Prints to the console a list fo the next sports events on the Portuguese TV Channels. Now with user input prompt.
Shutout to zerozero for providing the rss list
There is the possibility of installing ruby and the dependencies (you can also use a package manager like bundler), or to use a containerized version with docker.
install ruby v3.2.2 - Check rbenv for more info
install the required gems
$ gem install activesupport httparty nokogiri paint rake
NOTE: alternatively if you use bundler, at the app directory:
$ bundler
You need to have docker installed and running in your machine first. Then in the project main directory:
- Build the image
$ docker build . -t <container_name>:<version_tag>
- Run the container
$ docker run -it <container_name>:<version_tag>
in the project folder
bundle exec rake start:football_now
NOTE: If you wish to run this command shortly (as shown in the gif above) you can set it up in your shell config. In my case ~/.zshrc and add method with the input name you desire, in my case tv, which would like this:
##### FOOTBALL NOW #####
tv() {
BUNDLE_GEMFILE=~/PATH/TO/THE/PROJECT/FOLDER/football_now/Gemfile bundle exec rake -f ~/PATH/TO/THE/PROJECT/FOLDER/football_now/Rakefile start:football_now
Ruby 3.2.2
Current version: 5.2.0
The changelog can be found here.