This is 'Editor extension' developed for creating the layout of 'EditorWindow' like 'Windows Forms'.
- Designing the layout of 'EditorWindow' with GUI.
- Exporting the code of 'EditorWindow' using the classes of 'uForms'.
- Exporting the code of 'EditorWindow' independently of the classes of 'uForms'.
- Exporting & Importing the layout of 'EditorWindow' in XML format.
If you click this image, the demo movie will be opened on YouTube.
- Add the variation of controls.
- Improve the method of operation.
- Add the method of placement & drawing in 'GUILayout' style.
- Correspond the function of undo & redo.
- Correspond the shortcut key.
- Make the name of the variable automatically.
- etc.
- Windows 10
- Unity 5.3.0f4
Please import the latest 'UnityPackage' into your unity project. uForms.unitypackage
uForms is licensed under the MIT License.