Places a Heads Up Display on your Onewheel video based on the log file created by the pOneWheel app
As it stands now, this script can show speed, pitch and roll angle, motor temperature and battery charge
This is a sample of what this script will output
The script contains a help output which should be able to explain all the parameters it takes. Keep in mind that the script must be executed from the same directory it is in, as it depends on the relative path to the images to work.
python -h
usage: [-h] [--start-second START_SECOND]
[--start-date START_DATE] [--end-second END_SECOND]
[--unit {mm,mi,im,ii}] [--output-file OUTPUT_FILE]
log_file video_file
Generates a HUD video of your onewheel ride from a log file
positional arguments:
log_file Path to the logfile used to annotate the video
video_file Path to the video to be annotated
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--start-second START_SECOND
Which second of the original footage should the final
video start from
--start-date START_DATE
Timestamp at the moment of the frame on start_second
--end-second END_SECOND
Which second of the original footage the the final
video end at
--unit {mm,mi,im,ii} Defines input output unit conversion with two letters.
The first denotes the input unit and the second
denotes the output unit.
--output-file OUTPUT_FILE, -o OUTPUT_FILE
Path the output file. If none is given a file called
onewheel.MP4 will be created on the directory the
script if being run.