Text files and common code for RA2b Zinv analysers
Created from a fork of tmulholland/z-team-assembly 17 Aug. 2018. Create script RA2bUtils from Troy's omnibus RA2b.py script, keeping the parts needed for plotting, fitting, etc.
To create a histogram root file from Bill's front-end root macro, follow the instructions in src/README_RA2bZinvAnalysis
Edit and run histoRatios.py (from python directory):
python -u histoRatios.py
Edit and run histoZmassFits.py
These import RA2bUtils.py script to do the plotting, fitting, etc.
To run the integration code:
cd src/
root -l RA2bin_driver.C
cd python/
./getExtrapDatFiles.py sig >&! ../datFiles/DY_signal.dat
./getExtrapDatFiles.py hdp >&! ../datFiles/DY_hdp.dat
./getExtrapDatFiles.py ldp >&! ../datFiles/DY_ldp.dat
./getDoubleRatioDatFiles.py sig >&! ../datFiles/DR_signal.dat
./getDoubleRatioDatFiles.py hdp >&! ../datFiles/DR_hdp.dat
./getDoubleRatioDatFiles.py ldp >&! ../datFiles/DR_ldp.dat
cd python/