottomland, derriere, posterior, buttocks, merchantman, underside, tail, butt, freighter, fathom, rump, rear_end, bed, arse, behind, merchant_ship, seat, keister, rear, tush, prat, tail_end, stern |
bound | truss, restrict, constipate, border, bandage, take_a_hop, leap, reverberate, destined, stick_to, restrain, oblige, resile, throttle, boundary, hold, bandaged, bind, recoil, attach, obligate, bounce, confine, ricochet, apprenticed, leaping, bounds, trammel, articled, spring, saltation, adhere, tie, limit, stick, tie_down, indentured, hold_fast, edge, tie_up, jump, rebound, bond |
boundary | bounds, limit, bound, edge |
box | package, corner, box_seat, boxwood, loge, boxful |
branch | subdivision, ramification, fork, offshoot, furcate, offset, arm, outgrowth, leg, separate, limb, ramify |
breadcrumbs | breadcrumb |
break | ruin, go_against, faulting, severance, separate, intermission, burst, bring_out, divulge, wear_out, fall_apart, relegate, split, good_luck, come_apart, prisonbreak, kick_downstairs, breach, erupt, transgress, break_off, break_away, get_out, rift, discontinue, founder, wear, break_dance, expose, gaolbreak, split_up, interruption, break_down, bankrupt, stop, offend, develop, break-dance, time_out, bust, conk_out, part, disclose, break_in, better, crack, breakout, let_on, demote, give_way, snap_off, weaken, check, break_out, falling_out, dampen, give_out, get_around, breaking, unwrap, soften, recess, let_out, smash, breakage, happy_chance, fracture, fault, fail, give_away, jailbreak, discover, bump, open_frame, damp, intermit, go_bad, cave_in, break_up, go, collapse, respite, recrudesce, reveal, shift, pause, gap, die, geological_fault, interrupt, give, violate, infract, disruption, rupture, fall_in, break_of_serve, prison-breaking, suspension |
breakdown | crack-up, equipment_failure, dislocation, partitioning |
bridge | bridge_over, bridge_deck, bridge_circuit, nosepiece, span, bridgework |
brief | legal_brief, abbreviated |
broadcast | programme, transmit, send, disseminate, beam, propagate, circularise, distribute, diffuse, program, circularize, pass_around, disperse, air, circulate, spread |
broken | ruin, go_against, humbled, separate, burst, bring_out, divulge, wear_out, busted, fall_apart, relegate, split, come_apart, kick_downstairs, breach, transgress, erupt, break_off, break_away, get_out, discontinue, founder, wear, break_dance, expose, split_up, break_down, bankrupt, stop, offend, disordered, develop, break-dance, upset, break, bust, conk_out, part, impoverished, disclose, break_in, better, crack, let_on, demote, give_way, snap_off, weaken, check, break_out, dampen, give_out, get_around, unwrap, confused, soften, let_out, smash, low, fracture, fail, give_away, humiliated, discover, bump, damp, intermit, go_bad, cave_in, break_up, go, collapse, recrudesce, reveal, crushed, pause, unkept, die, interrupt, give, violate, broken_in, infract, rugged, wiped_out, fall_in |
broker | broke, factor, agent, stony-broke, bust, skint, stone-broke |
browse | crop, shop, surf, graze, range, pasture, browsing |
browser | web_browser |
bucket | pail, bucketful |
buffer | cowcatcher, buffer_zone, cushion, fender, buffer_storage, polisher, soften, buff, buffer_store, pilot |
bug | wiretap, hemipteran, intercept, glitch, tap, pester, microbe, tease, beleaguer, hemipterous_insect, badger, hemipteron, germ |
build | frame, flesh, body-build, human_body, figure, bod, habitus, material_body, physique, make, chassis, work_up, establish, soma, construct, build_up, physical_body, shape, progress, form, ramp_up, anatomy |
builder | detergent_builder, constructor |
built | make, reinforced, build, ramp_up, progress, work_up, establish, construct, build_up |
bulk | majority, volume, bulge, mass |
bump | dislodge, knock, blow, protrusion, gibbosity, happen, swelling, relegate, excrescence, break, hump, prominence, kick_downstairs, gibbousness, protuberance, bulge, chance, extrusion, encounter, jut, demote, find |
bundle | package, parcel, bundle_up, packet, pack, compact, big_money, roll_up, sheaf, practice_bundling, bunch, big_bucks, bunch_up, cluster, clump, megabucks, wad, pile |
busy | meddling, fussy, occupy, engaged, interfering, officious, meddlesome, in_use, busybodied |
but | merely, just, simply, only |
cache | squirrel_away, stash, hoard, memory_cache, hive_up, lay_away |
cached | cache, squirrel_away, stash, hoard, hive_up, lay_away |
caching | cache, squirrel_away, stash, hoard, hive_up, lay_away |
caddy | tea_caddy, caddie |
calculate | count_on, cipher, estimate, account, work_out, bet, forecast, look, reckon, cypher, figure, depend, direct, aim, count, compute |
call | name, predict, foretell, scream, song, phone, call_option, birdcall, call_up, shout_out, vociferation, birdsong, anticipate, hollo, holler, send_for, visit, cry, claim, bid, call_off, prognosticate, outcry, forebode, yell, telephone, margin_call, telephone_call, squall, shout, call_in, ring, phone_call, promise, address |
callback | recall |
caller | phoner, caller-up, company, telephoner, caller-out |
campaign | military_campaign, hunting_expedition, fight, effort, take_the_field, political_campaign, press, agitate, crusade, push, cause, drive, movement, run, safari |
can | pot, terminate, tin_can, bathroom, nates, hindquarters, send_away, fanny, tooshie, commode, crapper, canful, lav, give_notice, displace, lavatory, fire, fundament, potty, dismiss, force_out, buns, bum, ass, backside, hind_end, derriere, privy, bottom, john, posterior, buttocks, toilet, throne, give_the_sack, tail, stool, butt, rump, rear_end, arse, behind, tin, seat, keister, rear, give_the_axe, tush, prat, can_buoy, put_up, tail_end, stern, sack |
cancel | strike_down, set_off, call_off, delete, offset, invalidate, scrub, natural, scratch |
cancelled | strike_down, set_off, call_off, delete, offset, cancel, scrub, invalidate, off, scratch |
candidates | campaigner, nominee, candidate, prospect |
canon | canyon |
canonical | canonic, sanctioned, basic |
cant | pitch, pious_platitude, bevel, tilt, cant_over, bank, vernacular, lingo, jargon, argot, slang, camber, chamfer, slant, buzzword, patois |
cap | crownwork, ceiling, roof, capital, crest, pileus, jacket, hood, detonator, jacket_crown, chapiter, detonating_device, crown |
capabilities | capacity, capableness, potentiality, capability |
capacity | capability, content, mental_ability, electrical_capacity, capacitance |
capital | das_kapital, great, working_capital, majuscule, capital_letter, chapiter, uppercase, washington, cap, upper-case_letter |
capitalize | take_advantage, capitalise |
capture | entrance, gaining_control, becharm, appropriate, charm, catch, beguile, enamour, trance, captivate, get, conquer, seizure, enamor, seize, bewitch, fascinate, enchant |
car | cable_car, railroad_car, elevator_car, railway_car, auto, railcar, motorcar, machine, automobile, gondola |
carry | contain, impart, gestate, transport, dribble, stockpile, sway, convey, transmit, have_a_bun_in_the_oven, bear, channel, take, deport, conduct, run, hold, post, behave, acquit, comport, persuade, pack, express, stock, extend, expect |
cas | calcium, california, golden_state, calif., ca, atomic_number_20 |
cascade | shower, cascade_down |
case | typesetter's_case, display_case, fount, compositor's_case, pillow_slip, pillowcase, event, face, slip, caseful, incase, typeface, casing, cause, encase, example, type, grammatical_case, lawsuit, shell, instance, character, suit, vitrine, subject, eccentric, font, sheath, showcase, causa, guinea_pig |
cast | mold, frame, purge, dramatis_personae, shake_off, draw, regurgitate, puke, sick, drop, throw_away, vagabond, cast_off, upchuck, spew, stray, mould, cast_of_characters, stamp, swan, rove, hurl, throw_off, throw_up, barf, disgorge, spue, be_sick, shed, roll, drift, ramble, wander, chuck, cat, plaster_cast, shape, honk, contrive, put, retch, roam, range, throw, hurtle, plaster_bandage, couch, casting, vomit_up, form, redact, vomit, regorge, tramp, project |
cat | purge, regurgitate, khat, puke, sick, arabian_tea, upchuck, spew, african_tea, true_cat, cat-o'-nine-tails, throw_up, hombre, barf, caterpillar, computed_axial_tomography, disgorge, spue, cast, be_sick, chuck, guy, computed_tomography, computerized_axial_tomography, honk, big_cat, retch, ct, bozo, quat, kat, computerized_tomography, vomit_up, qat, vomit, regorge |
catch | haul, taking_into_custody, take_in, pinch, charm, captivate, snap, collar, gimmick, stop, match, take_hold_of, catch_up_with, enamour, apprehension, hitch, enamor, fascinate, arrest, enchant, entrance, becharm, overhear, trance, capture, overtake, bewitch, trip_up, pick_up, snatch, see, view, beguile, grab, watch, get |
categories | class, category, family |
categorize | categorise |
category | class, family |
cause | make, campaign, grounds, effort, causal_agent, suit, do, induce, case, causal_agency, stimulate, have, get, crusade, causa, drive, movement, reason, lawsuit |
cds | compact_disk, candle, cd, atomic_number_48, standard_candle, cadmium, compact_disc, candela, certificate_of_deposit |
cell | electric_cell, cellular_phone, jail_cell, cellphone, cellular_telephone, cadre, mobile_phone, prison_cell, cubicle |
certificate | credential, certification, security, credentials |
chain | concatenation, ernst_boris_chain, mountain_chain, strand, range, range_of_mountains, chain_of_mountains, string, mountain_range, chemical_chain, sir_ernst_boris_chain |
challenge | dispute, gainsay, take_exception |
change | alter, shift, convert, modification, modify, exchange, interchange, switch, alteration, vary, deepen, variety, transfer, commute |
changed | alter, shift, change, convert, modify, exchange, interchange, switch, vary, deepen, transfer, commute |
channel | impart, carry, canalise, channelize, transport, canal, convey, transmit, epithelial_duct, transmission_channel, groove, line, conduct, television_channel, canalize, duct, tv_channel, distribution_channel, communication_channel, channelise, transfer |
char | scorch, charwoman, blacken, charr, coal, sear, cleaning_lady, woman, cleaning_woman |
chart | graph |
cheap | flash, loud, cheesy, meretricious, gimcrack, bum, tacky, gaudy, inexpensive, tatty, brassy, sleazy, flashy, punk, chinchy, chintzy, crummy, tawdry, garish, tinny, trashy |
check | contain, handicap, delay, check-out_procedure, insure, assure, ensure, check_off, check_into, look_into, tab, check_out, chit, hold_in, check_up_on, hindrance, tick_off, determine, cheque, impediment, go_over, gibe, agree, chequer, stop, suss_out, curb, baulk, match, bridle, control, bank_check, correspond, hitch, condition, check_mark, substantiation, confirmation, chip, hold, arrest, tally, hinderance, break, checker, stoppage, check_over, jibe, hold_back, checkout, mark_off, find_out, deterrent, moderate, fit, retard, ascertain, turn_back, discipline, see, train, halt, mark, crack, verification, watch, assay, tick, see_to_it, chink, learn, balk, stay |
checker | chequer, check |
checkout | checkout_time, check-out_procedure, check, checkout_counter |
child | fry, nestling, youngster, tike, nipper, tyke, baby, minor, small_fry, tiddler, shaver, kid |
children | child, fry, nestling, youngster, tike, nipper, tyke, baby, minor, small_fry, tiddler, shaver, kid |
chomp | bite, champ |
choose | pick_out, select, take, prefer, opt |
chunk | collocate, glob, lump, ball, clump, clod |
cinder | clinker |
cipher | goose_egg, reckon, nought, cypher, nobody, calculate, figure, nada, code, inscribe, encipher, nothing, null, zero, naught, nonentity, zilch, write_in_code, zip, nil, nix, encrypt, work_out, aught, zippo, cryptograph, compute, secret_code |
circular | broadside, throwaway, orbitual, broadsheet, round, handbill, rotary, flier, flyer, bill |
claim | title, arrogate, exact, take, lay_claim, call |
clamp | clinch |
class | stratum, course, classify, sort_out, socio-economic_class, year, family, sort, division, assort, form, course_of_instruction, category, course_of_study, grade, social_class, separate |
classify | class, sort_out, sort, assort, separate, relegate |
clause | article |
clean | clear, sporty, unobjectionable, sportsmanlike, houseclean, clean_house, pick, uncontaminating, make_clean, clean-living, strip, clean_and_jerk, fresh, fairly, uninfected, plum, fair, plumb, cleanse, unclouded, scavenge, light, neat, sporting, blank, white |
cleanup | cleanup_position, cleanup_spot, cleansing, killing, cleaning |
clear | crystallize, discharge, well-defined, sort_out, gain, take_in, all_the_way, clear-cut, percipient, net, unclutter, light_up, bring_in, make, top, sack_up, exonerated, open, solve, exculpated, assoil, pass, clean-cut, crystalize, straighten_out, illuminate, unmortgaged, brighten, authorise, cleared, earn, realize, exculpate, unclouded, absolved, acquit, realise, enlighten, readable, authorize, decipherable, pull_in, light, vindicated, crystalise, shed_light_on, clear_up, elucidate, exonerate, crystallise, sack, clearly, clean |
client | guest, node, customer |
clip | crop, lop, magazine, clipping, time, trot, nip_off, trim, cartridge_clip, snip_off, cartridge_holder, cut_back, curtail, cut_short, prune, nip, snip, dress, jog |
clipped | crop, lop, clip, trot, nip_off, trim, snip_off, cut_back, curtail, cut_short, prune, nip, snip, dress, jog |
clobber | batter, drub, cream, bat, lick, thrash, stuff, baste |
clock | time |
clone | knockoff, dead_ringer, ringer, clon |
close | tightlipped, finale, fill_up, skinny, snug, closelipped, finish, shut, closemouthed, fold, conclude, unaired, penny-pinching, close_up, stuffy, secretive, closing_curtain, close-fitting, close_down, shut_down, conclusion, near, confining, tight, last, finis, cheeseparing, nigh, come_together, faithful, stopping_point, airless, closely, closing, end, ending |
closed | shut, closed_in, shut_down, unopen, come_together, unsympathetic, fold, conclude, fill_up, close_up, close, close_down |
closing | shut, shut_down, conclusion, come_together, fold, fill_up, conclude, completion, end, close_up, shutdown, closedown, mop_up, shutting, close, windup, culmination, close_down, ending, closure |
closure | resolution, gag_rule, cloture, settlement, block, occlusion, stop, stoppage, blockage, gag_law, closedown, shutdown, closing, law_of_closure |
cloud | befog, haze_over, fog, dapple, obscure, overcast, obnubilate, swarm, corrupt, taint, mottle, defile, sully, mist, becloud |
cluster | flock, constellate, clustering, bunch, bunch_up, clump, bundle |
coalesce | flux, meld, immix, conflate, commingle, combine, blend, mix, fuse, merge |
cockroach | roach |
code | cipher, inscribe, encrypt, encipher, write_in_code, codification, cypher, computer_code |
coerce | force, hale, pressure, squeeze |
col | gap |
collapse | crash, give_way, flop, cave_in, crumble, burst, break, break_up, crack, prostration, tumble, founder, crock_up, crumple, break_down, fall_in, crack_up, give |
collation | bite, snack |
collect | pile_up, pick_up, pull_in, take_in, garner, compile, gather_up, cod, accumulate, hoard, gather, amass, roll_up, pull_together, call_for |
collection | assembling, aggregation, collecting, assemblage, accumulation, appeal, solicitation, compendium, ingathering |
collectors | accumulator, gatherer, collector, aggregator |
color | colour, distort, people_of_colour, color_in, vividness, emblazon, coloring, colorize, coloring_material, colouring_material, gloss, people_of_color, colourise, colour_in, semblance, tinge, colouration, discolour, colouring, colourize, colorise, discolor, coloration |
colorful | colourful, coloured, colored |
colorize | colour, colourize, colorise, colourise, colour_in, color, color_in |
column | chromatography_column, editorial, tower, pillar, newspaper_column |
comb | combing, ransack, coxcomb, cockscomb, disentangle, comb_out |
combine | cartel, unite, flux, combining, conflate, immix, commingle, meld, blend, trust, mix, fuse, coalesce, merge, compound, aggregate, corporate_trust |
combined | unite, flux, immix, combine, conflate, commingle, meld, blend, mix, fuse, coalesce, merge, compound, aggregate |
comma | comma_butterfly, polygonia_comma |
command | require, bid, overtop, mastery, program_line, dominate, control, overlook, dictation, statement, bidding, instruction |
comment | notice, scuttlebutt, point_out, annotate, gloss, input, commentary, remark, gossip |
commit | invest, confide, place, intrust, practice, pull, dedicate, trust, put, charge, consecrate, devote, institutionalise, entrust, perpetrate, institutionalize, send, give |
committed | invest, commit, place, confide, intrust, practice, pull, dedicate, trust, put, charge, devote, institutionalise, entrust, consecrate, perpetrate, attached, institutionalize, send, give |
common | commons, mutual, unwashed, plebeian, vernacular, green, vulgar, usual, coarse, rough-cut, uncouth, park |
community | community_of_interests, residential_district, biotic_community, residential_area |
comp | comprehensive, comprehensive_examination |
compact | compress, pack, thick, contract, pack_together, thickset, concordat, summary, bundle, compendious, powder_compact, succinct, covenant, heavyset, stocky, press, constrict, squeeze, wad, compact_car |
compaction | crunch, concretion, compression, densification, crush |
comparable | corresponding, like |
compare | comparability, equate, comparison, liken, equivalence |
comparison | compare, equivalence, comparing, comparability |
compile | pile_up, accumulate, collect, hoard, amass, roll_up, compose |
compiler | compiling_program |
compiling | pile_up, compile, accumulate, collect, hoard, amass, roll_up, compilation, compose |
complete | discharge, ended, accomplished, everlasting, finish, all_over, pure, concluded, stark, consummate, unadulterated, fill_out, over, dispatch, sodding, double-dyed, gross, nail, thoroughgoing, arrant, staring, terminated, perfect, fill_in, make_out, utter |
completed | discharge, fill_out, nail, dispatch, realised, accomplished, complete, finish, realized, fill_in, make_out |
completer | concluded, unadulterated, gross, double-dyed, ended, thoroughgoing, over, accomplished, complete, staring, terminated, perfect, everlasting, utter, arrant, stark, all_over, sodding, consummate, pure |
completion | pass_completion, mop_up, closing, windup, culmination |
complex | coordination_compound, building_complex, composite |
component | factor, ingredient, part, constituent, portion, element, component_part |
compose | frame, compile, write, indite, draw_up, pen |
composite | composite_plant, complex |
compound | chemical_compound, colonial, combine, intensify, deepen, heighten |
compress | compact, contract, press, constrict, squeeze, pack_together |
compute | cipher, work_out, reckon, calculate, cypher, figure |
computed | cipher, work_out, reckon, calculate, cypher, figure, compute |
computer | calculator, computing_device, estimator, electronic_computer, figurer, information_processing_system, data_processor, reckoner, computing_machine |
con | gip, goldbrick, mulct, yard_bird, inmate, bunko_game, confidence_game, bunco_game, short-change, convict, confidence_trick, scam, bunko, flimflam, hornswoggle, yardbird, con_game, nobble, swindle, memorise, victimize, rook, gyp, memorize, defraud, sting, hustle, learn, diddle, bunco |
concurrency | concurrence |
concurrent | simultaneous, coincident, cooccurring, coincidental, coinciding, co-occurrent |
condition | specify, discipline, train, qualify, term, consideration, precondition, shape, status, stipulate, check, circumstance, experimental_condition, stipulation |
configuration | conformation, form, shape, constellation, contour |
confirm | substantiate, affirm, corroborate, sustain, support, reassert |
conflict | fight, engagement, contravene, struggle, difference, difference_of_opinion, run_afoul, battle, dispute, infringe |
conformance | conformity |
conjure | stir, bid, call_down, adjure, conjure_up, invoke, raise, bring_up, call_forth, conspire, press, arouse, cabal, complot, machinate, entreat, evoke, beseech, put_forward |
connect | join, unite, plug_in, touch_base, get_in_touch, relate, link_up, plug_into, associate, colligate, tie_in, link, tie |
connection | joining, connectedness, connective, connexion, association, link, connector, connecter |
consider | debate, see, believe, regard, view, weigh, turn_over, reckon, look_at, study, take, think, deal, moot, deliberate, count, conceive |
consistent | coherent, reproducible, logical, ordered, uniform |
consolidated | coalesced, consolidate, amalgamate, fused, amalgamated |
constant | changeless, invariable, unremitting, invariant, ceaseless, incessant, unvarying, constant_quantity, perpetual, unceasing, never-ending |
constrain | encumber, tighten, stiffen, cumber, tighten_up, restrain |
constraint | restraint |
construct | make, conception, build, fabricate, reconstruct, retrace, manufacture, concept |
consume | exhaust, waste, eat, take_in, ingest, squander, go_through, use_up, have, wipe_out, take, deplete, eat_up, devour, ware, down, run_through |
consumed | exhaust, waste, eat, take_in, ingest, squander, go_through, use_up, have, wipe_out, take, deplete, eat_up, consume, devour, ware, down, run_through |
contact | adjoin, liaison, inter-group_communication, reach, middleman, tangency, touch, physical_contact, impinging, meet, get_through, striking, get_hold_of, contact_lens, link |
contain | turn_back, carry, bear, stop, incorporate, curb, hold_back, comprise, moderate, check, take, control, hold_in, hold, arrest |
content | contented, contentedness, subject_matter, subject, message, cognitive_content, mental_object, capacity, depicted_object, substance |
context | context_of_use, linguistic_context, setting, circumstance |
continue | go_forward, keep, remain, retain, carry_on, go_along, keep_on, stay_on, extend, go_on, proceed, preserve, persist_in, uphold, cover, bear_on, stay |
continued | go_forward, keep, remain, retain, carry_on, go_along, keep_on, stay_on, extend, go_on, proceed, preserve, persist_in, uphold, continue, cover, bear_on, stay |
control | contain, insure, assure, ensure, mastery, check, hold_in, ascendance, keep_in_line, curb, control_condition, restraint, manipulate, hold, operate, command, moderate, master, ascertain, ascendency, see, ascendancy, controller, ascendence, verify, dominance, see_to_it |
controlled | contain, operate, ascertain, see, insure, keep_in_line, assure, ensure, command, curb, verify, moderate, check, see_to_it, control, master, hold_in, manipulate, hold |
controller | comptroller, accountant, control, restrainer |
converge | meet |
conversion | transition, rebirth, changeover, spiritual_rebirth |
convert | change, exchange, change_over, convince, win_over, commute |
converter | convertor |
convertible | exchangeable, convertible_security, sofa_bed, translatable, transformable, transmutable |
cookie | cooky, biscuit |
coordinate | co-ordinate, organise, organize, ordinate, align |
cop | hook, collar, apprehend, pick_up, nail, thieve, knock_off, glom, nab, snitch, fuzz, pig, copper, bull, arrest |
copied | copy, re-create, replicate, imitate, simulate |
copier | duplicator |
copy | re-create, replicate, imitate, written_matter, transcript, simulate |
core | inwardness, center, marrow, effect, sum, pith, heart, magnetic_core, meat, heart_and_soul, core_group, burden, congress_of_racial_equality, kernel, essence, nucleus, nitty-gritty, gist, centre, nub, substance |
corpus | principal_sum, principal |
correct | counterbalance, chasten, objurgate, slump, discipline, sort_out, set, make_up, decline, compensate, even_out, right, chastise, rectify, even_off, even_up, redress, adjust, castigate |
corrupt | misdirect, buy, bribe, cloud, grease_one's_palms, debauch, corrupted, subvert, demoralize, deprave, crooked, vitiate, taint, sully, demoralise, debase, spoil, profane, pervert, defile, tainted |
cos | cos_lettuce, cosine, cobalt, atomic_number_27, conscientious_objector, colorado, centennial_state, carbon_monoxide_gas, romaine_lettuce, co, romaine, carbon_monoxide |
cosh | blackjack, sap |
cost | price, toll, monetary_value, be |
cot | fingerstall, crib, camp_bed |
count | tally, enumerate, numerate, weigh, counting, bet, reckoning, reckon, enumeration, depend, calculate, numeration, number, consider, matter, look |
counter | foresee, comeback, retort, riposte, buffet, forestall, counterpunch, sideboard, return, heel_counter, anticipate, replication, rejoinder, parry, tabulator, antagonistic |
cover | covering_fire, insure, get_across, book_binding, plow, cut_through, track, underwrite, cover_song, get_over, encompass, continue, overlay, top, wrap_up, cross, report, cut_across, concealment, cover_version, masking, hide, brood, traverse, covering, binding, address, screen, incubate, embrace, pass_over, shroud, hatch, handle, covert, cover_charge, overcompensate, breed, blanket, treat, comprehend, screening, extend, compensate, natural_covering, back, spread_over, enshroud, deal, cover_up |
coverage | insurance_coverage, reportage, reporting |
cpu | c.p.u., mainframe, central_processor, central_processing_unit, processor |
crash | ram, break_up, collapse, go_down, doss_down, clank, clash, clang, smash, break_apart, clangor, clangoring, doss, barge_in, clangour, gate-crash, dash, wreck |
crawl | grovel, creep, australian_crawl, fawn, crawling, cower, creeping, cringe, front_crawl |
create | produce, make |
creation | cosmos, initiation, universe, institution, conception, origination, macrocosm, instauration, founding, innovation, foundation, creative_activity, introduction, existence, world |
credential | certificate, credentials, certification |
creds | cred, street_cred, street_credibility |
criteria | criterion, standard, measure, touchstone |
critical | vital, decisive |
cross | crossbreed, hybridise, crown_of_thorns, get_across, cut_through, interbreeding, bad-tempered, track, interbreed, transversal, hybridisation, get_over, cover, foil, bilk, baffle, hybridization, hybridizing, ill-tempered, scotch, cut_across, crabby, transverse, hybrid, traverse, frustrate, queer, thwartwise, grumpy, pass_over, hybridize, crisscross, intersect, spoil, crossing, mark, crabbed, fussy, grouchy, thwart, sweep, crossbreeding, span |
cse | communications_security_establishment |
css | caesium, atomic_number_55, cesium, cs |
cuckoo | goose, goof, zany, goofball, jackass, twat, bozo, fathead |
cur | mongrel, mutt |
curl | scroll, wave, loop, curl_up, lock, gyre, kink, robert_f._curl, robert_curl, ringlet, coil, curve, draw_in, curlicue, whorl, roll, robert_floyd_curl_jr. |
current | flow, stream, electric_current |
currently | presently |
curried | groom, dress, curry |
curry | groom, dress |
cursor | pointer |
curve | arch, veer, wind, breaking_ball, curved_shape, curvature, crook, kink, slue, curl, arc, cut, twist, slew, bend, trend, swerve, sheer, curve_ball, bender |
custom | customs_duty, usage, usance, custom-made, customs, impost, tradition |
customize | custom-make, customise, tailor-make |
cut | abbreviate, thin, cut_off, snub, baseball_swing, slue, slash, skip, emasculated, slashed, track, issue, cut_back, disregard, rationalize, shorten, gelded, edit, thin_out, bring_down, veer, hack, trim_down, dilute, gash, thinned, rationalise, shortened, slice, cutting, prune, trim_back, deletion, cut_of_meat, excision, contract, stinger, geld, undercut, cut_down, slew, trend, turn_off, turn_out, reduce, ignore, burn, foreshorten, cutting_off, abridge, mown, swing, write_out, edit_out, switch_off, weakened, cold_shoulder, trim, curve, swerve, sheer, make_out, tailor, trimmed |
cutoff | shortcut, crosscut |
cxx | one_hundred_twenty, 120 |
cycle | hz, cycles/second, pedal, cycle_per_second, round, hertz, cps, bike, wheel, motorcycle, motorbike, rhythm, bicycle, oscillation |
cyclic | cyclical |
daemon | demon, devil, daimon, fiend, demigod |
daily | day-by-day, day_by_day, casual, everyday, day-after-day, day-to-day |
dashboard | splasher, fascia, splashboard |
dashes | flash, sprint, frighten_off, daunt, scare, crash, scoot, pall, panache, scud, scare_away, dash, dah, bolt, style, dart, smash, hyphen, scare_off, frighten_away, flair, shoot, elan |
data | data_point, datum, information |
date | see, go_steady, date_stamp, escort, go_out, appointment, particular_date, engagement, day_of_the_month |
datum | data_point |
day | daytime, 24-hour_interval, clarence_shepard_day_jr., daylight, solar_day, mean_solar_day, twenty-four_hour_period, clarence_day, twenty-four_hours, sidereal_day |
deactivate | inactivate |
deal | pot, sell, raft, stack, plow, make_do, mint, plenty, distribute, mess, cover, sight, deal_out, peck, quite_a_little, spate, dispense, parcel_out, mountain, take, manage, mickle, conduct, portion_out, divvy_up, pile, get_by, dole_out, dish_out, good_deal, batch, passel, contend, look_at, cope, tidy_sum, apportion, wad, care, mass, handle, hatful, business_deal, grapple, mete_out, administer, flock, bargain, treat, share, shell_out, softwood, great_deal, trade, carry_on, lot, hand, heap, make_out, slew, consider, allot, address, muckle |
debugging | debug |
dec | december, declination, celestial_latitude |
decide | resolve, determine, settle, adjudicate, make_up_one's_mind |
decimal | denary, decimal_fraction |
declarative | fact_mood, asserting, indicative_mood, declaratory, indicative, common_mood, declarative_mood |
declare | announce, hold, adjudge |
declared | stated, declare, announce, hold, adjudge |
decode | decrypt, decipher |
decoded | decrypt, decode, decipher |
decoder | decipherer |
decompose | decay, disintegrate, molder, break_up, moulder, rot, break_down |
decompress | relax, depressurise, uncompress, unwind, depressurize, unbend, loosen_up, slow_down |
decorate | adorn, ornament, grace, embellish, beautify, dress, deck |
decorator | designer, ornamentalist, house_decorator, room_decorator, interior_decorator, interior_designer |
decrease | diminish, lessening, lessen, minify, diminution, fall, reduction, decrement, drop-off, step-down |
decrement | decrease |
decrypt | decode, decipher |
deduct | recoup, deduce, infer, derive, take_off, subtract, withhold |
deep | bass, rich, oceanic_abyss, trench, inscrutable, abstruse, mystifying, recondite, deeply, late, mysterious, cryptic, cryptical, thick |
default | nonremittal, nonpayment, default_on, default_option |
defer | put_off, put_over, remit, postpone, table, submit, prorogue, hold_over, give_in, shelve, accede, bow, set_back |
define | determine, specify, set, delineate, delimit, limit, fix, delimitate |
defined | determine, specify, set, delineate, delimit, limit, outlined, fix, define, delimitate |
deflate | puncture |
degree | arcdegree, stage, level, grade, point, academic_degree |
delay | retard, hold_up, holdup, check, time_lag, wait, postponement, detain, hold, stay |
delegate | depute, assign, designate |
delete | blue-pencil, edit, cancel, erase |
deleted | erase, delete, cancel, blue-pencil, edit |
deletion | omission, excision, cut |
delimited | specify, delineate, delimit, bounded, subtend, demarcate, define, delimitate |
deliver | give_up, turn_in, render, give_birth, return, birth, drive_home, surrender, bear, deport, hand_over, present, fork_up, save, have, fork_over, extradite, redeem, fork_out, pitch, cede, rescue |
dematerialize | dematerialise |
demote | relegate, bump, kick_downstairs, break |
deny | traverse, abnegate, refuse |
depend | bet, reckon, calculate, count, look |
dependencies | colony, addiction, dependance, habituation, dependence, dependency |
dependency | colony, addiction, dependance, habituation, dependence |
dependent | strung-out, drug-addicted, subordinate, qualified, hooked, pendant, subject, pendent, dependant |
deprecated | deprecate, vilipend, depreciate |
deprecation | denigration |
depth | profoundness, profundity, astuteness, deepness |
derivative | derivative_instrument, first_derivative, derived_function, differential_coefficient, differential |
derive | deduct, deduce, gain, educe, infer, come, descend |
descend | settle, go_down, fall, derive, condescend, come, come_down, deign |
descendants | posterity, descendent, descendant |
describe | account, name, draw, delineate, key_out, trace, identify, discover, report, line, depict, distinguish, key |
description | verbal_description |
descriptor | word_form, signifier, form |
desired | desire, craved, trust, coveted, sought_after, in_demand, want, hope |
dest | five_hundred, 500 |
destination | goal, terminus, name_and_address, finish, address |
destroy | ruin, put_down, destruct, demolish |
destruct | destroy |
detach | come_away, come_off |
detail | particular, item, point, contingent |
detect | discover, notice, observe, find |
determinant | determiner, deciding, determinative, determining_factor, epitope, determining, causal_factor, antigenic_determinant |
determine | mold, set, square_off, square_up, check, settle, make_up_one's_mind, fix, influence, shape, find_out, decide, ascertain, specify, regulate, see, limit, watch, learn, define, find |
device | gimmick, twist |
diagnose | name |
dial | telephone_dial |
dialect | accent, idiom |
dictionary | lexicon |
did | set, suffice, exercise, perform, answer, do, act, coif, serve, make, practice, fare, manage, cause, coiffe, arrange, practise, behave, execute, coiffure, come, make_out, get_along, dress |
die | give_way, dice, go, cash_in_one's_chips, pop_off, break_down, exit, croak, give_out, die_out, pall, pass_away, pass, break, kick_the_bucket, become_flat, conk_out, snuff_it, decease, buy_the_farm, choke, fail, perish, give-up_the_ghost, conk, go_bad, drop_dead, expire |
difference | conflict, departure, remainder, divergence, difference_of_opinion, deviation, dispute |
dig | labor, dig_out, jab, delve, archeological_site, grasp, poke, cut_into, grok, gibe, hollow, excavate, grind, prod, travail, shaft, get_the_picture, apprehend, moil, jibe, compass, digging, labour, excavation, savvy, barb, toil, dig_up, comprehend, turn_over, fag, stab, slam, shot, drudge |
digest | tolerate, suffer, stand, bear, endure, concentrate, stick_out, put_up, condense, brook, support, compilation, stomach, abide |
digit | fingerbreadth, finger, finger's_breadth, dactyl, figure |
dim | wispy, shadowy, blur, black, faint, dip, dimmed, slow, obtuse, bleak, slur, blind, subdued, dumb, dense, dull, vague |
direct | place, maneuver, lineal, channelize, target, engineer, steer, directly, lead, calculate, point, verbatim, manoeuver, guide, head, take, orchestrate, conduct, unmediated, organize, organise, straight, send, train, mastermind, manoeuvre, channelise, aim, take_aim, address |
directive | guiding, directing, directional |
directly | instantly, flat, now, right_away, straightaway, forthwith, at_once, immediately, straight_off, direct, straight, like_a_shot |
dirty | begrime, pestiferous, lousy, unclean, contaminating, ill-gotten, muddied, bemire, dingy, sordid, grime, filthy, marked-up, muddy, soiled, cheating, foul, unsportsmanlike, unsporting, colly, soil |
disable | incapacitate, handicap, invalid, disenable |
disabled | handicap, handicapped, disable, invalid, incapacitate, disenable |
disallow | proscribe, prohibit, nix, forbid, interdict, veto |
disarm | demilitarize, unarm, demilitarise |
discard | dispose, throwing_away, cast_aside, toss_away, toss, put_away, cast_away, fling, chuck_out, throw_out, cast_out, throw_away, toss_out |
disconnect | gulf, disconnection, unplug |
discover | expose, name, hear, happen_upon, reveal, identify, get_wind, light_upon, key, chance_upon, notice, bring_out, divulge, unwrap, key_out, strike, come_upon, distinguish, observe, fall_upon, break, chance_on, detect, let_out, find_out, describe, pick_up, attain, disclose, see, give_away, get_word, come_across, let_on, learn, get_a_line, find |
discovery | breakthrough, uncovering, find |
disjoint | divorce, disjoin, disassociate, dissociate, disarticulate, disunite |
disk | phonograph_recording, saucer, harrow, magnetic_disc, platter, phonograph_record, record, disc, magnetic_disk |
dispatch | send_off, discharge, remove, hit, expeditiousness, expedition, bump_off, despatch, communique, complete, slay, shipment, polish_off, off, murder |
dispense | mete_out, deal_out, administer, dole_out, shell_out, dish_out, lot, distribute, deal, parcel_out, allot |
display | presentation, exhibit, expose, show, showing, video_display |
dispose | incline, toss, cast_aside, toss_away, put_away, qualify, cast_away, fling, chuck_out, throw_out, discard, cast_out, throw_away, toss_out |
disqualify | unfit, indispose |
disseminate | propagate, broadcast, circularise, distribute, diffuse, circularize, pass_around, disperse, circulate, spread |
distance | length, aloofness, space, outdistance, outstrip |
distinct | discrete, trenchant, clear-cut, distinguishable, decided |
distort | garble, falsify, deform, tinge, colour, strain, twist, contort, twine, wring, color, warp |
distribute | hand_out, broadcast, circularize, circulate, spread, deal_out, give_out, disseminate, propagate, circularise, dispense, dole_out, stagger, dish_out, pass_on, diffuse, pass_around, pass_out, parcel_out, mete_out, administer, shell_out, lot, deal, disperse, allot |
distributed | hand_out, broadcast, distribute, circularize, circulate, spread, deal_out, give_out, disseminate, propagate, circularise, dispense, dole_out, stagger, dish_out, pass_on, diffuse, pass_around, pass_out, parcel_out, mete_out, administer, shell_out, lot, deal, disperse, allot |
distribution | dispersion, statistical_distribution |
divide | water_parting, split, watershed, split_up, part, carve_up, dissever, fraction, separate, disunite |
division | class, partitioning, sectionalization, naval_division, variance, section, part, partition, sectionalisation, air_division, segmentation |
divisor | factor |
doc | medico, department_of_commerce, physician, doctor, md, commerce_department, dr., commerce |
docker | lumper, dockhand, dock_worker, stevedore, dockworker, dock-walloper, longshoreman, loader |
document | text_file, written_document, papers |
does | set, suffice, exercise, perform, answer, do, act, coif, department_of_energy, serve, make, practice, fare, manage, cause, coiffe, energy_department, arrange, practise, behave, execute, coiffure, energy, doe, come, make_out, get_along, dress |
domain | area, sphere, knowledge_domain, orbit, arena, demesne, land, knowledge_base, field, domain_of_a_function, world |
dominant | rife, prevalent, predominant, prevailing, dominant_allele |
dominate | reign, rule, command, master, eclipse, overtop, prevail, overshadow, predominate, overlook |
done | set, suffice, exercise, perform, answer, do, act, coif, serve, make, practice, fare, manage, cause, coiffe, arrange, practise, behave, execute, coiffure, through, come, make_out, through_with, get_along, dress |
dope | pot, sess, smoke, dope_up, grass, the_skinny, pinhead, weed, gage, locoweed, poop, boob, skunk, dumbbell, sens, booby, green_goddess, dummy, mary_jane, low-down, cola |
dot | sprinkle, back_breaker, acid, battery-acid, dust, point, superman, elvis, dose, constellate, lucy_in_the_sky_with_diamonds, scatter, loony_toons, pane, zen, window_pane, department_of_transportation, transportation, dit, disperse, stud |
dotted | sprinkle, stippled, constellate, dashed, specked, dust, flecked, scatter, dot, disperse, stud, speckled |
double | image, two-fold, three-fold, forked, stunt_man, double_over, two-bagger, repeat, duple, double_up, doubled, dual, threefold, look-alike, two-base_hit, doubly, replicate, treble, doubling, twofold, duplicate, stunt_woman, bivalent, reduplicate, twice, two-baser |
douglas | stephen_a._douglas, little_giant, stephen_arnold_douglas |
down | down_feather, blue, drink_down, push_down, pull_down, grim, downhearted, consume, kill, john_l._h._down, downwardly, downwards, down_pat, bolt_down, mastered, pile, knock_down, low, cut_down, land, toss_off, belt_down, downward, shoot_down, fine-tune, depressed, pop, refine, pour_down, dispirited, polish, go_through, gloomy, low-spirited, downcast, down_in_the_mouth, devour |
downward | downwardly, downwards, down |
drain | run_out, enfeeble, waste_pipe, drainage, drainpipe, debilitate |
draw | draw_poker, haul, soak_up, take_in, drag, delineate, absorb, disembowel, haulage, force, imbibe, string, make, attraction, pull, attractor, trace, suck_up, thread, guide, draw_play, suck, take_up, line, cast, depict, pass, run, drawing_card, pull_out, draw_off, withdraw, take_out, attract, eviscerate, describe, attracter, pull_back, reap, hook, quarter, pull_in, puff, get_out, lot, sop_up, standoff, get, draw_in, draw_and_quarter, hooking, tie |
driver | device_driver, number_one_wood |
drop | discharge, sink, shake_off, devolve, drop_off, drop_cloth, fell, dribble, drop_down, throw_away, cast_off, dismiss, dip, deteriorate, throw_off, unload, spend, overleap, leave_out, drop_curtain, driblet, pearl, bead, cast, set_down, pretermit, shed, drip, miss, cliff, send_packing, expend, flatten, put_down, cut_down, throw, drib, strike_down, free_fall, neglect, omit, knock_off, swing, fall, drop-off, dangle, degenerate, overlook, send_away |
dry | wry, ironic, juiceless, ironical, teetotal, prohibitionist, dry_out |
dual | two-fold, three-fold, treble, threefold, double, twofold, duple |
duff | plum_duff |
dumb | dim, slow, silent, mute, obtuse, dense, speechless, dull |
dummy | pinhead, boob, dumbbell, booby, dummy_up, silent_person, blank, blank_shell, dope |
dump | garbage_dump, waste-yard, shit, rubbish_dump, knock_down, coldcock, dumpsite, wasteyard, ditch, underprice, trash_dump, floor, plunge, deck |
dumper | dump_truck, tipper, tipper_truck, tip_truck, tipper_lorry |
duplicate | parallel, replicate, duplication, twin, matching, reduplicate, double, repeat, twinned, extra |
duration | continuance, length |
dwarf | midget, gnome, nanus, overshadow, shadow |
dynamic | moral_force, active, dynamical |
each | from_each_one, for_each_one, to_each_one, apiece |
early | former, too_soon, ahead_of_time, early_on, betimes, other |
earth | ground, worldly_concern, land, world, solid_ground, globe, earthly_concern, dry_land, terra_firma |
east | due_east, orient, eastward, eastern_united_states |
eat | exhaust, corrode, rust, use_up, wipe_out, eat_on, deplete, eat_up, consume, feed, run_through |
echo | repeat, sound_reflection, resound, replication, reverberation, ring, recall, reverberate |
edge | adjoin, butt_against, butt_on, bound, abut, border, inch, march, sharpness, boundary, butt |
edit | edit_out, delete, cut, redact, blue-pencil |
editor | editor_in_chief, editor_program |
eds | ed, male_erecticle_dysfunction, explosive_detection_system, erectile_dysfunction |
effective | good, effectual, efficient, in_effect, in_force, efficacious |
egress | egression, emersion, emerge, come_forth, issue, go_forth, emergence, come_out |
elapsed | glide_by, go_by, elapse, slip_away, slide_by, go_along, pass, lapse, slip_by |
elect | chosen, elite |
elf | pixy, imp, gremlin, pixie, hob, extremely_low_frequency, brownie |
eliminate | egest, obviate, eradicate, rid_of, winnow_out, reject, get_rid_of, rule_out, annihilate, extinguish, do_away_with, wipe_out, excrete, pass, decimate, carry_off |
ellipsis | eclipsis |
electronic_mail, netmail, e-mail | |
embed | plant, imbed, implant, engraft |
embedded | plant, implant, engraft, embed, imbed |
emergency | exigency, pinch, emergency_brake, hand_brake, parking_brake |
emit | give_out, pass_off, let_loose, let_out, breathe, utter, give_off |
emphasis | accent, stress, vehemence |
empty | discharge, hollow, void, evacuate, empty-bellied, abandon, vacuous, vacate |
emulator | aper, ape, imitator, copycat |
enabled | enable |
enact | reenact, act_out, ordain |
enclose | introduce, enwrap, confine, insert, close_in, wrap, stick_in, envelop, inclose, shut_in, hold_in, put_in, enfold |
enclosing | introduce, enwrap, inclosure, confine, envelopment, close_in, insert, wrap, enclose, stick_in, envelop, enclosure, inclose, shut_in, hold_in, put_in, enfold |
encoded | encode |
encoding | encryption, encode |
encrypt | cipher, inscribe, encipher, write_in_code, cypher, code |
end | death, terminal, terminate, conclusion, goal, last, stop, destruction, remainder, cease, final_stage, finish, close, closing, oddment, remnant, ending |
endpoint | terminus, termination, end_point |
enforce | impose, implement, apply |
engine | locomotive, railway_locomotive, locomotive_engine |
enhance | raise, heighten |
enlist | draft, muster_in, engage |
enough | adequate, sufficiency, decent, plenty |
ensure | ascertain, see, insure, assure, guarantee, secure, check, see_to_it, control |
enter | introduce, infix, inscribe, go_in, get_into, enroll, put_down, enrol, insert, get_in, go_into, move_into, participate, come_in, recruit, figure, embark, accede, record |
enterprise | go-ahead, endeavor, endeavour, enterprisingness, initiative |
entities | entity |
entitlements | entitlement |
entries | entrance, first_appearance, launching, ledger_entry, entree, incoming, entering, accounting_entry, debut, introduction, ingress, entry, unveiling, entranceway, entryway, submission |
entry | entrance, first_appearance, launching, ledger_entry, entree, incoming, entering, accounting_entry, debut, introduction, ingress, unveiling, entranceway, entryway, submission |
enumerate | numerate, recite, itemize, number, itemise, count |
envelope | gasbag |
environ | skirt, ring, border, surround |
environment | surroundings, surround, environs |
envoy | minister_plenipotentiary, envoi, envoy_extraordinary, emissary |
ephemeral | transient, short-lived, passing, ephemeron, fugacious, transitory |
epilogue | epilog |
epoch | era, date_of_reference |
equal | adequate, rival, equalise, touch, equate, equalize, peer, compeer, match, be |
equalities | equality, equation, equivalence, par |
equality | equation, equivalence, par |
equally | evenly, every_bit, as |
equivalence | comparability, equation, compare, comparison, par, equality |
equivalent | combining_weight, eq, equivalent_weight, tantamount |
erase | score_out, efface, delete, wipe_out, wipe_off, rub_out |
err | drift, slip, stray, mistake |
error | erroneousness, misplay, wrongdoing, erroneous_belief, fault, computer_error, mistake |
escape | get_away, run_away, evasion, break_loose, safety_valve, scarper, turn_tail, outflow, head_for_the_hills, scat, elude, run, get_by, miss, relief_valve, fly_the_coop, dodging, leak, get_off, escape_valve, hightail_it, flight, lam, bunk, escape_cock, break_away, get_out, escapism, leakage, take_to_the_woods |
escaped | get_away, at_large, run_away, escape, break_loose, scarper, turn_tail, head_for_the_hills, on_the_loose, scat, elude, run, get_by, miss, fly_the_coop, loose, get_off, hightail_it, lam, bunk, break_away, get_out, take_to_the_woods |
esp | extrasensory_perception, second_sight, e.s.p., clairvoyance |
est | eastern_standard_time, eastern_time |
establish | instal, plant, ground, make, show, build, lay_down, institute, demonstrate, launch, prove, constitute, shew, base, install, set_up, found, give |
estimate | count_on, approximate, guess, estimation, forecast, gauge, reckon, approximation, appraisal, judge, calculate, figure, idea |
estimated | count_on, approximate, guess, forecast, gauge, reckon, judge, calculate, figure, estimate |
evacuate | void, empty |
evacuated | void, evacuate, empty |
evaluate | assess, appraise, valuate, value, judge, pass_judgment, measure |
evaluators | evaluator, judge |
event | upshot, consequence, effect, case, issue, result, outcome |
eventually | finally |
evict | force_out |
eviction | constructive_eviction, legal_ouster, dispossession |
evolve | germinate, develop, acquire |
exact | accurate, claim, take, demand, precise |
examine | try_out, see, analyze, canvass, try, prove, probe, analyse, essay, test, study, canvas |
example | instance, illustration, object_lesson, exercise, deterrent_example, good_example, lesson, case, representative, exemplar, model |
exceed | outmatch, overstep, transcend, top, outgo, outperform, go_past, surpass, pass, outdo, surmount, outstrip |
except | omit, leave_off, demur, take_out, leave_out, exclude |
exception | elision, exclusion |
excerpt | extract, selection, excerption, take_out |
exchange | change, convert, interchange, substitution, rally, telephone_exchange, commutation, switch, substitute, replace, switch_over, central, commute |
exclude | shut, keep_out, except, leave_off, omit, shut_out, bar, take_out, chuck_out, leave_out, debar, turn_out, turf_out, boot_out, eject |
excluded | shut, keep_out, except, leave_off, omit, shut_out, bar, take_out, chuck_out, leave_out, debar, turn_out, turf_out, exclude, boot_out, eject |
exclusion | exception, excommunication, censure, elision, expulsion, ejection, riddance |
exclusive | undivided, scoop, sole, single |
exec | white_house |
executable | feasible, workable, viable, practicable |
execute | carry_out, accomplish, perform, do, put_to_death, carry_through, action, fulfil, run, fulfill |
executing | execute, carry_out, execution, accomplish, capital_punishment, perform, do, put_to_death, carry_through, action, death_penalty, fulfil, run, fulfill |
exempt | let_off, relieve, free, excuse, nontaxable |
exhaust | discharge, play_out, tire, consume, run_through, expel, eat, use_up, deplete, run_down, wash_up, eat_up, fumes, eject, tucker, tucker_out, beat, wipe_out, exhaust_fumes, release, sap, exhaust_system |
exist | subsist, survive, live, be |
existence | cosmos, universe, macrocosm, creation, beingness, being, world |
exit | go, passing, cash_in_one's_chips, issue, pop_off, going, croak, leave, outlet, pass_away, pass, die, departure, kick_the_bucket, way_out, snuff_it, decease, buy_the_farm, loss, choke, perish, expiration, release, give-up_the_ghost, get_out, conk, go_out, drop_dead, expire |
exotic | alien |
expand | expound, dilate, inflate, expatiate, thrive, flourish, boom, blow_up, spread_out, elaborate, lucubrate, extend, amplify, enlarge, exposit, flesh_out |
expect | require, gestate, await, carry, have_a_bun_in_the_oven, bear, anticipate, wait, ask, look |
experiment | experimentation, try_out |
experimental | observational, data-based |
expiration | expiry, departure, release, passing, exhalation, termination, breathing_out, going, loss, exit |
expire | croak, breathe_out, go, give-up_the_ghost, kick_the_bucket, exhale, run_out, cash_in_one's_chips, drop_dead, snuff_it, conk, pop_off, pass_away, pass, decease, die, exit, buy_the_farm, choke, perish |
expired | breathe_out, go, cash_in_one's_chips, pop_off, exit, croak, pass_away, pass, die, kick_the_bucket, snuff_it, decease, buy_the_farm, choke, perish, give-up_the_ghost, exhale, run_out, conk, drop_dead, expire |
explain | explicate, excuse |
explicit | expressed, denotative |
explode | set_off, burst, irrupt, blow_up, detonate, burst_forth, break_loose |
explore | search, research |
explored | explore, search, research |
expo | exhibition, exposition |
exponential | exponential_function |
export | exportation |
expose | display, disclose, exhibit, divulge, bring_out, unwrap, break, give_away, uncover, unmasking, queer, reveal, let_out, debunk, let_on, discover, scupper, peril, endanger |
exposed | expose, peril, reveal, exhibit, bring_out, divulge, unwrap, open, scupper, display, break, debunk, queer, let_out, endanger, disclose, give_away, uncover, let_on, discover, uncovered |
expression | face, saying, reflexion, facial_expression, reflection, manifestation, aspect, construction, locution, formulation, grammatical_construction, verbal_expression, formula, verbalism, look |
extend | carry, put_out, go, poke_out, offer, lead, prolong, cover, protract, continue, widen, pass, run, broaden, stretch_forth, unfold, stretch, stretch_out, expand, gallop, strain, exsert, hold_out, draw_out, reach_out |
extension | annexe, university_extension, denotation, telephone_extension, filename_extension, propagation, reference, lengthiness, prolongation, extension_phone, elongation, file_name_extension, wing, extension_service, annex |
extern | medical_extern |
external | extraneous, international, outside |
externally | outwardly |
extinguish | blow_out, eradicate, crush_out, get_rid_of, snuff_out, press_out, annihilate, do_away_with, wipe_out, eliminate, quench, decimate, carry_off, stub_out |
extra | duplicate, supernumerary, special, spare, spear_carrier, excess, superfluous, surplus, supererogatory, redundant, additional |
extract | elicit, pull_up, pull_out, distill, educe, express, selection, excerpt, infusion, pull, press_out, take_out, evoke, draw_out, distil, excerption |
facet | aspect |
factor | ingredient, agent, factor_out, cistron, factor_in, divisor, gene, component, constituent, element, broker |
factory | manufacturing_plant, mill, manufactory |
fail | give_way, give_out, break, go, neglect, go_wrong, flunk, bomb, run_out, miscarry, go_bad, conk_out, betray, flush_it, die, break_down |
failure | bankruptcy, unsuccessful_person, nonstarter, loser |
fake | imposter, bastard, misrepresent, fudge, sham, impostor, counterfeit, falsify, wangle, cook, imitation, postiche, juke, bogus, pseud, phoney, manipulate, faux, pseudo, forge, phony, talk_through_one's_hat, fraud, faker, bull, role_player, simulated, bullshit, pretender, false, shammer |
fall | twilight, shine, capitulation, go_down, spill, decline, decrease, devolve, return, gloam, come_down, drop, dusk, declension, surrender, settle, nightfall, declivity, crepuscle, dip, downfall, strike, downslope, pass, accrue, evenfall, descend, diminish, declination, flow, fall_down, crepuscule, precipitate, free_fall, light, lessen, descent, pin, gloaming, tumble, autumn, come, hang |
fallback | pullout, disengagement |
false | delusive, fake, pretended, imitation, simulated, assumed, fictitious, put_on, sham, untrue, treacherously, sour, mistaken, faithlessly, off-key, fictive, treasonably, traitorously, faux |
family | family_line, class, house, phratry, fellowship, menage, folk, category, mob, kinsperson, crime_syndicate, sept, kinsfolk, syndicate, household, kinfolk, home, family_unit, kin |
fast | degraded, loyal, profligate, firm, tight, quick, degenerate, truehearted, fasting, dissipated, dissolute, riotous, debauched, immobile, libertine, flying |
fatal | calamitous, fateful, black, disastrous |
fault | shift, error, break, faulting, flaw, demerit, fracture, blame, defect, geological_fault, mistake |
favor | privilege, prefer, favour, party_favor, party_favour |
favorite | best-loved, deary, ducky, preferent, pet, dearie, front-runner, darling, favourite, favored, preferred |
feature | sport, feature_of_speech, feature_article, have, lineament, boast, characteristic, feature_film |
fermat | pierre_de_fermat |
fetch | bring, get, convey, bring_in |
fibber | fabricator, storyteller |
field | sphere, bailiwick, airfield, theater, subject_area, battlefield, subject_field, domain, flying_field, athletic_field, field_of_operation, plain, theater_of_operations, field_of_battle, area, orbit, theatre_of_operations, field_of_force, theatre, study, field_of_honor, field_of_study, line_of_business, landing_field, discipline, arena, playing_area, subject, field_of_operations, force_field, playing_field, battleground, field_of_view, champaign |
file | lodge, single_file, file_cabinet, filing_cabinet, register, charge, indian_file, file_away, data_file |
filename | computer_file_name, computer_filename, file_name |
fill | meet, fulfil, occupy, fill_up, satisfy, make_full, replete, filling, take, fulfill, satiate, sate |
filter | sink_in, trickle, strain, percolate, filter_out, dribble, permeate, separate_out, filtrate |
final | terminal, concluding, last, final_exam, net, final_examination |
finalize | settle, finalise, nail_down |
finalized | settle, nail_down, finalise, finalize |
find | rule, uncovering, determine, notice, incur, find_oneself, happen, receive, retrieve, regain, come_up, observe, breakthrough, detect, find_out, feel, witness, discovery, ascertain, see, line_up, get_hold, chance, recover, discover, encounter, bump, get, obtain |
finders | spotter, finder, discoverer, viewfinder, view_finder |
fine | very_well, ok, finely, exquisitely, o.k., ticket, all_right, amercement, delicately, okay, alright, mulct, hunky-dory |
finger | digit, fingerbreadth, thumb, feel, finger's_breadth |
fingerprint | fingermark |
finish | terminate, land_up, finale, cultivation, cease, close, fetch_up, goal, stop, complete, wind_up, destination, eat_up, conclusion, last, finis, finish_up, finishing, culture, refinement, polish, stopping_point, end_up, polish_off, end, coating, ending |
fire | discharge, fervor, terminate, elicit, send_away, burn_down, go_off, provoke, firing, fervidness, can, raise, arouse, ardor, give_notice, displace, dismiss, force_out, blast, flame, flaming, give_the_sack, ardour, fervency, enkindle, burn, open_fire, give_the_axe, fervour, flak, attack, fuel, kindle, sack, evoke, flack |
first | first_base, beginning, commencement, low_gear, maiden, number_one, first-class_honours_degree, showtime, number_1, outset, 1st, firstly, start, kickoff, get-go, initiatory, first_of_all, low, first_gear, world-class, initiative, starting_time, inaugural, offset, foremost, first_off, for_the_first_time |
fischers | emil_hermann_fischer, hans_fischer, robert_james_fischer, bobby_fischer, fischer |
fits | convulsion, go, conform_to, fit_out, tantrum, check, accommodate, scene, gibe, burst, meet, agree, match, correspond, tally, conniption, jibe, equip, fit, paroxysm, outfit, suit |
five | quintuplet, fivesome, quint, five-spot, fin, cinque, basketball_team, pentad, phoebe, quintet, little_phoebe |
fix | set, furbish_up, pay_off, locating, bushel, touch_on, secure, unsex, desex, situate, gear_up, mess, fixate, sterilize, repair, mend, determine, desexualize, cook, make, jam, fixing, hole, sterilise, localization, posit, fasten, restore, doctor, desexualise, kettle_of_fish, pay_back, fixture, deposit, muddle, set_up, reparation, specify, prepare, limit, location, ready, mending, get, localisation, define, pickle |
flag | masthead, flagstone, swag, signal_flag, iris, pin, ease_off, sag, sword_lily, fleur-de-lis, slacken_off, droop, ease_up |
flat | savourless, monotonic, directly, unconditional, compressed, 2-dimensional, savorless, level, categoric, matted, flatcar, flavourless, monotone, flatbed, plane, categorical, monotonous, apartment, straight, two-dimensional, matt, matte, flat_tire, flavorless, bland, vapid, mat, prostrate, insipid |
flatten | flatten_out, drop |
flex | twist, deform, turn, bend |
flip | riffle, thumb, summersault, flip-flop, alternate, snotty-nosed, tack, riff, toss, somersaulting, summerset, switch, pass, flip_over, somersault, twitch, throw, leaf, flip_out, sky, pitch, insolent, turn_over, interchange, impudent, somerset, flick |
flipped | pitch, riffle, toss, thumb, flip_out, turn_over, interchange, switch, flip-flop, alternate, riff, twitch, flick, flip_over, throw, leaf, tack, sky, flip |
float | air_bladder, ice-cream_soda, swim, plasterer's_float, be_adrift, blow, swim_bladder, ice-cream_float, drift |
flock | pot, raft, stack, mint, plenty, mess, sight, peck, quite_a_little, fold, spate, mountain, mickle, cluster, pile, constellate, troop, good_deal, batch, passel, wad, mass, clump, hatful, great_deal, lot, heap, deal, slew, tidy_sum, muckle |
flood | deluge, swamp, alluvion, flowage, inundate, floodlight, rising_tide, glut, inundation, flood_lamp, overflow, outpouring, photoflood, flood_tide, oversupply, torrent |
floor | dump, knock_down, story, ball_over, take_aback, coldcock, shock, base, level, storey, blow_out_of_the_water, trading_floor, flooring, deck |
flow | course, menstruation, catamenia, rate_of_flow, flux, menstruate, current, menstruum, stream, flowing, fall, menses, period, flow_rate, run, feed, hang |
flush | affluent, purge, rosiness, even, flower, crimson, moneyed, thrill, rush, hot_flash, scour, level, peak, blush, charge, heyday, gush, even_out, bloom, redden, bang, blossom, sluice, outpouring, boot, loaded, efflorescence, kick, prime, wealthy |
flux | liquefy, magnetic_flux, conflate, immix, meld, combine, commingle, liquify, flow, blend, flux_density, mix, fuse, coalesce, fluxion, magnetic_field, merge, state_of_flux |
fms | fm, atomic_number_100, fermium, frequency_modulation |
fnma | federal_national_mortgage_association, fannie_mae |
focused | concenter, focalise, center, focus, concentre, concentrate, focalize, pore, centre, sharpen, focussed, rivet |
fold | turn_up, shut_down, flock, sheepcote, pen_up, faithful, plication, close_up, crimp, folding, flexure, plica, sheepfold, crease, bend, close, congregation, fold_up, close_down, sheep_pen |
follow | succeed, keep_up, conform_to, watch_over, be, keep_abreast, fall_out, keep_an_eye_on, stick_to, take_after, espouse, survey, come_after, trace, postdate, travel_along, play_along, observe, accompany, pursue, comply, adopt, abide_by, stick_with, watch, surveil, come |
footnote | annotate, footer |
forbid | prevent, foreclose, forestall, proscribe, preclude, prohibit, disallow, nix, interdict, veto |
forbidden | prevent, foreclose, verboten, forestall, veto, proscribe, preclude, prohibited, prohibit, tabu, proscribed, disallow, nix, forbid, interdict, out, taboo |
force | forcefulness, thrust, draw, effect, power, hale, violence, drive, coerce, pressure, impel, force_out, storm, force-out, pull, military_force, strength, force_play, push, military_unit, ram, personnel, wedge, squeeze, military_group |
forecast | count_on, foreshadow, omen, predict, portend, bode, prognosticate, foretell, auspicate, augur, reckon, calculate, prognosis, figure, prefigure, betoken, estimate, presage |
foreign | strange, alien, extraneous |
forever | constantly, everlastingly, evermore, perpetually, always, forever_and_a_day, incessantly, eternally |
forget | leave, bury, draw_a_blank, block, blank_out |
fork | crotch, ramification, pitchfork, branch, furcate, branching, forking, separate, ramify |
form | mold, descriptor, pattern, word_form, frame, conformation, course, manikin, flesh, take_shape, constitute, human_body, configuration, take_form, figure, bod, kind, material_body, physique, phase, make, mould, chassis, variant, work, variety, soma, cast, mannequin, physical_body, signifier, organize, manakin, imprint, sort, forge, shape, organise, grade, contour, spring, class, build, var., strain, anatomy, mannikin |
formal | dinner_dress, dinner_gown, courtly, stately, schematic, ball, conventional, evening_gown |
format | formatting, data_format, initialise, data_formatting, arrange, initialize |
formatted | initialize, format, arrange, initialise |
formatting | data_format, initialise, data_formatting, arrange, format, initialize |
formula | pattern, convention, recipe, normal, rule, chemical_formula, expression |
forward | forrader, onwards, forrad, fore, forwards, advancing, onward, forrard, send_on, frontwards, forth, frontward, ahead, forward-moving |
fossil | dodo, fogy, fogey |
found | base, rule, constitute, determine, notice, incur, find_oneself, happen, receive, retrieve, establish, regain, come_up, observe, ground, launch, detect, find_out, feel, witness, set_up, ascertain, plant, see, line_up, get_hold, institute, chance, recover, discover, encounter, bump, get, obtain, find |
fragment | shard, break_up, fragmentize, fragmentise, sherd |
frame | flesh, border, human_body, skeletal_system, figure, skeletal_frame, bod, compose, systema_skeletale, material_body, physique, skeleton, chassis, entrap, ensnare, cast, soma, physical_body, frame_of_reference, inning, shape, put, frame_in, set_up, underframe, couch, build, form, framing, anatomy, redact, draw_up, frame_up |
framework | model, theoretical_account, fabric |
free | discharge, give_up, dislodge, complimentary, destitute, justify, gratis, liberal, disembarrass, barren, unloose, devoid, unfreeze, costless, relinquish, loose, unloosen, absolve, disengage, release, unblock, free_people, spare, innocent, relieve, rid, resign, detached, exempt, gratuitous, liberate |
freeze | stop_dead, freeze_down, halt, block, frost, immobilise, freezing, immobilize, suspend, freeze_out |
fresh | refreshed, unused, impertinent, sassy, refreshing, new, newly, overbold, brisk, novel, invigorated, refreshful, tonic, sweet, clean, bracing, freshly, unfermented, wise, reinvigorated, impudent, smart, saucy |
friendly | well-disposed, favorable |
front | face, presence, front_line, social_movement, front_man, breast, straw_man, battlefront, forepart, nominal_head, front_end, strawman, movement, figurehead, look |
frozen | icy, flash-frozen, stop_dead, freeze_down, glacial, frigid, block, freeze, immobilise, immobilize, stock-still, quick-frozen, frosty, suspend, rooted, wintry, freeze_out, fixed |
fulfilled | execute, carry_out, accomplish, meet, fill, satisfy, carry_through, live_up_to, action, fulfil, fulfill |
full | good, total, broad, wide-cut, to_the_full, wax, replete, wide, fully, full_moon, entire, full-of-the-moon, full_phase_of_the_moon |
fully | full, to_the_full, amply, in_full |
fun | play, sport, merriment, playfulness |
function | go, purpose, affair, serve, use, occasion, procedure, mapping, work, map, run, single-valued_function, role, operate, routine, mathematical_function, part, social_occasion, subprogram, subroutine, officiate, social_function, office |
funny | funny_remark, rum, fishy, odd, peculiar, comical, queer, mirthful, good_story, suspicious, rummy, laughable, risible, amusing, comic, curious, funny_story, suspect, singular, shady |
fuse | safety_fuse, flux, immix, meld, conflate, commingle, combine, fuzee, blend, mix, electrical_fuse, coalesce, primer, fuze, merge, fusee, priming |
fused | flux, meld, immix, conflate, commingle, combine, blend, amalgamate, coalesced, mix, consolidated, fuse, coalesce, amalgamated, merge |
future | time_to_come, future_tense, next, futurity, succeeding, hereafter |
fuzz | blur, tomentum, cop, pig, copper, hair, bull |
fuzzy | muzzy, blurred, bleary, fuzzed, hazy, blurry, foggy |
galaxy | coltsfoot, beetleweed, wandflower, extragalactic_nebula, galax_urceolata, galax |
gamma | vasco_da_gamma, da_gamma |
garbage | food_waste, drivel, refuse, scraps |
gather | pile_up, tuck, meet, cumulate, gathering, garner, foregather, gain, accumulate, conglomerate, get_together, collect, assemble, pucker, amass, forgather, pull_together |
gauge | standard_of_measurement, calibre, caliber, approximate, gage, guess, judge, bore, estimate |
gcs | gigacycle_per_second, gc, gigahertz, gigacycle, ghz |
general | superior_general, full_general, cosmopolitan, world-wide, worldwide, ecumenical, universal, oecumenical |
generate | yield, render, engender, bring_forth, return, mother, get, beget, sire, father, give |
generated | yield, render, generate, engender, return, bring_forth, mother, get, beget, sire, father, give |
generation | coevals, contemporaries, propagation, multiplication, genesis |
generator | author, source |
generic | generic_wine |
get | become, vex, buzz_off, acquire, go, pay_off, draw, pose, begin, let, set_about, generate, bring_forth, sustain, bewilder, fetch, bugger_off, beget, drive, convey, get_down, baffle, produce, make, suffer, incur, commence, induce, stupefy, receive, stimulate, fuck_off, start, develop, take, cause, fix, perplex, mystify, flummox, arrest, start_out, get_under_one's_skin, set_out, contract, experience, pay_back, scram, gravel, have, beat, amaze, mother, capture, father, bring, stick, arrive, catch, engender, puzzle, nonplus, grow, come, sire, obtain, aim, dumbfound, find |
gin | cotton_gin, knock_rummy, snare, gin_rummy, noose |
gip | swindle, scam, con, victimize, rook, gyp, goldbrick, defraud, hornswoggle, short-change, mulct, diddle, nobble, bunco |
git | scum_bag, stinkpot, dirty_dog, crumb, rat, skunk, rotter, stinker, puke, bum, so-and-so, lowlife |
give | afford, impart, cave_in, give_way, collapse, render, generate, contribute, return, devote, feed, ease_up, commit, apply, make, leave, dedicate, open, move_over, establish, pass, hold, gift, present, reach, break, sacrifice, pay, pass_on, have, throw, fall_in, spring, grant, turn_over, hand, chip_in, consecrate, founder, springiness, yield, kick_in |
glass | drinking_glass, methamphetamine, ice, glassful, chalk, glaze, chicken_feed, methamphetamine_hydrochloride, glaze_over, glass_in, methedrine, field_glass, shabu, crank, meth, looking_glass, trash, deoxyephedrine, glass_over, spyglass |
glob | chunk, lump, clump, ball, clod |
global | globular, ball-shaped, worldwide, spheric, planetary, world-wide, globose, orbicular, spherical, world |
gnu | wildebeest |
gob | mariner, tar, trap, maw, jack, yap, seaman, hole, sea_dog, jack-tar, seafarer, old_salt, cakehole |
goo | ooze, gook, gunk, goop, muck, sludge, guck, slime |
good | dependable, adept, soundly, expert, secure, beneficial, right, effective, estimable, skilful, sound, in_effect, dear, salutary, proficient, undecomposed, thoroughly, skillful, goodness, honest, near, well, practiced, ripe, trade_good, just, safe, respectable, serious, upright, unspoilt, commodity, full, in_force, honorable, unspoiled |
gos | go_away, give_way, disco_biscuit, become, xtc, run_low, go, survive, go_game, cash_in_one's_chips, offer, lead, pop_off, break_down, exit, adam, croak, give_out, tour, sound, blend, belong, move, locomote, get_going, hug_drug, proceed, cristal, work, pass_away, start, pass, die, live_on, run, operate, travel, break, ecstasy, last, endure, fling, kick_the_bucket, live, rifle, plump, snuff_it, hold_up, fit, conk_out, decease, buy_the_farm, choke, fail, perish, turn, whirl, give-up_the_ghost, blend_in, spell, crack, depart, extend, hold_out, conk, run_short, get, function, go_bad, drop_dead, expire |
gossip | chew_the_fat, chat, chit_chat, chin-wag, chaffer, confab, claver, chit-chat, tittle-tattle, gossiper, jaw, gab, gabfest, gossipmonger, chin-wagging, chitchat, visit, scuttlebutt, chin_wagging, natter, small_talk, comment, chatter, confabulate, dish_the_dirt, rumormonger, newsmonger, causerie, shoot_the_breeze, rumourmonger, chin_wag |
got | become, vex, buzz_off, acquire, go, pay_off, draw, pose, begin, let, set_about, generate, bring_forth, sustain, bewilder, fetch, bugger_off, beget, drive, convey, get_down, baffle, produce, make, suffer, incur, commence, induce, stupefy, receive, stimulate, fuck_off, start, develop, take, cause, fix, perplex, mystify, flummox, arrest, start_out, get_under_one's_skin, set_out, contract, experience, pay_back, scram, gravel, have, beat, amaze, mother, capture, father, bring, stick, arrive, catch, engender, puzzle, nonplus, get, grow, come, sire, obtain, aim, dumbfound, find |
grab | snatch, snaffle, catch, take_hold_of, snap_up, seize, snap |
graceful | refined, elegant |
grant | allow, award, deed_over, accord, hiram_ulysses_grant, concede, assignment, duncan_james_corrow_grant, subsidization, ulysses_simpson_grant, ulysses_grant, give, subsidisation, duncan_grant, president_grant, cary_grant, ulysses_s._grant, concession, cede, yield, allot |
graph | graphical_record, chart |
gray | greyish, grizzly, grayish, grey-headed, robert_gray, asa_gray, greyness, louis_harold_gray, white-haired, grey-haired, hoary, thomas_gray, grayness, grey, gy, gray-haired, gray-headed, hoar |
greater | corking, majuscule, not_bad, with_child, swell, great, heavy, slap-up, peachy, keen, enceinte, outstanding, smashing, dandy, large, gravid, big, expectant, nifty, cracking, capital, groovy, neat, bang-up, bully |
green | cat_valium, viridity, greenish, honey_oil, jet, unripened, commons, common, fleeceable, immature, dark-green, super_acid, gullible, light-green, leafy_vegetable, green_river, super_c, park, unripe, greenness, william_green, putting_green, greens, special_k, putting_surface |
greeting | recognize, recognise, salutation, greet |
group | aggroup, grouping, radical, chemical_group, mathematical_group |
grow | produce, turn, originate, uprise, maturate, spring_up, acquire, arise, raise, get, rise, develop, farm, mature |
guaranteed | insure, guarantee, assure, ensure, warrant, undertake, vouch, secure |
guard | safety_device, precaution, ward, defend, sentry_go, safety, safeguard, hold, guard_duty, sentry_duty |
guardian | shielder, defender, protector |
guess | guessing, surmisal, venture, reckon, dead_reckoning, suppose, conjecture, guesswork, hypothesis, judge, estimate, pretend, approximate, infer, gauge, surmise, opine, hazard, think, supposition, speculation, shot, imagine |
hack | hacker, machine_politician, hack_writer, taxicab, cut, jade, cut_up, hack_on, political_hack, ward-heeler, plug, whoop, drudge, taxi, chop, literary_hack, cab, nag |
half | one-half |
halves | half, one-half, halve |
handle | address, hold, treat, do_by, palm, handgrip, plow, grip, deal, manage, cover, care, wield |
handler | manager, coach, animal_trainer |
handshake | handshaking, handclasp, shake |
hanging | advert, pay_heed, string_up, wall_hanging, attend, flow, fall, dangling, hang, cling, hang_up, suspension, give_ear |
hard | unvoiced, severely, difficult, strong, severe, voiceless, concentrated, laborious, intemperate, heavy, intemperately, firmly, operose, grueling, arduous, tough, toilsome, surd, knockout, punishing, backbreaking, gruelling, heavily |
has | take_in, give_birth, let, sustain, birth, consume, make, suffer, bear, have_got, own, induce, receive, stimulate, take, accept, cause, hold, give, experience, possess, have, ha, throw, feature, deliver, hour_angle, get, ingest |
hash | haschisch, hashish, hasheesh |
have | take_in, give_birth, let, sustain, birth, consume, make, suffer, bear, have_got, own, induce, receive, stimulate, take, accept, cause, hold, give, rich_person, experience, possess, throw, feature, deliver, wealthy_person, get, ingest |
having | take_in, give_birth, let, sustain, birth, consume, make, suffer, bear, have_got, own, induce, receive, stimulate, take, accept, cause, hold, give, experience, possess, have, throw, feature, deliver, get, ingest |
head | maneuver, channelize, steer, lead, school_principal, headspring, headway, caput, header, point, promontory, fountainhead, chief, manoeuver, read/write_head, guide, head_teacher, capitulum, question, top_dog, pass, direct, psyche, straits, brain, drumhead, mind, forefront, headland, heading, head_up, principal, oral_sex, head_word, foreland, manoeuvre, nous, channelise |
header | coping, heading, head, cope, lintel |
headless | brainless |
health | wellness |
healthy | salubrious, hefty, level-headed, sound, respectable, tidy, sizable, intelligent, goodly, sizeable, levelheaded, good_for_you, goodish |
heap | mound, pot, raft, stack, mint, plenty, mess, sight, jalopy, peck, quite_a_little, spate, cumulation, mountain, mickle, cumulus, pile, good_deal, batch, passel, agglomerate, bus, wad, mass, hatful, flock, great_deal, lot, deal, slew, tidy_sum, muckle |
heartbeat | flash, new_york_minute, instant, wink, split_second, pulsation, trice, blink_of_an_eye, beat, twinkling, jiffy, pulse |
heath | heathland |
height | superlative, top, tallness, meridian, altitude, tiptop, peak, elevation, pinnacle, summit, acme, stature |
hello | howdy, hi, how-do-you-do, hullo |
help | supporter, help_oneself, helper, facilitate, avail, assist, assistant, service, assistance, serve, aid |
helper | assistant, benefactor, supporter, help |
hex | jinx, whammy, glamour, curse, witch, hexadecimal, bewitch, enchant |
hidden | secret, out_of_sight, blot_out, concealed, conceal, obscure, shroud, veil, enshroud, hide_out, cover, hide, obliterate |
hide | pelt, blot_out, conceal, skin, obscure, fell, shroud, veil, enshroud, hide_out, cover, obliterate |
high | eminent, high_up, in_high_spirits, gamey, high-pitched, senior_high_school, luxuriously, senior_high, high_school, highschool, heights, richly, gamy, mellow, high_gear |
highest | eminent, in_high_spirits, gamey, high-pitched, gamy, mellow, high |
hijack | pirate, highjack, commandeer |
hint | wind, tinge, breath, intimation, mite, touch, pinch, speck, clue, suggestion, trace, tip, steer, jot, lead, soupcon, confidential_information, suggest |
hip | hep, hip_to, rose_hip, pelvic_girdle, coxa, articulatio_coxae, rosehip, hip_joint, pelvic_arch, pelvis |
history | chronicle, account, story |
hit | smasher, gain, off, make, arrive_at, stumble, strike, rack_up, shoot, impinge_on, tally, bang, remove, reach, dispatch, smash, slay, pip, collision, attain, hitting, run_into, score, bump_off, come_to, striking, polish_off, collide_with, murder |
hold | contain, delay, retain, wait, carry, book, nurse, cargo_hold, grasp, grip, sustain, prevail, clutches, check, reserve, withstand, detention, accommodate, postponement, time_lag, restrain, keep_back, hold_in, appreciation, oblige, adjudge, clench, make, apply, cargo_area, bear, agree, have_got, defy, control, curb, take_for, concord, take, detainment, maintain, clutch, give, admit, arrest, bind, take_hold, harbor, clasp, confine, hold_back, obligate, go_for, have, hold_up, moderate, view_as, declare, throw, handle, guard, cargo_deck, keep, halt, handgrip, defend, deem, harbour, storage_area, custody, concur, support, obtain, entertain |
home | place, domicile, family, plate, home_plate, house, menage, base, nursing_home, rest_home, interior, abode, dwelling_house, dwelling, home_base, national, internal, household, habitation |
hook | draw, pinch, filch, bait, accost, cabbage, fleece, crochet, snarf, come-on, pilfer, snare, gazump, glom, sneak, rob, snitch, plume, cop, addict, crotchet, soak, surcharge, overcharge, purloin, hook_shot, hooking, lure, claw, pluck, lift, abstract, nobble, thieve, knock_off, sweetener, solicit, swipe |
host | emcee, master_of_ceremonies, server, boniface, legion, innkeeper, horde |
hour | hr, minute, time_of_day, 60_minutes |
html | hypertext_markup_language, hypertext_mark-up_language |
http | hypertext_transfer_protocol |
huff | puff, miff, chuff, seeing_red, snort |
huge | immense, brobdingnagian, vast |
human | homo, human_being, man |
hybrid | crossbreed, cross, intercrossed, loanblend, loan-blend |
icon | image, picture, ikon |
ideal | nonsuch, idealistic, paragon, apotheosis, saint, nonesuch, nonpareil |
identical | very, monovular, superposable, selfsame, indistinguishable |
identified | place, name, key_out, identify, discover, describe, distinguish, key |
identify | place, name, key_out, discover, describe, distinguish, key |
identity | personal_identity, individuality, indistinguishability, identicalness, identity_operator, identity_element |
idle | tick_over, jobless, light, unwarranted, slug, baseless, unfounded, unused, loose, wild, groundless, out_of_work, stagnate, dead, laze |
ignition | inflammation, ignition_system, lighting, firing, kindling |
ignore | discount, neglect, snub, dismiss, brush_aside, cut, disregard, brush_off, push_aside |
ignored | neglected, discount, neglect, snub, dismiss, brush_aside, cut, disregard, unheeded, brush_off, ignore, push_aside |
ignoring | discount, neglect, snub, dismiss, brush_aside, cut, disregard, brush_off, ignore, push_aside |
image | simulacrum, paradigm, mental_image, persona, figure, prototype, look-alike, visualize, visualise, range_of_a_function, envision, epitome, figure_of_speech, range, icon, see, fancy, ikon, picture, effigy, double, trope, project |
imagine | suppose, conceive_of, opine, guess, ideate, reckon, think, envisage |
impact | affect, touch, shock, bear_upon, wallop, touch_on, encroachment, bear_on, impingement |
impersonate | pose, personate, portray |
implemented | enforced, put_through, apply, carry_out, follow_up, go_through, follow_through, enforce, follow_out, implement |
implementing | put_through, apply, carry_out, follow_up, go_through, follow_through, enforce, follow_out, implement |
implements | put_through, apply, carry_out, follow_up, go_through, follow_through, enforce, follow_out, implement |
implicit | unquestioning, inexplicit |
implied | mean, imply, entail, connote, incriminate, inculpate, involve |
implies | mean, imply, entail, connote, incriminate, inculpate, involve |
import | importation, consequence, moment, spell, significance, signification, meaning, importee, implication |
importance | grandness |
improve | better, ameliorate, meliorate, amend |
inactivate | demobilise, demobilize, deactivate |
inactive | motionless, still, nonoperational, dormant, passive, static |
inbound | inward |
inc | iraqi_national_congress |
include | let_in, admit |
included | let_in, include, admit |
incoming | ingress, entrance, entering, entry |
incomparable | uncomparable |
incompatible | out_or_keeping, inappropriate, contrastive, uncongenial, unsuited, discrepant, mismated, unfitting, ill-sorted, antagonistic |
incomplete | uncompleted, uncomplete |
inconsistent | discrepant |
increase | step-up, growth, gain, addition, increment |
increment | increase, growth |
indent | indentation, dent, indention, indenture |
index | indicator, index_number, exponent, indicant, index_finger, power, forefinger |
indices | index, indicator, index_number, exponent, indicant, index_finger, power, forefinger |
indirect | collateral |
induce | bring_on, rush, make, stimulate, have, hasten, get, induct, cause |
infer | deduct, generalize, deduce, understand, generalise, extrapolate, derive, guess |
infinitely | boundlessly, immeasurably, endlessly |
inflate | balloon, blow_up, billow, amplify, expand |
influx | inflow |
info | information |
informer | rat, betrayer, squealer, blabber |
ingest | assimilate, take_in, absorb, have, take, consume |
ingress | entrance, incoming, jean_auguste_dominique_ingres, immersion, entering, ingres, entry |
inhibit | curb, suppress, conquer, bottle_up, stamp_down, subdue |
initialization | low-level_formatting, initialisation |
initialize | initialise, format |
initialized | initialize, initialise, format |
inject | interpose, throw_in, come_in, interject, put_in, shoot |
injection | shot, injectant |
inner | privileged, interior, inside, internal, intimate |
innermost | inmost |
input | stimulant, stimulation, stimulus, comment, remark, input_signal |
insecure | unsafe |
insert | introduce, infix, tuck, enclose, enter, inset, stick_in, inclose, sneak_in, slip_in, cut-in, put_in |
insertion | interpolation, intromission, introduction |
inset | insert, gusset |
inside | inwardly, at_heart, at_bottom, privileged, indoors, inner, interior, within, in_spite_of_appearance, deep_down |
inspect | scrutinise, visit, audit, scrutinize |
inst | instant |
install | instal, set_up, put_in, establish |
instance | illustration, example, representative, case, exemplify, illustrate |
instantiated | instantiate |
instruction | education, command, educational_activity, direction, teaching, program_line, didactics, pedagogy, statement |
instrument | legal_document, cat's-paw, official_document, pawn, tool, instrumentate, legal_instrument, musical_instrument, instrumental_role |
integer | whole_number |
integral | inbuilt, constitutional, intact, built-in, inherent, entire |
integration | desegregation, integrating, consolidation |
interactive | interactional, synergistic |
intercept | wiretap, stop, tap, bug |
interesting | interest, matter_to, concern, occupy, worry |
interface | port, user_interface |
intermediate | arbitrate, average, mediate, medium, intercede, liaise |
intern | interne, medical_intern, houseman |
internal | inner, interior, national, intimate, home, intragroup |
internalize | interiorize, internalise, interiorise |
internet | net, cyberspace |
interpolate | alter, falsify, extrapolate |
interpret | understand, see, represent, render, translate, rede, read, construe |
interrupt | cut_off, break, break_up, disrupt, disturb |
intersect | cross |
intersection | cartesian_product, crossing, carrefour, overlap, point_of_intersection, crossroad, crossway, convergence, intersection_point, product |
intersperse | interlard |
intrinsic | intrinsical |
invalid | incapacitate, handicap, disable, shut-in |
invalidate | quash, annul, void, vitiate, nullify, avoid, cancel |
invariant | changeless, constant, unvarying |
inverse | reverse, opposite |
invert | turn_back, reverse |
invoke | stir, call_down, conjure_up, bring_up, raise, call_forth, arouse, conjure, appeal, evoke, put_forward |
iop | intraocular_pressure |
ips | informatics, information_processing, information_science, ip |
isolate | keep_apart, insulate, set_apart, sequestrate, sequester |
isolation | closing_off |
iss | one, atomic_number_53, iodine, unity, ace, iodin, single |
issue | military_issue, upshot, put_out, effect, return, cut, go_forth, publication, exit, number, event, topic, consequence, bring_out, supply, emerge, outlet, government_issue, take, takings, issuance, egress, proceeds, issuing, way_out, come_forth, publish, result, outcome, progeny, payoff, release, write_out, offspring, subject, make_out, yield, emergence, matter, come_out |
item | token, particular, point, detail |
iterate | ingeminate, retell, restate, reiterate, repeat |
iteration | looping, loop |
jacobi | karl_gustav_jacob_jacobi |
jar | jarful, jolt, shock, clash, collide, bump_around, jounce, shake_up |
job | subcontract, business, book_of_job, task, line_of_work, problem, chore, line, caper, occupation, speculate, farm_out |
join | unite, union, link_up, bring_together, joint, junction, get_together, articulation, conjoin, sum, juncture, link, fall_in, connect |
joint | join, spliff, articulate, articulatio, stick, junction, articulation, juncture, marijuana_cigarette, reefer, roast |
jump | skip_over, skip, alternate, rise, leap, jump_off, startle, start, climb_up, stand_out, parachute, leap_out, jump-start, pass_over, parachuting, spring, saltation, bound, jump_out, jumping, derail, stick_out, chute, jumpstart |
junk | detritus, debris, dust, scrap, trash, rubble |
just | exactly, good, fair, hardly, scarcely, scarce, barely, upright, precisely, but, simply, equitable, merely, just_now, only |
keep | prevent, retain, sustain, stay_fresh, preserve, sustenance, keep_on, keep_back, restrain, continue, hold_on, living, proceed, celebrate, maintain, observe, hold, save, bread_and_butter, go_along, hold_back, keep_open, hold_open, donjon, dungeon, livelihood, go_on, support |
kernel | inwardness, center, heart, core, essence, marrow, nitty-gritty, meat, gist, centre, heart_and_soul, nub, sum, pith, substance |
key | tonality, describe, name, headstone, primal, key_out, key_fruit, cardinal, identify, samara, discover, paint, fundamental, florida_key, cay, winder, keystone, francis_scott_key, distinguish, central |
kick | quetch, bang, give_up, rush, recoil, sound_off, flush, thrill, squawk, kicking, kvetch, plain, charge, bitch, gripe, kick_back, beef, complain, boot |
kill | pop, putting_to_death, pour_down, drink_down, stamp_out, vote_out, wipe_out, shoot_down, toss_off, belt_down, bolt_down, killing, vote_down, defeat, down, obliterate |
kind | sort, form, tolerant, genial, variety |
known | jazz, cognise, sleep_together, have_it_away, have_it_off, cognize, know, sleep_with, screw, get_it_on, acknowledge, bonk, do_it, have_sex, fuck, bang, get_laid, hump, eff, experience, live, lie_with, have_a_go_at_it, bed, recognise, roll_in_the_hay, recognize, love, make_love, have_intercourse, make_out, be_intimate |
kvs | kv, kilovolt |
label | pronounce, mark, recording_label, tag, judge |
lacking | miss, missing, absent, deficient, lack, wanting |
large | declamatory, tumid, great, magnanimous, orotund, heavy, boastfully, turgid, enceinte, bombastic, vauntingly, gravid, big, prominent, with_child, expectant |
largest | declamatory, tumid, great, magnanimous, orotund, heavy, turgid, enceinte, bombastic, large, gravid, big, prominent, with_child, expectant |
last | death, last-place, shoemaker's_last, go, finale, survive, utmost, net, in_conclusion, finish, close, final, finally, concluding, live_on, conclusion, finis, endure, live, hold_up, final_stage, lastly, terminal, cobbler's_last, stopping_point, hold_out, end, lowest |
late | belatedly, belated, former, of_late, tardy, recent, tardily, previous, later, lately, recently, deep, latterly |
latency | rotational_latency, reaction_time, latent_period, response_time |
later | afterwards, belated, former, afterward, subsequently, tardy, recent, posterior, previous, after, late, by_and_by, later_on, ulterior |
latest | belated, former, tardy, recent, up-to-the-minute, previous, modish, in_vogue, late, later, a_la_mode, in_style |
launch | launching, found, establish, set_in_motion, set_up, plunge |
launchpad | launch_area, launch_pad, launching_pad, pad |
layer | stratum, bed, level |
lazily | idly |
lazy | indolent, faineant, otiose, slothful, work-shy |
lcm | lowest_common_multiple, least_common_multiple |
lead | go, conduce, steer, tip, contribute, spark_advance, track, chair, lead_story, hint, wind, leave, top, guide, leash, jumper_cable, take, pass, head, conduct, lede, direct, run, star, tether, lead-in, booster_cable, moderate, atomic_number_82, precede, trail, confidential_information, result, pencil_lead, leading, principal, extend, pb, jumper_lead |
leader | loss_leader, drawing_card |
leaf | foliage, riffle, thumb, folio, leafage, flick, riff, flip |
leak | leak_out, outflow, passing_water, wetting, escape, leakage, news_leak, making_water |
learner | apprentice, assimilator, scholar, prentice |
lease | charter, rent, hire, rental, let, letting, take, term_of_a_contract, engage |
least | to_the_lowest_degree |
leave | go_away, allow, impart, bequeath, leave_alone, go_forth, lead, exit, leave_of_absence, pull_up_stakes, will, parting, farewell, give, provide, pass_on, result, leave_behind, get_out, depart, allow_for, forget, entrust, go_out, leave-taking |
left | go_away, leftfield, allow, impart, odd, bequeath, leave_alone, go_forth, lead, left_over, exit, pull_up_stakes, leave, will, unexpended, give, left_hand, provide, pass_on, leftover, result, left-hand, left_field, left_wing, remaining, leave_behind, get_out, depart, allow_for, forget, entrust, go_out |
legacy | bequest |
legal | sound, effectual |
length | duration, distance |
less | le, to_a_lesser_extent, lupus_erythematosus |
level | even, raze, level_off, pull_down, tier, point, flat, take_down, degree, even_out, charge, stratum, tied, layer, flush, unwavering, spirit_level, plane, grade, floor, dismantle, story, stage, horizontal_surface, tear_down, rase, storey |
license | permission, certify, licence, permit |
likely | potential, probably, in_all_likelihood, belike, probable, in_all_probability |
limit | determine, set, demarcation_line, specify, bound, terminal_point, restrict, throttle, circumscribe, confine, trammel, limitation, boundary, demarcation, define, point_of_accumulation, fix, terminus_ad_quem, limit_point, restrain |
limiter | clipper |
line | rail_line, course, production_line, draw, blood_line, delineate, argumentation, melodic_phrase, credit_line, product_line, business_line, personal_credit_line, blood, short_letter, telephone_circuit, seam, personal_line_of_credit, channel, tune, note, line_of_reasoning, trace, parentage, phone_line, run_along, crinkle, job, logical_argument, lineage, bank_line, cable, bloodline, stemma, argument, pipeline, crease, demarcation, contrast, pedigree, dividing_line, describe, melody, air, telephone_line, line_of_business, subscriber_line, transmission_line, line_of_products, billet, line_of_descent, business, line_of_credit, descent, melodic_line, origin, stock, furrow, line_of_work, line_of_merchandise, strain, assembly_line, ancestry, wrinkle, communication_channel, occupation, agate_line, railway_line |
linear | analogue, analog, elongate, running, additive, one-dimensional |
link | data_link, unite, liaison, contact, linkup, relate, associate, connexion, inter-group_communication, connectedness, connection, radio_link, connect, join, link_up, colligate, nexus, yoke, tie-in, tie_in, tie |
list | inclination, lean, name, tilt, leaning, heel, number, listing |
listen | hear, take_heed, mind, heed |
listener | auditor, attender, hearer |
lister | middlebreaker, joseph_lister, middle_buster, lister_plough, lister_plow, baron_lister |
lit | unhorse, well-lighted, fire_up, light, illume, literature, fall, alight, ignite, illumine, perch, get_off, illuminate, illuminated, dismount, lighted, light_up, get_down |
literal | literal_error, misprint, erratum, actual, real, typo, typographical_error, genuine |
live | go, unrecorded, survive, be, inhabit, exist, dwell, know, bouncy, populate, live_on, last, alive, endure, experience, hold_up, hot, lively, resilient, hold_out, subsist, springy |
liveness | invigorate, enliven, aliveness, liven, animate, animateness, liven_up |
llb | bachelor_of_laws |
load | adulterate, freight, onus, dilute, charge, shipment, lading, lade, encumbrance, laden, cargo, burden, payload, warhead, stretch, incumbrance, debase, lode, consignment, loading, load_up |
local | topical_anesthetic, topical_anaesthetic, local_anesthetic, local_anaesthetic |
locality | neighbourhood, vicinity, neighborhood, neck_of_the_woods |
locate | turn_up, settle, place, situate, site |
location | locating, emplacement, positioning, localization, localisation, fix, placement, position |
lock | operate, mesh, lock_away, lock_chamber, put_away, whorl, curl, ringlet, ignition_lock, lock_up, interlock, lock_in, shut_up, shut_away, interlace, engage |
log | lumber, logarithm |
logger | lumberman, lumberjack, faller, feller |
logging | lumber, log |
logic | system_of_logic, logical_system |
logical | coherent, consistent, legitimate, ordered, lucid |
long | yearn, hanker, retentive, foresighted, longsighted, recollective, tenacious, prospicient, farsighted, foresightful, farseeing |
longest | long, retentive, foresighted, longsighted, recollective, tenacious, prospicient, farsighted, foresightful, farseeing |
look | smell, feeling, attend, bet, seem, reckon, tone, aspect, calculate, take_care, count, facial_expression, appear, face, search, await, front, spirit, flavour, expression, feel, looking, flavor, see, depend, wait, expect, looking_at |
lookup | search |
loop | grommet, iteration, closed_circuit, intertwine, curl, eyelet, coil, cringle, grummet, loop-the-loop, loop_topology |
lose | turn_a_loss, miss, suffer, fall_behind, drop_off, fall_back, mislay, recede, misplace |
lost | fall_behind, drop_off, confounded, suffer, befuddled, at_sea, fall_back, confused, disoriented, doomed, baffled, helpless, mazed, bewildered, turn_a_loss, miss, missed, mislay, deep_in_thought, lose, preoccupied, mixed-up, bemused, recede, misplace |
lower | blue, scummy, humbled, abject, lowly, crushed, grim, lower_berth, downhearted, get_down, bring_down, low-pitched, take_down, let_down, depleted, small, low-toned, scurvy, humble, depress, low, turn_down, down, depressed, frown, lour, broken, humiliated, modest, dispirited, gloomy, low-spirited, glower, downcast, down_in_the_mouth, miserable, low-down |
lowercase | minuscule, small_letter, lower-case_letter |
mac | mack, macintosh, mackintosh |
machine | simple_machine, auto, political_machine, motorcar, automobile, car |
macho | butch |
macro | macro_instruction |
magic | magic_trick, thaumaturgy, wizard, charming, conjuration, wizardly, sorcerous, magical, legerdemain, deception, witching, illusion, trick, conjuring_trick |
mail_service, ring_armour, chain_mail, post, ring_mail, ring_armor, chain_armour, get_off, chain_armor, postal_service, send | |
main | chief, principal, briny, independent, master, primary |
maintain | keep, keep_up, conserve, exert, defend, preserve, sustain, uphold, asseverate, assert, observe, hold, wield |
maintenance | upkeep, sustentation, sustenance, sustainment, alimony, criminal_maintenance, care |
major | john_r._major, john_major, john_roy_major |
make | gain, clear, take_in, draw, brand, name, do, lay_down, constitute, micturate, take_a_leak, wee-wee, crap, bring_in, nominate, produce, cook, make_up, arrive_at, take_a_crap, get_to, defecate, induce, stimulate, make_believe, seduce, work, make_water, establish, take, cause, construct, fix, pass_water, hold, pee, give, pretend, hit, reach, earn, realize, ca-ca, have, stool, take_a_shit, urinate, throw, realise, attain, shuffling, pull_in, progress_to, shit, create, build, prepare, score, pee-pee, form, piss, ready, puddle, spend_a_penny, wee, piddle, get, shuffle, relieve_oneself |
makeshift | improvised, jury-rigged, make-do, stopgap |
makeup | war_paint, make-up, physical_composition, constitution, composition |
malformed | deformed, ill-shapen, misshapen, distorted |
manage | wangle, oversee, grapple, negociate, superintend, do, bring_off, make_do, contend, handle, pull_off, supervise, cope, finagle, deal, make_out, carry_off, care, wield, get_by |
managed | do, make_do, pull_off, supervise, wangle, superintend, manage, wield, get_by, oversee, contend, cope, handle, carry_off, grapple, care, negociate, bring_off, finagle, deal, make_out |
management | direction |
manager | managing_director, coach, director, handler |
mangle | cut_up, mutilate, maul, murder |
manifest | evident, unmistakable, certify, apparent, attest, patent, plain, demonstrate, evidence |
manual | manual_of_arms |
map | represent, map_out, mapping, mathematical_function, function, single-valued_function |
mapper | plotter |
mapping | represent, map_out, mathematical_function, function, map, chromosome_mapping, single-valued_function |
mark | bull's_eye, set, marker, brand, stigmatize, denounce, target, cross_out, check_off, soft_touch, tag, label, check, stain, home_run, bell_ringer, st._mark, scratch, tick_off, notice, sign, gull, chump, strike_off, cross, scar, stigma, note, saint_mark, patsy, marking, fall_guy, distinguish, cross_off, pit, deutschmark, gospel_according_to_mark, deutsche_mark, mark_off, grade, german_mark, crisscross, punctuate, differentiate, pock, nock, score, mug, stigmatise, print, commemorate, sucker, fool, tick, scrape, strike_out |
marker | marking, mark |
marshal | mobilize, summon, mobilise, marshall |
mask | masquerade_party, masque, masquerade, block_out, dissemble, cloak, disguise |
master | master_key, get_the_hang, maestro, get_over, primary, surmount, superior, original, chief, passe-partout, sea_captain, schoolmaster, main, overcome, professional, headmaster, principal, lord, captain, overlord, master_copy, skipper, passkey, dominate, control, victor, subdue |
match | oppose, play_off, touch, couple, check, pair, gibe, meet, agree, compeer, mates, twin, correspond, tally, pit, equalise, equalize, peer, jibe, cope_with, mate, fit, friction_match, lucifer, rival, equate, catch, equal |
matcher | marriage_broker, matchmaker |
materialize | materialise, happen |
math | maths, mathematics |
matrix | ground_substance, intercellular_substance |
max | grievous_bodily_harm, goop, easy_lay, soap, scoop, liquid_ecstasy, georgia_home_boy |
maximum | level_best, upper_limit, utmost, uttermost, maximal |
may | whitethorn, crataegus_oxycantha, english_hawthorn, crataegus_laevigata |
maybe | perhaps, possibly, perchance, peradventure, mayhap |
mean | mingy, beggarly, hateful, imply, entail, tight, average, stand_for, base, meanspirited, miserly, intend, bastardly, mean_value, have_in_mind, think, think_of, signify |
measure | meter, metre, appraise, criterion, measure_out, measuring_stick, measuring_rod, assess, mensuration, standard, quantify, step, measuring, bill, evaluate, bar, amount, quantity, beat, mensurate, measurement, touchstone, valuate, cadence, value |
measurement | mensuration, measuring, measure |
media | mass_medium, spiritualist, culture_medium, medium, sensitive, metier |
median | average, median_value, medial |
medium | mass_medium, average, spiritualist, culture_medium, sensitive, metier, intermediate |
meet | run_across, contact, touch, foregather, conform_to, assemble, forgather, gather, fulfill, adjoin, suffer, fill, satisfy, match, receive, cope_with, play, fit, fitting, see, run_into, sports_meeting, come_across, converge, take_on, get_together, encounter, fulfil |
member | extremity, fellow_member, penis, phallus, appendage |
membership | rank |
memory | computer_storage, retentivity, store, retention, retentiveness, memory_board, storage, computer_memory, remembering |
mend | repair, furbish_up, doctor, darn, fixing, heal, bushel, fixture, patch, touch_on, mending, fix, restore, reparation |
merge | unite, flux, meld, immix, conflate, commingle, combine, blend, unify, mix, fuse, coalesce |
merged | unite, flux, immix, conflate, meld, commingle, combine, blend, unify, incorporate, mix, fuse, coalesce, unified, integrated, incorporated, merge |
merging | conflux, unite, flux, immix, conflate, meld, confluence, commingle, blend, unify, combine, mix, fuse, coalesce, confluent, merge, meeting, coming_together |
mesh | operate, network, enmesh, meshwork, ensnarl, lock, meshing, net, interlock, interlocking, mesh_topology, engagement, engage |
message | content, subject_matter, substance |
meth | methamphetamine, chicken_feed, chalk, ice, methamphetamine_hydrochloride, methedrine, shabu, crank, glass, trash, deoxyephedrine |
method | method_acting |
metric | metric_function, metrical, measured, metric_unit, system_of_measurement |
might | mightiness, power |
migrate | transmigrate |
milliseconds | msec, millisecond |
mime | mimer, dumb_show, pantomimer, pantomimist, mimic, pantomime, mummer |
min | hokkianese, fukien, taiwanese, amoy, fukkianese, minute, min_dialect |
minify | decrease, lessen |
minimal | minimum |
minimize | derogate, belittle, understate, denigrate, downplay, minimise |
minimum | lower_limit, minimal |
minor | child, pocket-size, fry, nestling, youngster, venial, modest, tike, nonaged, small-scale, nipper, tyke, pocket-sized, shaver, small_fry, small, tiddler, underage, kid |
minus | subtraction, negative |
minute | minute_of_arc, second, mo, instant, moment, infinitesimal, min, narrow, hour, arcminute, bit |
mips | million_instructions_per_second |
mismatched | mismatch, uneven |
miss | neglect, omit, fille, escape, lose, overleap, lack, young_lady, girl, misfire, leave_out, drop, overlook, pretermit, missy, young_woman |
mix | meld, fuse, desegregate, ruffle, mixing, mixture, flux, commix, blend, commixture, unify, premix, coalesce, mix_in, admixture, mingle, commingle, amalgamate, intermixture, conflate, immix, combine, integrate, merge, shuffle |
mobile | nomadic, roving, wandering, fluid, mobile_river, peregrine |
mock | bemock |
mod | modern, modernistic |
mode | mood, fashion, modality, way, modal_value, manner, style, musical_mode |
model | mold, pattern, modeling, manikin, pose, theoretical_account, modelling, fashion_model, posture, mould, good_example, framework, exemplar, mannequin, manakin, simulation, example, mock_up, sit, simulate, role_model, exemplary, poser, mannikin |
modified | alter, change, modify, qualify, limited |
modify | alter, change, qualify |
module | mental_faculty, faculty |
mon | monday |
monitor | reminder, proctor, varan, monitor_lizard, monitoring_device, supervise, admonisher |
mono | mononucleosis, glandular_fever, infectious_mononucleosis, kissing_disease, monophonic, single-channel |
montgomery | bernard_law_montgomery, l._m._montgomery, sir_bernard_law_montgomery, capital_of_alabama, lucy_maud_montgomery, 1st_viscount_montgomery_of_alamein |
month | calendar_month |
more | more_than, thomas_more, to_a_greater_extent, sir_thomas_more |
most | well-nigh, near, nearly, virtually, almost, to_the_highest_degree, about, nigh |
mount | ride, bestride, backing, go_up, saddle_horse, wax, hop_on, jump_on, put_on, mount_up, riding_horse, get_on, rise, mountain, climb, setting, climb_up, climb_on |
move | go, actuate, incite, act, impress, motility, make_a_motion, locomote, strike, proceed, run, affect, travel, be_active, motivate, prompt, motion, movement, propel, relocation, displace |
msg | monosodium_glutamate |
multiply | reproduce, procreate, manifold, breed |
must | moldiness, mustiness |
mutated | mutate |
mutating | mutate |
mutation | sport, variation, mutant, genetic_mutation, chromosomal_mutation |
mutual | common, reciprocal |
naive | uninitiated, uninstructed, naif, unenlightened, primitive, uninitiate |
name | list, constitute, identify, figure, call, appoint, key, nominate, refer, make, key_out, distinguish, diagnose, bring_up, epithet, describe, cite, discover, mention, gens, public_figure, advert |
named | nominate, list, diagnose, advert, make, name, cite, key_out, call, constitute, identify, bring_up, discover, mention, describe, distinguish, appoint, key, refer |
namers | namer |
nan | grandmother, grannie, gran, nanna, naan, nan_river, grandma, granny |
narrowest | narrow-minded, minute, narrow |
native | indigen, aboriginal, indigene, aborigine |
nds | nd, north_dakota, peace_garden_state, neodymium, atomic_number_60 |
nearest | good, near, skinny, approximate, nighest, dear, penny-pinching, close, cheeseparing, closest, nigh |
need | require, pauperization, postulate, necessitate, want, motive, penury, take, involve, demand, call_for, motivation, indigence, ask, pauperism |
negate | contradict, neutralise, contravene, nullify, belie, neutralize |
negated | contradict, neutralise, contravene, nullify, belie, neutralize, negate |
negative | blackball, negatively_charged, disconfirming, minus, electronegative, damaging, veto |
negotiate | negociate, talk_terms |
negotiated | negociate, negotiate, talk_terms |
neighbor | neighbour |
nested | draw_close, nestle, nest, snuggle, nuzzle, cuddle |
nesting | draw_close, nestle, nest, snuggle, nuzzle, cuddle |
net | cyberspace, profit, network, internet, meshwork, final, lucre, sack_up, clear, last, meshing, net_income, profits, nett, net_profit, mesh, web, sack, earnings |
network | meshwork, meshing, electronic_network, net, mesh, web |
never | ne'er |
new | raw, young, newfangled, unexampled, fresh, freshly, modern, newly, novel |
newer | raw, young, newfangled, unexampled, fresh, new, modern, novel |
newest | raw, young, newfangled, unexampled, fresh, new, modern, novel |
next | adjacent, future, side_by_side, succeeding, following |
nice | gracious, dainty, overnice, prissy, squeamish, courteous, skillful, decent |
nil | naught, cipher, zilch, goose_egg, aught, zip, zippo, nothing, nix, cypher, null, nada, zero |
node | knob, lymph_node, leaf_node, thickening, client, guest, lymph_gland |
nominated | nominate, make, name, nominative, propose, constitute, put_up, appoint, put_forward |
non | not |
nonce | time_being |
norm | average |
normal | pattern, convention, rule, formula |
normalise | renormalize, normalize, renormalise |
normalised | renormalize, normalise, normalize, renormalise |
normalize | normalise, anneal, renormalize, renormalise, temper |
normalized | normalise, normalize, anneal, renormalize, renormalise, temper |
not | non |
note | eminence, greenback, tone, remark, banker's_bill, annotation, musical_note, notice, take_down, bank_bill, short_letter, line, notation, observe, banknote, bill, note_of_hand, federal_reserve_note, take_note, promissory_note, bank_note, distinction, government_note, billet, mark, mention, preeminence |
notebooks | notebook, notebook_computer |
nothing | naught, cipher, zilch, goose_egg, aught, zip, nil, zippo, nix, cypher, null, nada, zero |
notice | placard, observation, point_out, card, mark, detect, posting, notification, discover, note, comment, acknowledge, bill, remark, poster, observance, observe, find |
notification | notice, telling, apprisal, presentment |
notify | apprise, send_word, advise, give_notice, apprize |
now | instantly, right_away, directly, straightaway, forthwith, at_present, at_once, immediately, straight_off, nowadays, like_a_shot, today |
nudge | prod, poke_at, jog |
null | naught, cipher, zilch, void, goose_egg, aught, zip, nil, zippo, nothing, nix, cypher, nada, zero |
number | list, turn, total, enumerate, add_up, numerate, numeral, amount, routine, bit, keep_down, issue, figure, act, come, phone_number, telephone_number, count, identification_number |
numeric | numeral, numerical |
object | objective, target, physical_object, aim |
observations | observation, notice, reflexion, reflection, observance, watching |
observe | keep, notice, honor, take_note, follow, honour, detect, watch_over, discover, note, watch, mention, respect, remark, abide_by, celebrate, maintain, keep_an_eye_on, find |
observer | beholder, commentator, percipient, perceiver |
obtain | incur, receive, prevail, get, hold, find |
occupy | interest, concern, absorb, worry, fill, use_up, engross, invade, lodge_in, take, reside, busy, engage |
odds | betting_odds |
off | remove, hit, dispatch, bump_off, cancelled, away, turned, slay, polish_off, sour, forth, murder |
offset | runner, stolon, beginning, commencement, outgrowth, showtime, first, setoff, outset, start, kickoff, cancel, counterbalance, offset_printing, set_off, get-go, branch, starting_time, countervail, offshoot, set-back |
old | sometime, former, honest-to-goodness, erstwhile, honest-to-god, one-time, onetime, previous, older, quondam, sure-enough |
older | aged, former, honest-to-goodness, sometime, erstwhile, honest-to-god, one-time, onetime, previous, elderly, sr., senior, quondam, old, elder, sure-enough |
oldest | sometime, former, honest-to-goodness, erstwhile, honest-to-god, one-time, onetime, previous, older, old, quondam, sure-enough |
omit | miss, neglect, except, leave_off, take_out, overleap, leave_out, drop, overlook, pretermit, exclude |
once | in_one_case, erstwhile, at_one_time, erst, formerly, one_time |
one | unmatchable, matchless, unity, unitary, ace, one_and_only, peerless, unrivalled, unrivaled, unmatched, ane, nonpareil, single |
only | just, sole, exclusively, solely, lonesome, entirely, only_if, only_when, but, solitary, simply, alone, merely, lone |
opaque | unintelligible |
open | afford, clear, receptive, exposed, capable, overt, open_air, spread, undecided, assailable, candid, undetermined, outdoors, undefended, give, unfold, spread_out, unfastened, opened, loose, heart-to-heart, undefendable, surface, unresolved, subject, out-of-doors, open_up |
operating | operate, manoeuver, maneuver, go, lock, operate_on, control, operational, manoeuvre, work, in_operation, function, mesh, run, engage |
operation | surgical_operation, mental_process, surgical_procedure, surgical_process, procedure, performance, military_operation, cognitive_process, mathematical_process, functioning, process, cognitive_operation, mathematical_operation, surgery |
operator | hustler, wheeler_dealer, manipulator |
opposite | reverse, opposite_word, polar, antonym, opponent, diametric, face-to-face, diametrical, inverse, contrary, paired, opposition |
opt | prefer, choose |
optimistic | affirmative |
optimize | optimise |
option | pick, choice, selection, alternative |
oracle | prophet, vaticinator, seer, prophesier |
order | place, govern, lodge, say, regularise, ordering, decree, regularize, prescribe, ordain, social_club, society, guild, ordinate, holy_order, enjoin, orderliness, dictate, fiat, parliamentary_procedure, put, arrange, grade, order_of_magnitude, range, gild, set_up, rules_of_order, rescript, edict, ordination, monastic_order, regulate, club, tell, purchase_order, consecrate, rate, rank, parliamentary_law |
ordinal | no., ordinal_number |
ordinary | average, ordinary_bicycle |
organization | formation, constitution, system, administration, establishment, brass, organisation, governing_body, arrangement, governance |
origin | source, lineage, line_of_descent, descent, origination, rootage, root, bloodline, blood_line, blood, stemma, beginning, stock, ancestry, line, pedigree, parentage, inception, extraction |
original | master, master_copy, archetype, pilot |
other | early, former |
out | come_out_of_the_closet, knocked_out, stunned, verboten, away, forbidden, prohibited, tabu, ko'd, proscribed, extinct, kayoed, come_out, taboo |
outbound | outward-bound, outward |
outer | knocked_out, stunned, verboten, forbidden, prohibited, tabu, ko'd, proscribed, extinct, kayoed, out, taboo |
outermost | outmost |
outgoing | outmatch, forthcoming, outgo, outperform, surpass, exceed, extroverted, outdo, surmount, outstrip |
outlives | survive, outlive, outlast |
output | end_product, outturn, turnout, output_signal, production, yield |
outside | exterior, international, out-of-door, away, extraneous, outdoor, out_of_doors, external, outdoors, alfresco, remote |
over | concluded, ended, o'er, complete, terminated, all_over |
overall | boilers_suit, boilersuit |
overflow | brim_over, runoff, flood, run_over, outpouring, well_over, bubble_over, overrun, spill_over, overspill |
overhead | operating_expense, operating_cost, command_overhead, command_processing_overhead, smash, command_processing_overhead_time, viewgraph, budget_items, disk_overhead |
overlap | convergence, lap, intersection |
overlapping | imbrication, lapping, overlap |
overlay | sheathing, cover, overlayer, overlie |
override | overthrow, reverse, overrule, overturn, nullification |
own | possess, have, ain |
owner | possessor, proprietor |
pack | ingroup, compact, clique, carry, inner_circle, large_number, bundle, multitude, jam, take, tamp_down, pile, throng, mob, plurality, wad, face_pack, coterie, tamp, camp, battalion, gang, load_down, ring, backpack |
package | parcel, software, packet, software_system, box, software_program, computer_software, software_package, bundle |
pad | embroider, lard, blow_up, embellish, lodgings, inkpad, digs, footslog, domiciliation, inking_pad, diggings, pad_of_paper, launch_pad, bolster, dramatise, fill_out, dramatize, trudge, stamp_pad, launching_pad, launchpad, launch_area, aggrandize, plod, aggrandise, tablet, slog, tramp |
padded | embroider, lard, aggrandise, dramatise, footslog, dramatize, fill_out, cushioned, cushiony, blow_up, embellish, slog, trudge, pad, tramp, bolster, aggrandize, plod |
page | sir_frederick_handley_page, pageboy, paginate, varlet, thomas_nelson_page, foliate |
paginate | foliate, page |
panic | affright, terror, scare |
parallel | duplicate, latitude, line_of_latitude, collimate, analogue, analog, twin, parallel_of_latitude |
parameters | parameter, parametric_quantity, argument |
parent | bring_up, raise, rear, nurture |
park | common, car_park, parking_lot, green, mungo_park, parkland, parking_area, ballpark, commons |
parsed | parse |
part | partly, break_up, split_up, persona, contribution, set_forth, constituent, portion, separate, voice, theatrical_role, region, start, component, parting, component_part, disunite, role, percentage, start_out, set_off, split, break, set_out, piece, division, divide, section, take_off, share, character, depart, partially, function, office |
partial | partial_derivative, fond, overtone, partial_tone |
partially | part, partly |
partition | partitioning, division, sectionalization, partition_off, divider, sectionalisation, segmentation, zone |
pass | overstep, clear, passing, croak, go_across, toss, make_it, go_past, spend, head, pass_away, straits, excrete, notch, eliminate, overtake, evanesce, come_about, whirl, transcend, fall, go_on, occur, conk, pass_by, slip_away, sink, slide_by, exit, communicate, fade, egest, happen, passing_play, lapse, slip_by, elapse, put_across, pass_on, go_along, buy_the_farm, walk, flip, hap, pass_off, give-up_the_ghost, crack, bye, go_through, hand, pass_along, legislate, draw, offer, strait, lead, pop_off, fall_out, pas, go_by, top, passing_game, qualifying, guide, travel_by, reach, authorise, fling, surpass, snuff_it, exceed, choke, liberty_chit, turn_over, extend, make_pass, base_on_balls, overhaul, go, devolve, cash_in_one's_chips, passport, return, laissez_passer, blow_over, die, run, mountain_pass, give, take_place, kick_the_bucket, decease, perish, glide_by, authorize, fleet, drop_dead, expire |
password | parole, watchword, word, countersign |
past | past_times, retiring, yesteryear, by, preceding, past_tense |
pat | chuck, slick, rap, tap, glib, dab |
patch | mend, spot, eyepatch, darn, while, plot_of_land, piece, dapple, spell, temporary_hookup, bandage, maculation, plot, plot_of_ground, fleck, speckle, patch_up |
path | course, way, way_of_life, itinerary, route, track |
pattern | convention, radiation_pattern, radiation_diagram, normal, practice, traffic_pattern, form, rule, shape, approach_pattern, design, blueprint, figure, model, formula |
pause | intermission, break, interruption, intermit, hesitate, suspension |
payload | consignment, cargo, load, warhead, loading, freight, lading, shipment |
payment | requital, defrayment, defrayal |
peak | superlative, meridian, tip, flower, point, crown, top, height, eyeshade, crest, vizor, elevation, heyday, top_out, bloom, bill, blossom, flush, tiptop, pinnacle, summit, acme, visor, apex, extremum, efflorescence, prime, vertex |
peek | peep, glance, glint |
peer | equal, compeer, match |
percent | percentage, per_centum, pct |
percentage | share, pct, per_centum, part, portion, percent |
percentile | centile |
perform | execute, do |
period | menstruation, catamenia, menstruum, flow, geological_period, stop, time_period, menses, full_stop, point, period_of_time, full_point |
periodic | occasional, periodical |
periodically | sporadically |
perm | permanent_wave, permanent, molotov |
permission | license, permit |
permit | tolerate, permission, allow, let, license, countenance, licence, trachinotus_falcatus |
permute | transpose, commute |
persist | die_hard, remain, endure, hold_on, hang_on, hang_in, prevail, persevere, run, stay |
persistent | lasting, haunting, unrelenting, tenacious, relentless, dour, unyielding, dogged, pertinacious |
phase | phase_angle, stage, form |
phone | speech_sound, earphone, call_up, sound, telephone, earpiece, headphone, telephone_set, ring, call |
physical | forcible, strong-arm |
pick | cream, break_up, foot, plunk, choice, picking, pickaxe, blame, beak, plectron, peck, woof, option, cull, weft, piece, nibble, find_fault, pluck, pickax, plectrum, selection, filling, clean |
pickup | getaway, tone_arm, cartridge, pickup_arm, pick-me-up, pickup_truck |
pid | pelvic_inflammatory_disease |
pilot | cowcatcher, airplane_pilot, navigate, pilot_light, fender, buffer, fly, pilot_program, archetype, original, pilot_film, aviate, pilot_burner |
pin | bowling_pin, trap, pin_tumbler, tholepin, stick, fall, pivot, flag, immobilise, rowlock, peg, immobilize, oarlock, thole, pin_number, personal_identification_number |
ping | ping_river, knock, pink |
pipe | tobacco_pipe, pipage, pipe_up, tube, pipework, shrill, shriek, piping, organ_pipe |
pipeline | word_of_mouth, grapevine, line |
pivot | pivot_man, pin, swivel |
pix | pix_chest, pyx_chest, pyx |
pixel | pel, picture_element |
place | order, piazza, set, pose, target, home, identify, position, situation, site, point, property, plaza, invest, commit, topographic_point, localise, berth, lay, lieu, direct, post, space, put, grade, come_in, range, blank_space, send, spot, billet, seat, station, locate, localize, rate, shoes, stead, rank, aim, office, come_out |
placeholder | procurator, proxy |
placement | locating, emplacement, location, positioning, arrangement, position |
plain | quetch, apparently, homely, apparent, patent, patently, plain_stitch, knit_stitch, sound_off, manifest, bare, unmingled, unmixed, evident, unembellished, unornamented, obviously, manifestly, unvarnished, evidently, field, plainly, knit, unmistakable, spare, kick, kvetch, unpatterned, sheer, complain, champaign |
plan | programme, be_after, contrive, design, program, architectural_plan, project |
platform | political_platform, chopine, political_program, weapons_platform, program |
play | roleplay, sport, looseness, maneuver, represent, romp, flirt, playact, trifle, bet, act, gaming, toy, meet, spiel, work, period_of_play, wager, run, bid, dally, fun, child's_play, recreate, playing_period, drama, frolic, dramatic_play, swordplay, gambol, act_as, turn, shimmer, fiddle, bring, take_on, gambling, encounter, manoeuvre, free_rein, caper, wreak, make_for, diddle |
plumb | plummet, plumb_bob, plum, clean |
plural | plural_form |
pluralize | pluralise |
plus | summation, asset, positive, addition |
pod | cod, seedpod, fuel_pod, seedcase |
point | decimal_point, point_in_time, place, maneuver, show, channelize, power_point, target, steer, tip, detail, item, breaker_point, full_point, gunpoint, manoeuver, stop, taper, level, degree, peak, compass_point, charge, guide, head, percentage_point, bespeak, sharpen, direct, betoken, signal, indicate, period, dot, luff, orient, repoint, spot, stage, distributor_point, pointedness, full_stop, manoeuvre, designate, channelise, aim |
pointer | spanish_pointer, arrow, cursor |
poison | toxicant, poisonous_substance, envenom |
poke | thrust, dig, horn_in, phytolacca_americana, carrier_bag, jab, biff, clout, nose, pigeon_berry, scoke, lagger, pry, garget, jabbing, paper_bag, trailer, poking, thump, intrude, lick, laggard, punch, drone, slug, pound, thrusting, dawdler, prod, sack, stab |
polar | icy, gelid, glacial, frigid, diametric, pivotal, opposite, diametrical, arctic |
policy | insurance, insurance_policy |
poll | pate, canvass, opinion_poll, pollard, canvas, public_opinion_poll, poll_parrot, crown |
polygon | polygonal_shape |
polynomial | multinomial |
pone | cornpone |
pool | pocket_billiards, consortium, puddle, kitty, pond, syndicate |
pop | protrude, crop_up, drink_down, pa, kill, bulge_out, pop_up, soda, pop_music, papa, start, pop_out, bug_out, dad, bolt_down, soda_water, pappa, tonic, popping, toss_off, belt_down, popular, down, daddy, pour_down, bulge, soda_pop, come_out, dada |
populate | dwell, inhabit, live |
port | embrasure, interface, port_wine, larboard, porthole |
portal | vena_portae, hepatic_portal_vein, portal_vein, portal_site |
pos | po_river, post_office, polonium, p.o., united_states_post_office, us_post_office, atomic_number_84, petty_officer, po |
position | perspective, place, set, pose, locating, emplacement, posture, situation, military_position, berth, status, positioning, lay, side, lieu, spatial_relation, post, put, placement, spot, billet, attitude, view, location, stance, stead, office |
positive | plus, positivistic, overconfident, confirming, electropositive, incontrovertible, cocksure, prescribed, positively_charged, irrefutable, convinced, positivist, confident, positive_degree |
possible | potential |
post | place, charles_william_post, carry, brand, situation, emily_price_post, emily_post, military_post, c._w._post, berth, mail, postal_service, send, spot, wiley_post, mail_service, billet, stake, station, put_up, office, position |
potential | potential_drop, possible, likely, potential_difference, electric_potential, potency, voltage, potentiality |
pow | prisoner_of_war |
power | major_power, powerfulness, index, great_power, business_leader, world_power, mogul, king, exponent, ability, mightiness, big_businessman, top_executive, tycoon, force, baron, superpower, might, office, magnate |
precedence | antecedence, anteriority, precedency, precession, priority, antecedency |
precision | preciseness |
precondition | presumption, given, condition, stipulation |
predicate | proclaim, connote, verb_phrase |
preempt | pre-empt, displace, preemptive_bid |
preemption | pre-emption |
preexists | preexist |
prefer | favour, favor, choose, opt |
preferred | best-loved, favor, preferent, pet, favorite, favour, favored, favourite, preferable, prefer, choose, opt |
prep | homework, preparation |
prepare | groom, set, make, cook, devise, train, educate, get_up, ready, organise, machinate, gear_up, develop, set_up, fix, organize |
prepared | inclined, set, groom, cook, educate, make, devise, prepare, train, get_up, fain, ready, organise, disposed, machinate, gear_up, develop, set_up, fix, organize |
present | show, represent, pose, award, demo, salute, face, exhibit, lay_out, confront, nowadays, give, introduce, gift, portray, acquaint, submit, demonstrate, deliver, stage, present_tense |
preserve | keep, save, conserves, keep_up, preserves, conserve, carry_on, uphold, bear_on, maintain, continue |
preserved | keep, save, keep_up, conserve, carry_on, preserve, uphold, bear_on, maintain, continue |
pressure | pressing, atmospheric_pressure, pressure_level, force_per_unit_area, blackmail, imperativeness, insistency, hale, force, press, squeeze, air_pressure, insistence, blackjack, pressure_sensation, coerce |
pretty | reasonably, somewhat, moderately, middling, jolly, passably, fairly |
prevent | foreclose, keep, forestall, preclude, forbid |
preview | prevue, trailer |
previous | premature, old, former, late |
primaries | primary_coil, primary_quill, primary_feather, primary_election, primary_winding, primary |
primary | chief, principal, primary_coil, primary_quill, primary_feather, elemental, primary_election, elementary, primary_winding, main, basal, master |
prime | ground, undercoat, blossom, meridian, flush, bloom, select, efflorescence, peak, flower, choice, heyday, prize, prime_of_life, quality, prime_quantity, premier |
primitive | naive, crude, rude, primitive_person, archaic |
principal | chief, principal_sum, dealer, head_teacher, head, school_principal, lead, corpus, main, master, primary, star |
mark, publish, impress, photographic_print | |
printer | printing_machine, pressman |
prior | anterior |
priorities | antecedence, precedence, anteriority, precedency, priority, antecedency |
prioritize | prioritise |
prioritized | prioritize, prioritise |
priority | antecedence, precedence, anteriority, precedency, antecedency |
private | secret, buck_private, individual, common_soldier |
privilege | perquisite, favor, prerogative, favour, exclusive_right |
privileged | privilege, favor, inner, inside, favour |
probability | chance |
probably | in_all_likelihood, likely, belike, believably, plausibly, in_all_probability, credibly |
probe | poke_into, dig_into, investigation, examine |
process | summons, unconscious_process, litigate, swear_out, mental_process, treat, procedure, operation, cognitive_process, action, sue, march, physical_process, work, work_on, outgrowth, cognitive_operation, serve, appendage |
processor | c.p.u., mainframe, central_processor, cpu, central_processing_unit |
proclaim | exclaim, laud, exalt, promulgate, extol, predicate, glorify |
produce | bring_on, bring_out, make, create, acquire, bring_forth, green_groceries, raise, get, bring_about, give_rise, grow, develop, green_goods, farm, garden_truck |
prof | professor |
profile | visibility |
profiling | profile |
program | programme, political_platform, computer_program, syllabus, plan, broadcast, political_program, course_of_study, curriculum, computer_programme, platform |
progress | move_on, come_along, progression, build, come_on, advance, advancement, pass_on, procession, go_on, shape_up, get_on, work_up, forward_motion, onward_motion, build_up, get_along, march_on |
project | protrude, image, labor, projection, send_off, plan, figure, visualize, cast, visualise, envision, propose, contrive, design, jut_out, throw, externalise, see, fancy, task, picture, stick_out, jut, undertaking, externalize |
projection | protrusion, forcing_out, acoustic_projection, jutting, jut, expulsion, ejection, project, sound_projection |
prom | promenade |
promise | predict, assure, prognosticate, foretell, anticipate, forebode, call, hope |
promised | predict, assure, prognosticate, foretell, anticipate, forebode, promise, call |
promote | boost, upgrade, elevate, advance, advertise, further, raise, advertize, kick_upstairs, push, encourage |
promotion | packaging, furtherance, publicity, forwarding, promotional_material, advancement |
prompt | instigate, quick, actuate, move, command_prompt, cue, propel, motivate, prompting, immediate, straightaway, incite, inspire, remind |
prop | shore_up, airscrew, airplane_propeller, prop_up, shore, property |
propagate | disseminate, broadcast, circularise, distribute, diffuse, circularize, pass_around, disperse, circulate, spread |
propagators | disseminator, propagator |
properties | place, belongings, prop, attribute, dimension, holding, property |
property | place, prop, attribute, dimension, holding, belongings |
propose | nominate, project, pop_the_question, purpose, declare_oneself, offer, aim, advise, purport, suggest |
protocol | communications_protocol |
prototype | image, paradigm, epitome |
prove | turn_up, bear_witness, try_out, examine, show, leaven, try, testify, shew, essay, raise, test, rise, establish, demonstrate, turn_out, evidence |
provide | cater, allow, supply, leave, render, ply, furnish, offer, allow_for, put_up, bring_home_the_bacon |
provided | provide, allow, cater, supply, leave, render, ply, furnish, offer, allow_for, put_up, bring_home_the_bacon |
provider | supplier |
provision | supplying, purvey, supply, planning, preparation, proviso |
provoke | enkindle, fire, elicit, harry, harass, kick_up, chevy, raise, stimulate, beset, call_forth, molest, arouse, plague, kindle, evoke, hassle, chevvy, chivvy, chivy |
proxy | procurator, placeholder |
prune | crop, lop, clip, rationalise, trim, cut, cut_back, rationalize, snip, dress |
pruned | crop, clip, lop, rationalise, trim, cut, cut_back, rationalize, prune, snip, dress |
pruning | crop, lop, clip, rationalise, trim, cut, cut_back, rationalize, prune, snip, dress |
pseudo | imposter, role_player, fake, sham, pretender, fraud, faker, pseud, impostor, shammer |
pub | saloon, gin_mill, pothouse, taphouse, public_house |
public | populace, world |
publication | issue, publishing |
publish | bring_out, put_out, release, print, write, issue |
pull | pulling, draw, drag, clout, twist, force, perpetrate, commit, pull_up, deplumate, rip, overstretch, pull_out, wrench, rend, displume, attract, take_out, pluck, extract, tear, root_for, pull_in, puff, rive, get_out, draw_in, deplume, draw_out |
pump | heart, ticker |
pure | unadulterated, gross, virginal, saturated, thoroughgoing, double-dyed, complete, staring, perfect, everlasting, utter, arrant, stark, virgin, sodding, consummate, vestal, virtuous |
purge | regurgitate, puke, sick, upchuck, spew, purify, scour, throw_up, barf, disgorge, spue, cast, be_sick, chuck, cat, flush, honk, retch, purging, sanctify, purgation, vomit_up, vomit, regorge |
push | thrust, labor, push_button, promote, advertise, force, advertize, crusade, drive, campaign, crowd, bear_on, get-up-and-go, fight, pushing, agitate, labour, tug, button, energy, press |
pusher | drug_trafficker, perambulator, thruster, shover, peddler, zori, baby_carriage, stroller, drug_peddler, baby_buggy, drug_dealer, pram, carriage, pushchair, go-cart |
put | invest, frame, couch, set, place, commit, order, pose, put_option, lay, redact, arrange, assign, cast, set_up, position |
pvc | polyvinyl_chloride, premature_ventricular_contraction |
qualified | dispose, specify, modify, qualify, dependent, characterize, restrict, measure_up, stipulate, condition, characterise, restricted, dependant, certified |
qualifier | modifier |
quantity | measure, amount |
quantize | quantise |
queries | inquiry, query, question, enquiry, interrogation |
query | inquiry, interrogation, question, enquiry |
quest | seeking, bay, pursuance, bespeak, request, call_for, pursuit |
queue | queue_up, line_up, waiting_line |
queued | queue, queue_up, line_up |
queuing | queue, queue_up, line_up |
quit | renounce, foreswear, step_down, give_up, drop_out, stop, depart, discontinue, throw_in, cease, resign, lay_off, leave_office, drop_by_the_wayside, take_leave, throw_in_the_towel, fall_by_the_wayside, relinquish, chuck_up_the_sponge |
quote | cite, inverted_comma, quotation, citation, quotation_mark |
race | airstream, speed, subspecies, bucket_along, rush, raceway, backwash, belt_along, wash, hasten, hie, hotfoot, pelt_along, step_on_it, slipstream, cannonball_along, run, rush_along |
raft | pot, stack, mint, plenty, mess, sight, peck, quite_a_little, spate, mountain, mickle, pile, good_deal, batch, passel, wad, mass, hatful, flock, great_deal, lot, heap, deal, slew, tidy_sum, muckle |
raise | wage_hike, elicit, leaven, acclivity, elevate, promote, get_up, provoke, invoke, rise, climb, arouse, put_forward, fire, enhance, produce, levy, upgrade, stir, resurrect, prove, call_forth, recruit, kick_upstairs, heave, ascent, farm, advance, erect, conjure_up, hike, lift, bring_up, upraise, nurture, conjure, set_up, heighten, enkindle, call_down, rear, put_up, parent, grow, kindle, wage_increase, salary_increase, evoke |
ramp | incline, allium_tricoccum, storm, rage, wild_leek |
rand | ayn_rand, reef, witwatersrand |
randomly | every_which_way, haphazardly, indiscriminately, willy-nilly, arbitrarily, at_random |
range | image, order, crop, place, grasp, chain, browse, vagabond, stray, array, swan, mountain_chain, rove, lay_out, cast, range_of_a_function, run, roll, drift, ramble, wander, reach, set_out, orbit, straddle, compass, scope, grade, roam, pasture, mountain_range, stove, kitchen_range, kitchen_stove, ambit, cooking_stove, graze, rate, range_of_mountains, rank, tramp, chain_of_mountains |
rank | order, right-down, place, social_status, crying, out-and-out, egregious, rank_and_file, membership, grade, range, outrank, downright, social_station, gross, social_rank, glaring, absolute, rate, flagrant, sheer |
rat | betrayer, denounce, puke, tell_on, git, grass, stag, so-and-so, lowlife, squealer, scum_bag, stinkpot, dirty_dog, crumb, shop, snitch, bum, informer, strikebreaker, blackleg, scab, stinker, skunk, rotter, fink, shit, give_away, betray, blabber |
rate | order, place, rank, value, grade, range, charge_per_unit, pace |
raw | altogether, in_the_buff, peeled, sensitive, unsanded, new, naked, bare-ass, sore, bleak, cutting, in_the_raw, stark_naked, crude, rude, in_the_altogether, natural, bare-assed, naked_as_a_jaybird, birthday_suit, tender |
reach | contact, gain, touch, grasp, reaching, make, arrive_at, get_to, strive, achieve, pass, give, hit, extend_to, orbit, pass_on, get_through, compass, scope, stretch, range, get_hold_of, attain, progress_to, accomplish, turn_over, strain, ambit, hand, reach_out |
reachable | approachable |
react | oppose, respond |
reaction | response, chemical_reaction |
read | scan, understand, show, register, translate, study, learn, take, say, record, interpret |
reader | reviewer, lector, subscriber, referee, lecturer, proofreader |
readiness | eagerness, set, zeal, forwardness, facility, preparation, preparedness |
ready | set, prepare, make, cook, quick, gear_up, set_up, fix |
real | very, existent, really, actual, real_number, literal, substantial, material, rattling, veridical, tangible, genuine |
reap | harvest, glean, draw |
reaper | grim_reaper, harvester |
reason | ground, reasonableness, intellect, rationality, grounds, conclude, reason_out, understanding, argue, cause |
reassigned | transfer, reassign |
reboot | bring_up, boot |
rebuild | reconstruct |
receive | pick_up, meet, take_in, welcome, incur, experience, have, encounter, invite, get, obtain, find |
received | pick_up, standard, meet, take_in, welcome, incur, experience, receive, have, invite, get, encounter, obtain, find |
receiver | receiving_system, telephone_receiver, pass_catcher, recipient, liquidator, pass_receiver |
recent | holocene, holocene_epoch, late, recent_epoch |
recipient | receiver, recipient_role |
reciprocal | reciprocal_cross, mutual, multiplicative_inverse |
reclaim | repossess, recover, reform, regenerate, rectify, tame, domesticise, domesticize, domesticate |
recognizes | agnise, tell_apart, spot, pick_out, accredit, recognise, know, recognize, agnize, realize, greet, acknowledge, make_out, realise, distinguish, discern |
recommended | recommend, advocate, urge, commend |
reconcile | harmonize, settle, make_up, harmonise, submit, resign, accommodate, patch_up, conciliate |
reconciler | make-peace, peacemaker, conciliator, pacifier |
reconciliation | balancing, rapprochement |
reconstruct | remodel, retrace, redo, construct, restore, rebuild |
record | memorialise, immortalise, criminal_record, immortalize, track_record, show, book, put_down, commemorate, disk, register, phonograph_recording, record_book, enter, phonograph_record, platter, read, tape, memorialize, disc |
recover | recoup, reclaim, recuperate, retrieve, regain, go_back, convalesce, find |
recoverer | rescuer, saver |
recovery | convalescence, retrieval, recuperation |
recreate | repair, hearten, revive, embolden, quicken, cheer, reanimate, play, renovate, animate, vivify, revivify |
recur | repeat, fall_back, resort, go_back |
recycle | reuse, reprocess |
redact | frame, couch, redactor, reviser, put, cast, rewrite_man, edit, rewriter |
redirect | airt |
redo | remodel, remake, refashion, reconstruct, make_over |
reduce | quash, abbreviate, thin, decoct, cut, repress, shorten, cut_back, melt_off, come_down, thin_out, shrink, bring_down, lose_weight, trim_down, tighten, dilute, boil_down, keep_down, subjugate, deoxidise, trim_back, slim, contract, slenderize, cut_down, foreshorten, abridge, deoxidize, trim, concentrate, slim_down, scale_down, subdue |
reduced | quash, abbreviate, thin, decoct, cut, repress, shorten, cut_back, melt_off, come_down, rock-bottom, thin_out, shrink, bring_down, lose_weight, trim_down, tighten, dilute, boil_down, keep_down, subjugate, deoxidise, trim_back, slim, contract, slenderize, cut_down, reduce, decreased, foreshorten, abridge, deoxidize, trim, concentrate, slim_down, scale_down, subdue |
reducer | reductant, reducing_agent |
reentrant | re-entrant |
reestablish | restore, reinstate |
ref | referee |
refer | denote, advert, concern, name, cite, relate, touch, have-to_doe_with, look_up, bring_up, come_to, touch_on, mention, consult, bear_on, pertain |
reference | source, cite, reference_point, character, point_of_reference, credit, denotation, extension, reference_work, acknowledgment, mention, character_reference, computer_address, consultation, reference_book, quotation, book_of_facts, citation, address |
referenced | reference, cite |
referencing | reference, cite |
refill | replenish, fill_again |
refine | polish, elaborate, rectify, rarify, fine-tune, complicate, down |
reflect | excogitate, shine, think_over, mull_over, ruminate, contemplate, mull, meditate, ponder, muse, speculate, chew_over, reverberate |
refresh | review, refreshen, freshen_up, brush_up, freshen |
refresher | refresher_course |
regenerate | renew, reclaim, reform, rectify, revitalize, rejuvenate, restore |
region | area, part, realm, neighborhood |
register | record, show, cash_register, registry, read, cross-file, file |
registration | readjustment, enrollment, adjustment, enrolment |
registry | register |
regular | habitue, steady, even, veritable, fixture, unconstipated |
rehash | retrograde, hash_over |
reinterpret | re-explain |
reject | pooh-pooh, winnow_out, resist, refuse, decline, freeze_off, pass_up, rule_out, turn_down, eliminate, cull, disapprove, disdain, spurn, scorn, turn_away |
rejoin | retort, return, come_back, repay, riposte |
related | concern, have-to_doe_with, relate, link_up, touch, bear_on, related_to, come_to, touch_on, associate, colligate, tie_in, refer, link, interrelate, connect, pertain |
relative | congeneric, comparative, relation, proportional, congenator, congener |
relativize | relativise |
relax | slack_up, decompress, slacken, unwind, loosen, unlax, unbend, loose, loosen_up, slack, unstrain, make_relaxed, slow_down |
release | discharge, give_up, put_out, passing, spill, firing, vent, free, issue, freeing, liberation, sacking, unloose, going, exit, tone_ending, spillage, expel, handout, bring_out, unfreeze, outlet, secrete, relinquish, eject, departure, waiver, loose, unloosen, loss, publish, exhaust, turn, expiration, press_release, dismission, let_go, unblock, button, dismissal, resign, acquittance, let_go_of, sack, liberate |
released | discharge, give_up, put_out, free, issue, unloose, expel, bring_out, unfreeze, secrete, relinquish, eject, loose, unloosen, publish, exhaust, turn, release, let_go, unblock, resign, let_go_of, liberate |
reload | recharge |
rem | rapid_eye_movement_sleep, rem_sleep, rapid_eye_movement, paradoxical_sleep |
remainder | residue, residuum, balance, difference, rest, oddment, end, remnant, residual |
remained | remain, stay_on, rest, continue, persist, stay |
remaining | left, remain, odd, leftover, stay_on, left_over, rest, continue, unexpended, persist, stay |
remember | call_up, commemorate, call_back, retrieve, recollect, think_back, think, think_of, commend, recall |
reminder | admonisher, monitor |
remote | outback, outside, remote_control, removed, distant |
remove | take_away, hit, get_rid_of, dispatch, bump_off, move_out, absent, withdraw, take_out, slay, polish_off, take, off, transfer, murder |
removed | remove, take_away, hit, get_rid_of, dispatch, bump_off, move_out, absent, withdraw, take_out, slay, polish_off, take, off, distant, remote, transfer, murder |
removing | remove, take_away, hit, get_rid_of, dispatch, bump_off, move_out, absent, withdraw, take_out, slay, polish_off, take, off, transfer, murder |
render | hand_over, fork_out, provide, supply, show, turn_in, furnish, fork_up, try, generate, translate, return, submit, picture, fork_over, interpret, depict, yield, deliver, give |
renew | reincarnate, regenerate |
renewal | refilling, replenishment, replacement, rehabilitation, reclamation |
reorganize | shake_up, regroup, reorganise |
rep | repp |
repair | furbish_up, revive, quicken, bushel, touch_on, renovate, stamping_ground, animate, mend, fixing, remediate, hangout, fix, restore, doctor, fixture, haunt, recompense, reanimate, vivify, indemnify, reparation, remedy, compensate, resort, mending, rectify, recreate, revivify, amend |
repeat | iterate, ingeminate, duplicate, retell, replicate, echo, take_over, recur, reprize, restate, reiterate, recapitulate, reduplicate, double, repetition, reprise |
repertoire | repertory |
replace | supersede, supplant, exchange, interchange, substitute, supercede, supervene_upon, put_back |
replaced | supersede, supplant, exchange, interchange, substitute, replace, supercede, supervene_upon, put_back |
replacement | permutation, refilling, replenishment, substitution, transposition, switch, substitute, successor, alternate, renewal, surrogate, replacing |
replay | rematch, instant_replay, play_back, action_replay |
replenish | refill, fill_again |
replenishment | refilling, renewal, replacement |
replica | replication, reproduction |
replication | comeback, retort, echo, reproduction, sound_reflection, replica, return, rejoinder, counter, reverberation, riposte |
reply | answer, response, respond |
report | paper, account, story, written_report, report_card, cover, composition, theme, study, describe, reputation, write_up, news_report |
representation | mental_representation, theatrical, delegacy, theatrical_performance, internal_representation, agency, histrionics |
reprocess | recycle, reuse |
request | asking, quest, bespeak, postulation, call_for, petition |
require | necessitate, postulate, command, need, take, involve, demand, call_for, want, expect, ask |
required | require, postulate, necessitate, needed, requisite, want, command, compulsory, need, needful, take, involve, demand, call_for, mandatory, expect, ask |
requirement | requisite, necessary, necessity, essential, demand, prerequisite |
res | reticuloendothelial_system, ray, re, ra, atomic_number_75, rhenium |
rescind | reverse, annul, revoke, repeal, countermand, lift, overturn, vacate |
reserve | allow, earmark, military_reserve, appropriate, book, substitute, backlog, modesty, stockpile, second-stringer, set_aside, reticence, hold, taciturnity, reservation |
reserved | allow, earmark, book, appropriate, reserve, set_aside, hold |
reset | readjust |
residual | residuum, balance, remainder, residuary, rest, residue |
resign | renounce, step_down, give_up, release, free, submit, reconcile, leave_office, quit, relinquish, vacate |
resiliency | resilience |
resolve | resolution, settle, adjudicate, firmness, break_up, conclude, answer, purpose, solve, decide, dissolve, declaration, firmness_of_purpose, resoluteness |
resolved | resolve, settle, adjudicate, solved, break_up, conclude, answer, purpose, solve, decide, single-minded, dissolve |
resource | imagination, resourcefulness |
respond | react, answer, reply |
response | answer, reaction, reception, reply |
responsible | responsible_for, creditworthy |
rest | repose, residuum, respite, balance, remainder, residue, breathe, perch, sleep, take_a_breather, eternal_rest, quietus, remain, rest_period, eternal_sleep, relaxation, lie, pillow, reside, residual, relief, ease, roost, catch_one's_breath, stay |
restart | re-start, resume |
restful | relaxing, reposeful |
restore | repair, restitute, mend, furbish_up, doctor, reinstate, regenerate, bushel, touch_on, reconstruct, reestablish, fix, rejuvenate |
restricted | qualify, bound, limit, confine, restrict, curb, throttle, trammel, qualified, cut_back, curtail, restrain |
result | resolution, upshot, consequence, leave, answer, effect, final_result, outcome, issue, solvent, termination, resultant, lead, solution, resultant_role, ensue, event |
resume | summarise, curriculum_vitae, summarize, survey, re-start, sketch, cv, sum_up, take_up, restart |
retain | keep, hold_back, keep_on, hold, keep_back, continue |
retake | recapture |
retention | retentivity, memory, retentiveness, keeping, holding |
retire | hit_the_hay, pull_away, bed, draw_back, move_back, put_out, turn_in, go_to_sleep, kip_down, retreat, withdraw, adjourn, sack_out, go_to_bed, hit_the_sack, crawl_in, recede, strike_out, pull_back |
retracted | draw_back, resile, retract, abjure, recant, shrink_back, draw_in, forswear, pull_back |
retries | rehear, retry |
retrieve | call_up, recover, call_back, recollect, regain, think, remember, recall, find |
retry | rehear |
return | regress, devolve, render, generate, issue, replication, refund, recall, recurrence, restoration, restitution, tax_return, return_key, bring_back, come_back, getting_even, rejoinder, take, pass, takings, give, revert, comeback, hark_back, homecoming, proceeds, reelect, rejoin, coming_back, repay, give_back, retrovert, deliver, take_back, turn_back, payoff, income_tax_return, retort, fall, paying_back, regaining, counter, yield, reappearance, riposte |
reuse | recycle, reprocess |
rev | rpm, revolutions_per_minute, rev_up |
reverse | reversal, black_eye, setback, blow, change_by_reversal, inverse, contrary, vacate, reverse_gear, overthrow, rescind, revoke, countermand, verso, override, turnaround, annul, repeal, rearward, lift, overrule, overturn, invert, turn_back, turn, turnabout, opposite, reversion |
revert | turn_back, retrovert, regress, return |
revise | rescript, revision, revisal, retool |
revision | revisal, alteration, rewrite, revise, rescript |
revoke | rescind, reverse, annul, repeal, countermand, lift, overturn, renege, vacate |
rewrite | revision, rescript |
right | right_hand, the_right_way, aright, mighty, decently, correct, justly, in_good_order, veracious, mightily, rightfulness, right_wing, correctly, decent, proper, good, flop, properly, rightfield, right_on, right_field, right-hand, ripe, powerful, compensate, rectify, redress |
rip | rent, riptide, profligate, split, rive, blood, pull, rend, countercurrent, rakehell, roue, crosscurrent, snag, tear, rake, tide_rip |
role | theatrical_role, character, use, purpose, persona, part, function, office |
roll | axial_rotation, pealing, flap, rolling, coil, twine, vagabond, rolling_wave, roster, stray, peal, bun, wind, paradiddle, gyre, swan, roll_out, curl, rove, seethe, bankroll, cast, roll_up, whorl, drift, scroll, ramble, wander, undulate, wrap, pluck, axial_motion, ringlet, revolve, curlicue, roam, range, wave, roller, turn_over, drum_roll, hustle, bowl, wheel, tramp |
rollback | push_back |
root | source, base, beginning, ascendent, antecedent, settle, rout, rootle, rootage, radical, theme, ancestor, root_word, take_root, tooth_root, steady_down, origin, stem, etymon, settle_down, solution, ascendant |
rootless | vagabond, root, rout, rootle |
rotate | circumvolve, spread_out, revolve, go_around, turn_out, splay |
round | round_out, around, rung, lash_out, troll, labialise, rhythm, orotund, round_off, daily_round, circular, cycle, fill_out, labialize, one_shot, round_down, pear-shaped, beat, assail, bout, round_of_golf, polish_up, stave, flesh_out, turn, round_of_drinks, rotund, attack, circle, snipe, polish, brush_up, unit_of_ammunition, assault |
route | itinerary, road, path |
row | course, quarrel, rowing, run-in, dustup, wrangle, words |
rule | harness, pattern, convention, reign, ruler, normal, linguistic_rule, rein, decree, prescript, formula, prevail, principle, govern, predominate, dominion, dominate, regulation, find |
run | discharge, course, die_hard, carry, go, draw, run_away, run_for, hunt_down, escape, foot_race, streak, prevail, black_market, test, lead, streamlet, melt_down, feed, scarper, runnel, incline, turn_tail, head_for_the_hills, footrace, track_down, campaign, scat, ravel, ply, move, guide, work, ladder, pass, persist, tally, operate, rill, unravel, running_game, consort, fly_the_coop, flow, endure, bleed, hunt, race, play, range, outpouring, trial, political_campaign, running_play, hightail_it, be_given, lam, lean, bunk, execute, melt, break_away, extend, rivulet, tend, function, running, take_to_the_woods |
rune | runic_letter |
runner | caranx_crysos, moon_curser, base_runner, contrabandist, smuggler, blue_runner, moon-curser, offset, ball_carrier, stolon |
running | course, die_hard, carry, draw, go, run_away, run_for, hunt_down, functional, escape, track, prevail, lead, black_market, melt_down, linear, feed, scarper, incline, turn_tail, head_for_the_hills, track_down, scat, campaign, ply, move, guide, work, ladder, pass, run, persist, operative, operate, unravel, running_game, consort, fly_the_coop, flow, endure, bleed, hunt, race, play, range, hightail_it, running_play, be_given, lam, lean, bunk, execute, melt, break_away, working, extend, tend, function, take_to_the_woods |
safe | dependable, prophylactic, good, safety, secure, condom, rubber |
salt | saltiness, salinity, table_salt, common_salt, strategic_arms_limitation_talks |
same | saami, like, lapplander, saame, lapp, sami |
sample | try_out, sampling, try, sample_distribution, taste |
sandbox | sandpit, sandpile |
sane | reasonable |
sanitize | sanitise, hygienize, hygienise |
sanitized | hygienize, sanitised, sanitize, hygienise, sanitise |
sanity | saneness |
satan | lucifer, the_tempter, devil, old_nick, prince_of_darkness, beelzebub |
satisfied | slaked, meet, gratify, fill, satisfy, quenched, live_up_to, fulfil, fulfill |
satisfy | meet, gratify, fill, live_up_to, fulfil, fulfill |
saturate | impregnate |
save | pull_through, bring_through, keep, make_unnecessary, salve, save_up, spare, relieve, salvage, carry_through, preserve, keep_open, write, hold_open, economize, redeem, deliver, economise, lay_aside |
saved | salvage, preserve, economize, economise, lay_aside, bring_through, salve, save_up, carry_through, write, save, keep_open, hold_open, redeem, deliver, pull_through, keep, make_unnecessary, protected, spare, relieve |
saw | image, run_across, examine, take_in, hear, insure, assure, ensure, attend, sawing_machine, reckon, check, figure, take_care, get_wind, determine, proverb, meet, go_steady, control, visualize, visualise, visit, envision, regard, escort, experience, realize, find_out, power_saw, witness, find, realise, look, adage, pick_up, ascertain, construe, see, understand, run_into, get_word, view, fancy, come_across, catch, go_through, picture, discover, watch, encounter, go_out, byword, see_to_it, learn, get_a_line, consider, project, date, interpret |
say | suppose, order, pronounce, enjoin, sound_out, state, articulate, enunciate, allege, tell, aver, enounce, read |
scale | scale_leaf, shell, musical_scale, ordered_series, scurf, plate, scale_of_measurement, graduated_table, descale, weighing_machine, surmount, exfoliation |
scaled | scale, scaly, scaley, descale, surmount |
scan | run_down, glance_over, cat_scan, read, skim, rake |
scanner | image_scanner, digital_scanner, electronic_scanner |
scanning | run_down, scan, glance_over, read, skim, rake |
scatter | sprinkle, scattering, dispel, dissipate, break_up, spread_out, dust, dot, disperse, strewing, spread |
scavenge | clean, salvage |
schedule | agenda, docket |
scheduled | schedule |
scheduling | programing, schedule, programming |
schema | scheme, outline |
scheme | connive, dodge, strategy, schema, outline, dodging, system, intrigue |
school | civilise, train, school_day, educate, civilize, shoal, schoolhouse, cultivate, schooling, schooltime |
scope | reach, cathode-ray_oscilloscope, orbit, cro, oscilloscope, ambit, background, telescope, compass, range, setting |
score | sexual_conquest, hit, scotch, account, make, mark, grudge, grievance, musical_score, grade, seduce, rack_up, tally, nock |
scrape | genuflect, grate, mark, skin, scratching, scraping, scar, abrasion, kowtow, scrape_up, excoriation, scratch_up, come_up, scratch |
scratch | starting_line, lucre, cacography, cabbage, scraping, abrasion, loot, boodle, fray, expunge, prick, inscribe, lettuce, scratching, lolly, engrave, excise, scar, strike, dinero, excoriation, start, cancel, come_up, scratch_line, moolah, wampum, bread, slit, scrawl, fret, chafe, rub, grave, call_off, gelt, sugar, simoleons, clams, scratch_up, scribble, itch, kale, dough, chicken_feed, pelf, shekels, mark, dent, scrape_up, scrub, scrape, incision |
script | hand, book, handwriting, playscript |
scsi | small_computer_system_interface |
sds | coyote_state, mount_rushmore_state, sd, south_dakota |
seal | stamp, seal_of_approval, sealskin, sealing_wax, varnish, seal_off, navy_seal, cachet |
search | explore, hunt, seek, lookup, hunting, look_for, research, look |
seats | place, nates, hindquarters, fanny, tooshie, can, seating_room, invest, fundament, buns, bum, ass, backside, hind_end, derriere, bottom, seating_area, posterior, buttocks, tail, induct, butt, rump, sit, rear_end, seating, arse, behind, seat, keister, rear, tush, prat, sit_down, tail_end, stern |
sec | unsweet, securities_and_exchange_commission, second, secant |
second | second_base, secondly, mo, instant, second_gear, sec, moment, irregular, endorsement, 2d, secondment, endorse, back, indorse, 2nd, indorsement, bit, arcsecond, minute |
secret | orphic, cloak-and-dagger, mystery, hugger-mugger, hush-hush, clandestine, arcanum, mystical, unavowed, surreptitious, undercover, mystic, enigma, privy, underground, hole-and-corner, confidential, occult, closed_book, secluded, hidden, private, mysterious |
sect | religious_order, faction, religious_sect |
section | segment, plane_section, surgical_incision, subdivision, discussion_section, division, part, department, incision |
secure | dependable, insure, assure, ensure, impregnable, strong, unafraid, untroubled, batten, unassailable, unattackable, fix, fasten, plug, stop_up, inviolable, good, batten_down, safe, guarantee, procure |
security | security_measure, security_department, protection, certificate, surety, security_measures, security_system |
see | image, run_across, examine, take_in, hear, insure, assure, ensure, attend, reckon, check, figure, take_care, get_wind, determine, meet, go_steady, visualize, visualise, visit, envision, regard, escort, experience, realize, find_out, witness, find, realise, look, ascertain, pick_up, construe, understand, run_into, get_word, view, fancy, come_across, catch, go_through, picture, discover, watch, encounter, go_out, learn, see_to_it, control, get_a_line, consider, project, date, interpret |
seed | seeded_player, ejaculate, source, cum, sow, semen, seminal_fluid, come, germ |
seek | search, try, attempt, essay, look_for, assay |
seen | image, run_across, examine, take_in, hear, insure, assure, ensure, attend, reckon, check, figure, take_care, get_wind, determine, meet, go_steady, visualize, visualise, visit, envision, regard, escort, experience, realize, find_out, witness, find, realise, look, ascertain, pick_up, construe, understand, see, run_into, get_word, view, fancy, come_across, catch, go_through, picture, discover, watch, encounter, go_out, learn, see_to_it, control, get_a_line, consider, project, date, interpret |
segment | section |
select | pick_out, blue-ribbon, choice, prize, prime, take, quality, choose |
selection | survival, survival_of_the_fittest, excerpt, extract, choice, option, pick, natural_selection, excerption |
selector | chooser, picker, selector_switch |
self | ego |
send | send_off, transmit, commit, place, ship, institutionalize, post, station, transport, broadcast, mail, charge, send_out, get_off, institutionalise, direct, air, beam |
sender | transmitter |
sent | send_off, transmit, commit, place, ship, institutionalize, post, station, transport, broadcast, mail, charge, send_out, get_off, institutionalise, direct, air, beam, send |
sentinel | spotter, picket, sentry, lookout_man, watch, lookout, scout |
sentry | spotter, sentinel, picket, lookout_man, watch, lookout, scout |
sep | sept, september |
separate | sort_out, break_up, fork, split_up, severalize, tell_apart, reprint, secern, secernate, disjoined, assort, fall_apart, distinguish, disunite, classify, split, sort, break, divide, come_apart, branch, part, furcate, differentiate, severalise, ramify, class, offprint, tell, single_out, carve_up, freestanding, dissever, discriminate |
separator | centrifuge, extractor |
sequence | successiveness, episode, succession, chronological_succession, chronological_sequence |
sequential | successive, consecutive, serial, sequent |
serf | helot, villein |
serial | series, sequential, successive, sequent, serial_publication, consecutive, nonparallel, in_series |
serialize | serialise |
series | serial, serial_publication |
serve | swear_out, suffice, serve_up, dish_up, attend, dish_out, do, attend_to, answer, serve_well, wait_on, function, service, help, process, dish, assist |
served | swear_out, suffice, serve_up, dish_up, attend, dish_out, do, attend_to, answer, serve, serve_well, wait_on, function, service, help, process, dish, assist |
server | host, waiter |
service | serving, robert_william_service, overhaul, armed_service, military_service, inspection_and_repair, table_service, divine_service, avail, religious_service, servicing, help, service_of_process, serve |
serving | suffice, serve_up, attend, answer, do, serve_well, service, portion, help, service_of_process, serve, assist, swear_out, dish_up, dish_out, wait_on, dish, attend_to, helping, function, process |
session | academic_session, sitting, seance, school_term, academic_term |
set | place, rigid, fructify, pose, go_down, do, correct, position, gear_up, coif, fixed, determine, laid, stage_set, localise, lay_out, primed, lay, typeset, bent, exercise_set, fix, countersink, coiffe, solidifying, congeal, situated, dictated, put, band, arrange, fit, solidification, curing, set_up, adjust, coiffure, plant, specify, prepare, located, mark, limit, circle, ready, lot, localize, sic, jell, placed, go_under, seth, hardened, define, rig, readiness, determined, dress, hardening |
setter | compositor, typesetter, typographer |
setting | place, mise_en_scene, set, fructify, pose, go_down, do, correct, context, position, gear_up, coif, scene, determine, localise, lay_out, lay, typeset, fix, countersink, coiffe, congeal, stage_setting, put, arrange, scope, circumstance, set_up, place_setting, adjust, coiffure, plant, specify, prepare, mark, limit, ready, localize, sic, background, jell, go_under, mount, rig, define, dress |
setup | frame-up, apparatus |
seven | sevener, vii, seven-spot, septet, septenary, heptad |
severity | grimness, rigour, rigor, asperity, rigorousness, hardship, harshness, inclemency, badness, stiffness, hardness, austereness, severeness, rigourousness |
shade | nicety, specter, tincture, wraith, refinement, tad, shadowiness, spectre, subtlety, nuance, shadiness, tone, tint, spook, ghost, fill_in, shade_off, shadow |
shadow | tincture, phantasma, dwarf, shade, trace, shadower, darkness, fantasm, phantom, tail, dark, apparition, overshadow, shade_off, phantasm, vestige |
shallow | shoal |
shape | mold, frame, pattern, conformation, flesh, human_body, configuration, figure, bod, determine, material_body, physique, mould, chassis, work, condition, cast, soma, influence, physical_body, forge, contour, regulate, build, embodiment, form, supreme_headquarters_allied_powers_europe, anatomy |
shard | fragment, sherd |
share | percentage, parcel, partake, ploughshare, plowshare, contribution, partake_in, part, deal, portion, portion_out, apportion, divvy_up |
shared | shared_out, partake, share, divided_up, partake_in, divided, deal, portion_out, apportion, divvy_up |
shell | scale, trounce, plate, cuticle, blast, eggshell, shield, beat_out, case, beat, vanquish, crush, casing, racing_shell, husk, carapace |
shift | change, dislodge, faulting, careen, wobble, stir, slip, shimmy, switch, work_shift, lurch, shifting, geological_fault, break, tilt, duty_period, transformation, chemise, agitate, transmutation, fracture, fault, displacement, reposition, pitch, teddy, change_over, budge, shift_key, sack, switching, transfer |
shipping | merchant_vessels, ship, merchant_marine, transport, transportation, embark, send, cargo_ships |
short | inadequate, scant, shortsighted, abruptly, unretentive, curt, short-change, curtly, brusk, dead, short-circuit, myopic, shortstop, suddenly, forgetful, little, shortly, unforesightful, brusque, short_circuit, light, poor, unawares |
shorten | abbreviate, foreshorten, castrate, bowdlerize, abridge, contract, cut, bowdlerise, reduce, expurgate |
shorter | inadequate, light, unretentive, forgetful, poor, curt, little, scant, unforesightful, brusque, brusk, short, shortsighted, myopic |
shortest | inadequate, light, unretentive, forgetful, poor, curt, little, scant, unforesightful, brusque, brusk, short, shortsighted, myopic |
show | render, testify, read, demo, appearance, point, exhibit, prove, register, evince, show_up, establish, depict, display, indicate, present, usher, shew, demonstrate, evidence, bear_witness, express, picture, designate, record |
shrink | shrivel, funk, psychiatrist, recoil, contract, shrivel_up, wither, squinch, wince, head-shrinker, quail, flinch, reduce, cringe |
shuffle | shuffling, make, shambling, shamble, scuffle, mix, ruffle |
shut | keep_out, unopen, shut_out, closed, close, exclude |
shutdown | closedown, closing, closure |
shutting | shut, keep_out, shut_out, closing, close, exclude |
sibling | sib |
side | face, incline, english, slope, side_of_meat, position |
sieve | sort, screen, strain, sift, screen_out |
sift | sieve, strain |
sign | bless, signed, planetary_house, sign_on, sign_of_the_zodiac, preindication, gestural, signal, ratify, sign_up, contract, subscribe, signaling, signalise, augury, signalize, house, mark, foretoken, sign-language, polarity, star_sign, mansion, signboard |
signal | indicate, sign, signaling, signalise, bespeak, betoken, point, signalize |
signature | key_signature, theme_song, signature_tune, touch |
signer | signatory |
simple | wide-eyed, mere, unsubdivided, unproblematic, simpleton, elementary, bare, childlike, simple-minded, dim-witted, dewy-eyed, round-eyed, uncomplicated |
sin | drop_the_ball, boob, sinning, goof, wickedness, hell, trespass, sine, transgress, sinfulness, blunder |
single | exclusive, one, undivided, individual, unity, unmarried, ace, bingle |
sink | swallow_hole, settle, slump, bury, go_down, lapse, subside, dip, cesspool, sinkhole, pass, slide_down, go_under, drop, drop_down, fall_off, sump, cesspit |
site | place, land_site, locate, web_site, situation, website, internet_site |
size | sizing, size_of_it |
sketches | cartoon, resume, survey, vignette, sketch, chalk_out, outline, adumbrate, study |
skip | decamp, skip_over, hop-skip, hop, cut, vamoose, pass_over, skim, bound_off, omission, skitter, jump |
skipped | decamp, skip_over, hop-skip, hop, skip, cut, vamoose, pass_over, skim, bound_off, skitter, jump |
skyline | horizon, visible_horizon, sensible_horizon, apparent_horizon |
slash | cut, thrash, flog, solidus, trounce, toss, diagonal, gash, strap, convulse, slice, thresh, thrash_about, cut_down, jactitate, separatrix, virgule, thresh_about, lash, lather, stroke, whip, welt |
slave | hard_worker, buckle_down, break_one's_back, knuckle_down, striver |
sleep | nap, quietus, slumber, eternal_sleep, catch_some_z's, rest, sopor, kip, eternal_rest, log_z's |
slice | fade, slit, slice_up, gash, piece, slash, cut, slicing |
slicing | slice, fade, slit, slice_up |
sliding | slide, slip, slue, slew, skid, slither |
slot | time_slot, expansion_slot, one-armed_bandit |
slow | wearisome, tiresome, slack, boring, sluggish, dull, slow_down, decelerate, irksome, slow_up, ho-hum, easy, tedious, dim, slacken, slowly, retard, behind, tardily, deadening, obtuse, dense, dumb |
small | diminished, humble, minuscule, modest, low, small-scale, little, pocket-sized, lowly, minor, belittled, pocket-size |
smaller | diminished, humble, minuscule, littler, modest, low, small-scale, little, pocket-sized, lowly, minor, belittled, small, pocket-size |
smart | bright, ache, smartness, overbold, voguish, impudent, hurt, impertinent, sassy, wise, fresh, smarting, saucy, chic |
snake | snake_in_the_grass, hydra, serpent, ophidian, snake_river |
snap | snatch_up, picnic, snap_bean, centering, snap_fastener, break_down, elasticity, walkover, cinch, ginger_nut, breeze, snarl, photograph, snapshot, bust, ginger_snap, press_stud, child's_play, pushover, gingersnap, rupture, tear, lose_it, cracking, snatch, duck_soup, piece_of_cake, crack, catch, click, grab, flick, shot, shoot |
snapshot | shot, snap |
sniff | whiff, snuff, sniffle |
snip | crop, lop, clip, snipping, nip_off, trim, snip_off, cut_back, prune, clipping, snippet, nip, dress |
snippet | snipping, snip |
sock | bash, wind_cone, air-sleeve, air_sock, windsock, whap, wind_sock, whop, wind_sleeve, bonk, drogue, bop |
soft | easygoing, gentle, sonant, indulgent, lenient, flabby, piano, delicate, cushy, balmy, diffuse, voiced, easy, subdued, mild, diffused, flaccid |
sole | exclusive, resole, lone, fillet_of_sole, solitary, lonesome, only |
solve | resolve, work_out, clear, lick, figure_out, work, puzzle_out |
some | approximately, around, close_to, more_or_less, just_about, or_so, about, roughly |
sort | kind, class, classify, sort_out, screen, form, separate, sorting, sieve, variety, assort, screen_out |
source | generator, origin, root, rootage, seed, beginning, reference, author, reservoir, germ, informant |
space | infinite, distance, place, outer_space, blank_space, blank, quad |
spam | junk_e-mail |
span | traverse, twain, duo, twosome, dyad, brace, couple, yoke, couplet, straddle, cross, duet, duad, sweep, pair, bridge, distich |
sparse | thin |
spawn | engender, breed |
spec | specification |
special | peculiar, exceptional, especial, particular, limited, extra |
specific | particular |
specified | narrow_down, set, delineate, pin_down, particularise, assign, specialise, specialize, delimitate, determine, delimit, narrow, condition, fix, nail_down, qualify, set_apart, destine, specify, peg_down, limit, intend, stipulate, particularize, designate, define |
specifies | narrow_down, set, delineate, pin_down, particularise, assign, specialise, specialize, delimitate, determine, delimit, narrow, condition, fix, nail_down, qualify, set_apart, destine, specify, peg_down, limit, intend, stipulate, particularize, designate, define |
spill | spillage, release, slop, wasteweir, fall, spillway, splatter, run_out, pour_forth, talk, tumble, disgorge, shed |
spin | whirl, reel, spin_around, spin_out, twirl, twist, twisting, tailspin, birl, gyrate |
splice | wed, tie, lap_joint, splicing, marry |
split | break_up, disconnected, break_open, split_up, separate, fragmented, burst, rip, rent, break, stock_split, schism, divide, part, tear, cleave, rive, carve_up, dissever, disunited, snag |
splitting | cleave, split, break_up, break, rive, burst, rending, break_open, split_up, divide, ripping, part, carve_up, dissever, separate |
spot | pick_out, place, touch, dapple, spotlight, situation, stain, point, discern, smear, tell_apart, blob, topographic_point, berth, patch, bit, distinguish, post, daub, smirch, smudge, fleck, blot, pip, descry, speckle, espy, billet, recognise, recognize, blemish, spy, maculation, slur, make_out, office, position |
spread | ranch, dispersed, spreadhead, broadcast, distribute, outspread, facing_pages, paste, circularize, circulate, cattle_ranch, bedcover, disseminate, propagate, bed_cover, gap, open, circularise, spreading, cattle_farm, unfold, fan_out, feast, spread_out, go_around, overspread, scatter, diffuse, pass_around, banquet, bedspread, bed_covering, disperse, spread_head, counterpane |
sprint | dash |
spurious | inauthentic, misbegot, bastardly, misbegotten, unauthentic, specious |
square | square_up, hearty, square_toes, substantial, lame, foursquare, squarely, satisfying, second_power, public_square, feather, solid, straight, straightforward |
squash | squelch, squash_rackets, mash, squash_racquets, squash_vine, crush, squeeze |
ssa | social_security_administration |
sse | south_southeast, sou'-sou'-east |
stab | pang, thrust, dig, knife_thrust, knife, jab, twinge, poke, prod, shot |
stabilize | steady, brace, stabilise |
stable | unchanging, stalls, static, horse_barn |
stack | pot, raft, mint, plenty, mess, sight, push-down_store, push-down_storage, peck, quite_a_little, smokestack, spate, mountain, push-down_list, push-down_stack, mickle, pile, good_deal, batch, passel, wad, mass, hatful, flock, great_deal, lot, heap, deal, slew, tidy_sum, muckle |
stage | present, phase, represent, microscope_stage, level, degree, arrange, stagecoach, leg, point |
staging | shit, scaffolding, present, represent, stage, denounce, give_away, rat, shop, spy, sleuth, tell_on, stag, grass, snitch, arrange, snoop, betray, theatrical_production |
stale | cold, moth-eaten, dusty |
standard | banner, criterion, stock, touchstone, monetary_standard, measure, received |
star | genius, adept, wizard, whiz, wiz, lead, whizz, hotshot, virtuoso, maven, sensation, champion, star_topology, mavin, starring, asterisk, ace, prima, leading, principal, superstar, headliner, stellar |
start | protrude, starting_line, originate, go, begin, set_about, beginning, lead_off, commencement, set_forth, get_down, scratch, bulge_out, start_up, showtime, first, commence, startle, get_going, outset, take_up, kickoff, pop_out, bug_out, scratch_line, head_start, start_out, set_off, set_out, get-go, part, take_off, initiate, pop, starting_signal, starting_time, starting, depart, bulge, offset, get, embark_on, jump, come_out |
startup | inauguration |
state | state_department, say, commonwealth, nation, dos, express, tell, country, land, state_of_matter, submit, province, res_publica, body_politic, department_of_state, posit, put_forward, united_states_department_of_state |
statement | command, financial_statement, argument, assertion, program_line, affirmation, instruction |
static | motionless, still, unchanging, stable, electrostatic, atmospheric_static, atmospherics, inactive |
statistics | statistic |
status | position, condition |
stay | delay, check, stay_put, continue, stop, quell, hitch, outride, bide, persist, arrest, abide, remain, stoppage, ride_out, stay_on, detain, last_out, halt, stick, stick_around, appease, rest |
std | dose, cupid's_disease, social_disease, venereal_disease, vd, sexually_transmitted_disease, doctor_of_sacred_theology, venereal_infection, venus's_curse, cupid's_itch |
steal | slip, buy, bargain |
step | maltreat, stair, gradation, stride, whole_step, mistreat, footstep, ill-use, footmark, footfall, footprint, stone's_throw, tone, dance_step, tread, ill-treat, whole_tone, abuse, pace, measure |
stepped | maltreat, ill-use, mistreat, step, tread, ill-treat, abuse, pace |
stick | joystick, spliff, vex, pose, bewilder, peg, cling, stay_put, stick_to, baffle, lodge, bond, cohere, joint, stupefy, stick_by, flummox, perplex, mystify, stand_by, bind, gravel, beat, deposit, amaze, wedge, reefer, cleave, adhere, pin, stick_around, puzzle, sting, nonplus, get, control_stick, marijuana_cigarette, hold_fast, dumbfound, stay |
sticker | stumper, paster, dagger, prickle, spikelet, gummed_label, poser, pricker, thorn, spine, toughie |
sticky | viscous, unenviable, glutinous, muggy, awkward, steamy, mucilaginous, pasty, gummy, gluey, viscid, embarrassing |
still | even, static, all_the_same, tranquillize, placid, lull, shut_up, allay, yet, notwithstanding, motionless, quiet, unruffled, nonetheless, distillery, stock-still, smooth, withal, inactive, tranquil, soundless, quieten, calm_down, calm, nevertheless, tranquillise, hush_up, however, tranquilize, hush, noneffervescent, silent, relieve, silence, ease, even_so, stillness |
stm | short-term_memory, immediate_memory |
stop | contain, terminate, block_off, give_up, layover, cease, check, finish, plosive, plosive_consonant, blockade, quit, point, full_point, stop_consonant, occlusive, hold_on, plosive_speech_sound, hitch, arrest, closure, barricade, stopover, break, block_up, bar, stoppage, hold_back, kibosh, blockage, period, stop_over, diaphragm, lay_off, turn_back, break_off, halt, intercept, occlusion, block, catch, discontinue, full_stop, end, stay |
stopped | contain, terminate, block_off, give_up, cease, check, finish, blockade, quit, stop, hold_on, arrest, barricade, break, block_up, bar, hold_back, kibosh, stop_over, lay_off, turn_back, break_off, halt, intercept, block, discontinue, stopped-up, stopped_up, end |
stopping | contain, terminate, block_off, give_up, cease, check, finish, blockade, quit, stop, hold_on, arrest, barricade, break, block_up, bar, hold_back, kibosh, stop_over, lay_off, turn_back, break_off, halt, intercept, block, discontinue, fillet, end |
storage | computer_storage, reposition, store, warehousing, memory, memory_board, entrepot, repositing, storehouse, computer_memory, depot |
store | computer_storage, memory, memory_board, salt_away, shop, storage, entrepot, stock, storehouse, depot, lay_in, fund, stash_away, computer_memory, put_in, hive_away, stack_away |
stored | store, salt_away, lay_in, stash_away, put_in, hive_away, stack_away |
strategic | strategical |
strategy | scheme |
stream | pelt, flow, rain_cats_and_dogs, watercourse, rain_buckets, swarm, pullulate, pour, teem, current, well_out |
stress | emphasise, tenseness, try, focus, strain, accentuate, tension, emphasize, accent, punctuate, emphasis |
strict | nonindulgent, rigid, hard-and-fast, stern, exacting, rigorous |
strike | smasher, shine, happen_upon, rap, mint, expunge, coin, impress, light_upon, scratch, chance_upon, ten-strike, move, excise, take_up, come_upon, take, impinge_on, affect, bang, hit, fall_upon, strickle, chance_on, smash, tap, attain, run_into, come_across, assume, fall, come_to, discover, work_stoppage, walk_out, collide_with |
strip | peel, airstrip, strip_show, loot, flight_strip, striptease, reave, slip, strip_down, leach, bare, disinvest, denudate, uncase, divest, despoil, ransack, pillage, undress, rifle, unclothe, funnies, dismantle, disrobe, landing_strip, discase, cartoon_strip, plunder, denude, comic_strip, foray, deprive, clean |
structural | morphologic, geomorphologic, morphological, geomorphological |
strung | string_up, draw, string_along, thread, string |
stub | check_stub, counterfoil, nub, ticket_stub, butt |
sub | hoagy, bomber, stand_in, hero, submarine_sandwich, submarine, grinder, poor_boy, substitute, torpedo, italian_sandwich, wedge, u-boat, fill_in, zep, pigboat, hoagie, hero_sandwich, cuban_sandwich |
subject | capable, issue, national, subject_area, subject_field, topic, dependent, open, subjugate, case, theme, content, submit, study, field_of_study, field, discipline, depicted_object, bailiwick, guinea_pig, matter |
submit | present, state, render, posit, bow, pass_on, reconcile, resign, subject, defer, give_in, take, accede, put_in, relegate, put_forward |
subscribe | sign, subscribe_to, take, support, pledge |
subscriber | endorser, contributor, ratifier, indorser, reader |
subscript | inferior |
substitute | alternate, alternative, reserve, step_in, utility, fill-in, backup, exchange, deputize, replacement, stand-in, sub, second-stringer, deputise, backup_man, relief, stand_in, interchange, reliever, replace, ersatz, fill_in |
subtract | deduct, take_off |
succeeded | win, succeed, follow, come_after, bring_home_the_bacon, come_through, deliver_the_goods |
success | achiever, succeeder, winner |
successor | heir, replacement |
suffix | postfix |
suggest | indicate, paint_a_picture, propose, advise, evoke, hint, intimate |
suitable | worthy, suited, desirable |
suite | cortege, entourage, retinue, rooms |
sum | summate, inwardness, total, tote_up, union, center, amount_of_money, marrow, pith, heart, sum_up, summation, heart_and_soul, meat, add, sum_of_money, tally, totality, join, sum_total, summarise, tot_up, summarize, add_together, add_up, kernel, essence, amount, core, nitty-gritty, gist, centre, nub, tot, aggregate, substance |
summarize | summarise, resume, sum, sum_up |
summary | compact, compendious, drumhead, succinct, sum-up |
supplemental | supplementary, auxiliary, subsidiary |
support | patronise, digest, affirm, keep_going, patronize, sustain, sustenance, fend_for, patronage, backing, plunk_for, bear, stand, documentation, suffer, back_up, musical_accompaniment, funding, living, brook, stomach, backup, hold, bear_out, abide, tolerate, substantiate, subscribe, bread_and_butter, endure, financial_backing, reenforcement, plump_for, hold_up, confirm, endorse, keep, underpin, reinforcement, corroborate, defend, livelihood, accompaniment, financial_support, stick_out, back, indorse, put_up, supporting |
suppressed | oppress, inhibit, curb, stifled, suppress, repress, conquer, stamp_down, bottle_up, crush, strangled, subdue, smothered |
surge | tide, soar_up, rush, billow, spate, soar, soar_upwards, scend, zoom, heave, upsurge |
surrounding | hem_in, smother, palisade, surround, environ, skirt, circumvent, wall, border, besiege, fence_in, encompassing, fence, circumferent, ring, beleaguer |
suspend | freeze, debar, set_aside |
swagger | tittup, sashay, cock, prance, swagman, swash, groovy, ruffle, browbeat, bluster, swaggie, strut, bully |
swap | barter, trade, swop, switch |
swarm | cloud, drove, pullulate, pour, teem, stream, horde |
sweep | swing_out, traverse, broom, sweep_oar, chimneysweeper, drag, expanse, brush, embroil, swing, sail, cross, sweep_up, end_run, drag_in, span, chimneysweep, slam, tangle |
sweepers | carpet_sweeper, sweeper |
swig | slug, draft, quaff, slog, gulp, draught |
switch | change, flip-flop, swap, alternate, tack, permutation, shift, electric_switch, swop, exchange, substitution, transposition, replacement, throw, flip, trade, change_over, interchange, electrical_switch, switch_over, switching |
symbol | symbolization, symbolic_representation, symbolisation |
symbolize | stand_for, symbolise, typify, represent |
sync | synchronize, synchronise |
synchronize | sync, contemporise, contemporize, synchronise |
synopsis | precis, abstract, outline |
syntax | sentence_structure, phrase_structure |
synthesize | synthesise |
system | scheme, system_of_rules, organisation, arrangement, organization |
tab | yellow_journalism, tablet, tab_key, tabloid, check, pill, chit, lozenge |
table | put_off, board, remit, tabulate, postpone, prorogue, tabularise, defer, mesa, hold_over, shelve, tabularize, tabular_array, put_over, set_back |
tablet | pad_of_paper, tab, pill, pad, lozenge |
tag | chase_after, tag_end, mark, dog, go_after, give_chase, rag, shred, tatter, label, track, tail, trail, ticket, chase |
tail | nates, dog, hindquarters, fanny, tooshie, empennage, go_after, bob, can, tag, track, chase_after, fundament, after_part, buns, bum, ass, backside, hind_end, derriere, bottom, tail_assembly, poop, posterior, buttocks, give_chase, dock, butt, trail, rump, chase, rear_end, shadow, quarter, arse, behind, seat, keister, rear, tush, shadower, prat, fag_end, tail_end, stern |
taint | infect, cloud, corrupt, contamination, sully, defile |
take | contain, hire, pick_out, carry, acquire, take_in, need, return, issue, lead, read, drive, consume, convey, engage, necessitate, postulate, take_away, make, fill, use_up, guide, strike, take_up, takings, accept, conduct, direct, involve, call_for, hold, admit, charter, rent, remove, claim, contract, subscribe, proceeds, consider, adopt, withdraw, submit, have, get_hold_of, look_at, study, subscribe_to, demand, choose, require, payoff, pack, train, lease, occupy, bring, assume, select, take_on, film, exact, get, deal, ingest, learn, yield, aim, take_aim, shoot, ask |
tally | summate, total, tote_up, check, sum, count, gibe, agree, match, sum_up, add, enumeration, correspond, rack_up, reckoning, run, tot_up, hit, add_together, add_up, jibe, fit, numeration, score, chalk_up, counting, tot |
tan | sunburn, topaz, tangent, suntan, bronze, burn |
tap | wiretap, knock, pat, pink, intercept, rap, tip, water_tap, strike, spigot, hydrant, exploit, tapdance, bug, solicit, dab, beg, water_faucet |
tar | pitch, mariner, jack, gob, seaman, sea_dog, jack-tar, seafarer, old_salt |
target | target_area, place, mark, quarry, objective, aim, butt, direct, object, point, prey, fair_game |
task | job, labor, tax, chore, undertaking, project |
tcp | transmission_control_protocol |
teacher | instructor |
tear | rent, teardrop, snap, split, pull, deplumate, snag, rip, bust, pluck, displume, charge, deplume, binge, bout, rupture, shoot, shoot_down, buck |
tee | football_tee, golf_tee, tee_up, teeing_ground |
tell | order, tell_apart, enjoin, secern, state, assure, distinguish, evidence, recite, secernate, william_tell, say, narrate, recount, separate, differentiate, severalise, severalize |
temp | temporary, temporary_worker |
template | templet, guide |
temporary | temp, impermanent, irregular, temporary_worker |
term | terminus, terminal_figure, full_term, condition |
terminal | final, concluding, last, terminus, pole, end, depot |
terminate | fire, dismiss, give_the_axe, give_notice, stop, sack, force_out, can, cease, give_the_sack, finish, end, send_away, displace |
terminated | fire, concluded, terminate, ended, over, give_notice, dismiss, force_out, stop, give_the_axe, send_away, complete, can, cease, give_the_sack, finish, end, all_over, sack, displace |
terminating | fire, terminate, dismiss, give_notice, give_the_axe, stop, sack, force_out, can, cease, give_the_sack, finish, end, send_away, displace |
termination | expiry, endpoint, conclusion, expiration, final_result, outcome, terminus, resultant, result, ending, end_point |
test | psychometric_test, try_out, examine, trial_run, try, screen, quiz, prove, exam, mental_test, essay, trial, mental_testing, run, tryout, examination |
tester | examiner, quizzer |
text | schoolbook, textbook, textual_matter, school_text, text_edition |
then | and_so, so, and_then |
there | in_that_location, at_that_place, in_that_respect, on_that_point, thither |
thin | lose_weight, lean, slim, fragile, dilute, slenderize, slender, tenuous, cut, slight, melt_off, slim_down, sparse, flimsy, reduce, thinly, thin_out |
third | third_base, tierce, third_gear, thirdly, 3rd, tertiary, one-third |
thread | ribbon, wind, wander, yarn, draw, screw_thread, train_of_thought, meander, string, weave |
three | trio, trinity, triad, ternary, tercet, tierce, terzetto, triplet, trey, leash, troika, deuce-ace, trine, iii, threesome, ternion |
thresholds | threshold, verge, door, limen, doorstep, doorway, room_access, doorsill, brink |
throttle | bound, throttle_valve, limit, confine, restrict, accelerator, accelerator_pedal, gas_pedal, trammel, strangulate, strangle, gas, gun, choke, restrain |
throttled | bound, limit, confine, restrict, throttle, trammel, strangulate, strangle, choke, restrain |
throw | thrust, shake_off, bedevil, confuse, bewilder, drop, throw_away, cast_off, cam_stroke, befuddle, make, throw_off, hurl, switch, cast, confound, shed, hold, give, discombobulate, bemuse, contrive, have, flip, fox, fuddle, stroke, project |
tick | ticking, tick_off, ticktock, mark, check_off, click, mark_off, beat, check, check_mark, ticktack, retick |
ticket | fine, just_the_ticket, tag, slate |
tidy | hefty, tidy_up, clean_up, respectable, sizable, square_away, goodly, healthy, sizeable, kempt, neaten, straighten_out, goodish, straighten |
tighten | stiffen, constrain, reduce, fasten, tighten_up |
time | meter, clip, fourth_dimension, metre, prison_term, sentence, clock_time, clock |
timer | timekeeper |
title | claim, entitle, deed, rubric, deed_of_conveyance, form_of_address, championship, statute_title, style, title_of_respect |
tls | thallium, atomic_number_81, tl |
tog | clothe, enclothe, apparel, garb, habilitate, fit_out, raiment, garment, dress |
toggle | on-off_switch, on/off_switch, toggle_switch |
token | tokenish, souvenir, nominal, keepsake, relic, item |
tolerates | tolerate, digest, allow, suffer, bear, stand, endure, stick_out, put_up, brook, support, abide, stomach, permit |
toleration | sufferance, acceptance |
tombstone | gravestone, headstone |
too | likewise, excessively, besides, also, to_a_fault, overly, as_well |
took | contain, hire, pick_out, carry, acquire, take_in, need, lead, read, drive, consume, convey, engage, necessitate, postulate, take_away, make, fill, use_up, guide, strike, take_up, take, accept, conduct, direct, involve, call_for, hold, admit, charter, rent, remove, claim, contract, subscribe, consider, adopt, withdraw, submit, have, get_hold_of, look_at, study, subscribe_to, demand, choose, require, pack, train, lease, occupy, bring, assume, select, take_on, film, exact, get, deal, ingest, learn, aim, take_aim, shoot, ask |
tool | prick, puppet, cock, dick, instrument, creature, tool_around, putz, pecker, peter, joyride, shaft |
top | overstep, superlative, clear, pinch, meridian, tip, round_top, lead, cover, crown, height, crest, go_past, peak, elevation, circus_tent, upside, pass, spinning_top, teetotum, big_top, top_out, upper_side, whirligig, tiptop, pinnacle, exceed, summit, acme, top_side, top_of_the_inning, transcend, top_off |
topic | issue, subject, theme, matter |
topology | topographic_anatomy, network_topology, analysis_situs, regional_anatomy |
total | totality, tot_up, summate, add_together, tote_up, add_up, amount, sum_up, full, add, sum, come, entire, number, tot, aggregate, tally |
touch | touch_sensation, contact, relate, pinch, feeling, touch_on, jot, tint, soupcon, touch_modality, tactile_sensation, hint, refer, adjoin, have-to_doe_with, stir, meet, partake, signature, trace, match, cutaneous_senses, bear_on, impact, pertain, affect, reach, extend_to, speck, bear_upon, tinct, disturb, skin_senses, allude, spot, touching, tinge, concern, mite, rival, sense_of_touch, come_to, equal, tactual_sensation, ghost, advert |
trace | tincture, tracing, decipher, touch, follow, draw, delineate, hunt, suggestion, ghost, vestige, hound, retrace, line, describe, hint, shadow |
tracer | tracer_bullet |
tracing | decipher, follow, draw, delineate, hunt, trace, hound, retrace, line, describe |
track | course, racecourse, dog, go_after, get_across, cut_through, cut, tag, lead, get_over, cover, rails, chase_after, racetrack, cross, path, cut_across, runway, traverse, raceway, give_chase, pass_over, tail, cart_track, trail, caterpillar_tread, chase, rail, data_track, cartroad, running, caterpillar_track |
traffic | dealings |
trailer | prevue, drone, laggard, dawdler, house_trailer, poke, lagger, preview |
trailing | train, chase_after, dog, drag, hang_back, go_after, tracking, give_chase, drop_behind, shack, tag, track, tail, trail, get_behind, chase, drop_back |
transaction | dealing, dealings |
transfer | transmit, shift, carry-over, transferee, transplant, change, remove, channelize, conveyance, transport, transference, channel, transportation, transferral, channelise, transpose, reassign, transfer_of_training |
transform | metamorphose, transmute, transubstantiate, translate |
transient | short-lived, passing, ephemeral, fugacious, transitory, transeunt |
transition | modulation, conversion, changeover, passage |
translate | understand, render, transform, read, interpret |
translation | version, transformation, interlingual_rendition, rendering, displacement |
transmit | communicate, impart, carry, channelize, beam, transport, broadcast, channel, conduct, channelise, air, transfer, convey, send |
transparent | crystal_clear, crystalline, pellucid, gauze-like, guileless, vapourous, vaporous, cobwebby, see-through, gauzy, filmy, sheer, limpid, gossamer, diaphanous, lucid |
transport | ravish, carry, channelize, conveyance, tape_drive, enthral, delight, transmit, enthrall, enrapture, channel, exaltation, transferral, enchant, shipping, ship, ecstasy, rapture, send, tape_transport, raptus, transportation, channelise, transfer |
trap | maw, snare, pin_down, gob, entrap, yap, sand_trap, ensnare, trammel, pin, ambush, hole, immobilize, bunker, ambuscade, immobilise, lying_in_wait, cakehole |
travel | move_around, go, jaunt, change_of_location, move, locomote, travelling, traveling, trip, locomotion, journey |
traversal | traverse |
traverse | trave, traversal, crossbeam, transom, crosspiece, get_over, get_across, cut_through, cross, pass_over, track, sweep, cut_across, span, cover, deny |
treating | treat, do_by, plow, process, care_for, deal, cover, regale, handle, address |
tree | tree_diagram, sir_herbert_beerbohm_tree, corner, shoetree |
triangle | triangulum, trigon, trilateral |
trig | clean-cut, trigonometry, trim |
trigger | set_off, initiation, activate, touch_off, actuate, induction, trip, gun_trigger, trigger_off, spark_off, spark |
trim | crop, trimming, cut, pare, cut_back, bring_down, clip, trim_down, prune, clean-cut, trim_back, garnish, trig, passementerie, cut_down, shave, clipping, reduce, snip, lop, spare, well-kept, tailored, shipshape, trimness, dress |
trimmed | garnish, bring_down, crop, lop, clip, trim_down, cut_down, trim, cut, shave, cut_back, pare, prune, reduce, trim_back, snip, dress |
triple | trio, ternary, triad, three-fold, triplex, treble, threefold, three-base_hit, triplet, three-bagger |
true | dependable, confessedly, rightful, on-key, unfeigned, truthful, reliable, admittedly, avowedly, true_up, honest, dead_on_target, straight, genuine, lawful |
truncate | truncated, cut_short |
truncated | truncate, abbreviated, shortened, cut_short |
trust | trustfulness, cartel, reliance, confide, desire, trustingness, combine, intrust, believe, confidence, commit, bank, faith, entrust, rely, swear, corporate_trust, hope |
truth | accuracy, trueness, the_true, true_statement, verity, sojourner_truth |
try | adjudicate, try_out, examine, hear, render, effort, seek, prove, attempt, strain, endeavor, essay, endeavour, test, sample, judge, assay, taste, stress, try_on |
tune | melodic_line, tune_up, strain, melodic_phrase, line, melody, air |
tunnel | burrow |
turn | deform, become, go, plow, round, twist, ferment, sprain, act, change_by_reversal, number, tour, move_around, crook, work, bit, sour, turn_of_events, wrick, rick, plough, turning, wrench, routine, play, bout, flex, change_state, reverse, release, spell, turn_over, call_on, good_turn, bend, grow |
tweak | pinch, pick_off, pluck, pull_off, fine-tune |
chirrup, chitter | |
two | deuce, ii |
type | typewrite, character, case, eccentric, typecast |
ult | ultimo |
unauthorized | unauthorised, wildcat |
unblock | free, unfreeze, release |
unchanged | unaltered |
uncommon | rare |
uncompress | decompress |
uncounted | unnumbered, infinite, innumerable, unnumberable, innumerous, unnumerable, multitudinous, myriad, countless, numberless |
uncovered | expose, bring_out, exposed, uncover, reveal, unveil |
undecorated | unadorned |
undefined | vague |
under | below, nether |
underlying | implicit_in, underlie, rudimentary, inherent, fundamental |
underscore | underline, emphasize, emphasise |
undo | loosen, unmake, untie, unwrap |
unfinished | bare |
unfold | blossom_out, blossom, spread_out, open, extend, blossom_forth, stretch, stretch_out, spread |
unified | co-ordinated, unite, commix, coordinated, unify, amalgamate, mix, incorporate, interconnected, merged, integrated, incorporated, mingle, merge |
uniform | consistent, unvarying, undifferentiated |
unify | unite, commix, amalgamate, mix, merge, mingle |
union | brotherhood, trade_union, marriage, sum, pairing, conglutination, sexual_union, matrimony, north, trades_union, spousal_relationship, join, conjugation, mating, federal, coupling, labor_union, wedlock, uniting, jointure, unification |
unique | unequaled, unequalled, unparalleled, alone, singular |
unit | whole, social_unit, unit_of_measurement, building_block |
universal | universal_proposition, cosmopolitan, general, world-wide, linguistic_universal, worldwide, universal_joint, ecumenical, oecumenical |
unix | unix_system, unix_operating_system |
unknown | stranger, unknown_region, obscure, unidentified, unsung, strange, alien, terra_incognita, unnamed, nameless, unknown_quantity |
unlike | dissimilar, different |
unlikely | improbable, unbelievable, unconvincing |
unloaded | discharge, put_down, drop_off, unlade, unload, offload, drop, set_down |
unmatched | unmatchable, one, odd, matchless, one_and_only, peerless, unrivalled, unrivaled, unpaired, nonpareil, unmated |
unpack | take_out |
unreachable | out_of_reach, unapproachable, unreached |
unroll | unwind, wind_off, unfurl |
unsafe | insecure, dangerous |
unsecured | unbolted, unlocked, unguaranteed, unbarred, unlatched |
unsorted | uncategorized, uncategorised |
unstable | precarious, fluid, mentally_ill, unsound |
unstructured | amorphous |
unused | idle, fresh |
unwrap | disclose, expose, divulge, bring_out, break, give_away, undo, reveal, let_out, let_on, discover |
upcoming | coming, forthcoming, approaching |
updated | update |
updating | update |
upgrade | acclivity, elevate, promote, advance, raise, rising_slope, rise, climb, kick_upstairs, ascent |
upper | speed, upper_berth, pep_pill, amphetamine |
uprooted | deracinate, eradicate, extirpate, exterminate, root_out, uproot |
upstream | upriver |
url | uniform_resource_locator, universal_resource_locator |
usage | employment, exercise, use, usance, utilisation, utilization, custom |
use | manipulation, exercise, purpose, usage, economic_consumption, utilisation, employment, consumption, apply, practice, employ, role, utilize, expend, habit, utilization, use_of_goods_and_services, utilise, enjoyment, usance, function, habituate |
used | utilize, apply, expend, victimized, practice, use, habituate, victimised, put-upon, exploited, employ, secondhand, ill-used, utilise |
user | drug_user, exploiter, substance_abuser |
using | utilize, apply, victimization, victimisation, expend, practice, exploitation, use, employ, habituate, utilise |
usually | commonly, ordinarily, unremarkably, normally |
uts | gmt, ut1, beehive_state, greenwich_mean_time, do, doh, ut, utah, mormon_state, greenwich_time, universal_time |
vacuum | hoover, vacancy, void, vacuum-clean, emptiness, vacuity, vacuum_cleaner |
validate | formalize, formalise, corroborate |
validated | formalize, corroborate, formalise, validate |
validating | formalize, formalise, validatory, confirming, corroborate, verifying, corroboratory, collateral, substantiative, validate, corroborative, confirmatory, verificatory, confirmative, substantiating |
validation | establishment, substantiation, proof |
value | assess, appraise, evaluate, valuate, appreciate, time_value, economic_value, prize, note_value, respect, esteem, prise, rate, treasure, measure |
var | volt-ampere |
variable | variable_star, varying, variable_quantity |
vault | overleap, bank_vault, hurdle, burial_vault |
vector | transmitter |
vendor | seller, vender, marketer, trafficker |
verbose | windy, tedious, long-winded, wordy |
verbosity | verboseness |
verifier | voucher |
verify | affirm, swan, avow, aver, control, assert, swear |
version | variation, variant, translation, adaptation, interlingual_rendition, edition, rendering, reading, interpretation |
vet | veterinary_surgeon, veterinary, ex-serviceman, veterinarian, veteran |
victims | victim, dupe |
view | perspective, eyeshot, take_in, reckon, aspect, purview, sight, scene, sentiment, survey, vista, panorama, persuasion, regard, horizon, look_at, thought, see, opinion, catch, watch, consider, position, prospect |
viewer | watcher, looker, witness, spectator |
virtual | practical |
visibility | visibleness, profile |
visible | seeable |
visit | chew_the_fat, inspect, chat, impose, travel_to, chaffer, inflict, confab, call, claver, bring_down, chit-chat, jaw, chitchat, natter, chatter, confabulate, gossip, see, sojourn, call_in, shoot_the_breeze |
visitor | visitant |
volume | intensity, bulk, book, loudness, mass |
vote | suffrage, right_to_vote, voting, ballot, voter_turnout, balloting |
voter | elector |
voting | vote, ballot, balloting |
wait | delay, await, hold_off, hold_back, time_lag, waitress, waiting, postponement, expect, hold, look |
wake | fire_up, wake_up, wake_island, backwash, rouse, aftermath, awake, inflame, ignite, awaken, arouse, stir_up, come_alive, viewing, waken, heat |
walk | base_on_balls, walkway, manner_of_walking, walking, walk_of_life, paseo, pass, take_the_air |
want | desire, deprivation, require, neediness, need, lack, deficiency, privation, wishing, wish |
warm | quick, fond, strong, ardent, lovesome, warm_up, tender, affectionate, warmly |
warn | admonish, monish, discourage |
was | represent, follow, make_up, embody, constitute, be, live, personify, wa, equal, cost, evergreen_state, exist, washington, comprise |
watch | watch_out, take_in, watch_over, check, lookout, scout, keep_an_eye_on, determine, spotter, sentry, vigil, observe, ticker, sentinel, picket, look_on, lookout_man, find_out, ascertain, look_out, see, follow, view, catch, learn |
watcher | watchman, viewer, looker, witness, spectator, security_guard |
weak | fallible, debile, faint, light, unaccented, frail, washy, imperfect, infirm, weakly, watery, decrepit, feeble, rickety, sapless |
web | network, www, vane, world_wide_web, net, entanglement |
week | calendar_week, hebdomad, workweek |
weight | system_of_weights, weight_unit, exercising_weight, burden, burthen, weightiness, angle, weight_down, slant, free_weight, weighting |
white | patrick_white, stanford_white, theodore_harold_white, snowy, whiteness, edward_white, ashen, whiten, e._b._white, andrew_dickson_white, egg_white, albumen, whitened, ovalbumin, edward_d._white, blanched, white_river, tweed, caucasian, gabardine, bloodless, clean, white-hot, livid, lily-white, edward_douglas_white_jr., t._h._white, white_person, flannel, blank, andrew_d._white, patrick_victor_martindale_white, elwyn_brooks_white |
why | wherefore |
width | breadth |
will | volition, bequeath, testament, leave |
win | succeed, gain, winnings, acquire, advance, pull_ahead, make_headway, bring_home_the_bacon, gain_ground, come_through, get_ahead, profits, deliver_the_goods |
winch | windlass |
window | windowpane |
wipe | pass_over, rub |
wire | telegram, cable, electrify, conducting_wire, telegraph |
withdraw | draw, call_back, adjourn, crawfish_out, recall, take_away, move_back, take, retire, pull_away, remove, seclude, bow_out, draw_off, retreat, sequestrate, take_out, sequester, pull_back, back_out, disengage, take_back, back_away, draw_back, swallow, unsay, pull_in_one's_horns, call_in, recede, crawfish |
within | inside |
word | book, give-and-take, password, word_of_honor, phrase, son, articulate, formulate, news, intelligence, tidings, holy_scripture, christian_bible, word_of_god, countersign, discussion, give_voice, parole, watchword, logos, bible, holy_writ, good_book, scripture |
work | mold, crop, go, exercise, workplace, ferment, exploit, act, employment, mould, piece_of_work, make, put_to_work, do_work, solve, act_upon, figure_out, cultivate, body_of_work, sour, run, influence, operate, forge, lick, shape, work_on, play, study, puzzle_out, knead, turn, work_out, bring, form, oeuvre, function, wreak, make_for, process |
worker | actor, proletarian, doer, prole |
workload | work_load |
world | humanity, universe, worldly_concern, planetary, creation, public, worldwide, domain, macrocosm, populace, earthly_concern, man, cosmos, human_beings, reality, existence, global, human_race, humankind, mankind, world-wide, earth, humans, globe |
wrap | wrapping, wind, enwrap, wrapper, wrap_up, enclose, twine, envelop, roll, enfold |
wrapped | enwrapped, wind, enwrap, mantled, wrap_up, captive, absorbed, draped, wrap, enclose, engrossed, clothed, twine, envelop, intent, cloaked, roll, enfold |
wrapper | negligee, wrapping, housecoat, neglige, peignoir, wrap |
write | save, spell, indite, drop_a_line, publish, pen, compose |
writer | author |
writing | authorship, piece_of_writing, save, spell, penning, write, composition, committal_to_writing, indite, drop_a_line, written_material, publish, pen, compose |
written | save, spell, write, scripted, indite, drop_a_line, publish, pen, compose |
wrong | wrongly, damage, amiss, legal_injury, haywire, unseasonable, incorrect, incorrectly, improper, faulty, untimely, wrongfulness, ill-timed, awry |
wrote | save, spell, write, indite, drop_a_line, publish, pen, compose |
xer | ten, 10 |
xxx | 30, thirty |
year | yr, class, twelvemonth |
zap | vaporize, atomise, nuke, atomize, microwave, micro-cook |
zero | naught, cipher, zilch, zero_point, goose_egg, aught, zip, nil, zippo, nothing, nix, cypher, nought, null, nada, zero_in |
zig | zag, zigzag |
zip | speed, zip_fastener, zip_code, goose_egg, travel_rapidly, cypher, nada, cipher, nothing, hurry, null, zipper, zero, naught, zilch, vigour, postal_code, nil, nix, zip_up, vigor, postcode, aught, zippo, energy, slide_fastener |
zone | geographical_zone, zona, district, partition |